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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 768 - Long Time Enemy
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"You are the first person who dared to threaten me, oh wait…a moment" he snapped his fingers and smiled viciously. in second his expression changed from cheerful to somber, he slowly shifted his body towards Lory as he hissed towards her "There are consequences for your bravery little girl" he licked his lips like a predator eyeing its prey. 

Lory refused to back down from his intimidation, she stares back at him and sneered coldly, "I can tell you the same thing..."


He felt the icy metal piercing his skin then he lowered his gaze and saw that the tip of the dagger had stuck to his throat, Lory looked at him defiantly without any fear or hesitation in her eyes, the smile on the man face become more insidious "Little girl, don't tempt me..." 

"Mong Yi!" Lory mildly calls him.

From above a dark figure charged towards the mysterious man, he jumped backward to avoid Mong Yi's fierce attack, and at the same time several black figures appeared to block Mong Yi's movement and they surrounded Mong Yi simultaneously. Obviously, this was not a fair fight but Lory was hesitant to show her abilities without knowing the mysterious man's strength, however, she would rather take the risk than let Mong Yi get hurt.

Lory then noticed the mysterious man Leerd with a sinister smile plastered on his handsome face, there was an inexplicable joy and bloodlust in his eyes as if he was waiting for something terrible to happen. overwhelmed by ominous feelings Lory secretly begin to cast a spell just in case she needed to use her power to save Mong Yi.

Even though Lory was confident in Mong Yi's abilities but he was outnumbered and the enemy seemed to be stronger than usual, of course with Lory and Girsha's abilities their victory was certain but when he saw the mysterious man standing there watching them with a sickening grin on his face, Lory had doubts, she was worried what kind of tricks that person had. Lory forced himself to remain calm and keep an eye on the situation, knowing under these circumstances she couldn't be careless. 

Then suddenly Mong Yi's stomach was kicked and his body slammed to the ground harshly, Lory breaths quickened, she knew she couldn't put Mong Yi's life in danger. 

[Lory don't!] Girsha stops her [I know what you want to do, but this isn't the right time!]

Lory shouted in her head furiously [I can't let Mong Yi get killed!] 

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[Don't worry, he won't!] Girsha comforted her.

The second after Girsha finished her words, several black figures jumped down and white figures charged lightning-speed towards the mysterious man, then the mysterious man make a circular motion with his hands in the air to create a barrier with his Qi to block the attack, the man smiled evilly when their fists clashing with each other, the white figure was pushed back but he swiftly somersaulted in the air before he landed smoothly on the ground.

The mysterious expression became darker than charcoal as his eyes filled with deep hatred, "Annoying as usual, aren't you Jin Hao"

The white figure turned out to be Jin Hao, his white robes fluttered as the wind blew along with his white hair flown behind his back, Jin hao looked like a fairy descending from heaven, he looked beautiful and refine like a flawless jade. Jin Hao then elegantly put his hands behind his back, he didn't care about the man's words as he mocked the mysterious man. 

"I can tell you the same, Wei Zu Tian"

Annoyance stabbed him like a needle in his heart, even though Wei Zu Tian used to like collected beautiful things no matter if it was a person or object, alive or not, male or female, as long it's beautiful or unique he would want it. however, when it came to Jin Hao despite his beautiful appearance, Wu Ze Tian never liked Jin Hao instead he hated him since the moment he saw Jin Hao.

Jin Hao snorted in disdain, clearly, their hatred was mutual. Jin Hao looked over her shoulder, "Madam are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," Lory replied calmly.

Jin Hao might look calm on the outside but only he knows how panicked he was when Mong Yi broke the Jin-gu talisman that used to alert an emergency situation.

When Mong Yi saw the mysterious man, he didn't recognize the man at first but he was suspicious when he saw Lory's uncomfortable expression as Lory was not someone who was easily agitated by trivial matters.

When he realized who the identity of the mysterious man was, Shocked and distressed Mong Yi quickly broke the Jin-gu's talisman to alert everyone about their situation, and he held out until Hei Shen's reinforcements arrived. Luckily, they came on time.

Wei Zu Tian was sorry that Jin hao had messed up his plans "You are always such a killjoy, Jin Hao" he scowled as anger ran through his veins.

Jin Hao sneered at him, "Oh thank you, I'll take that as a compliment" he said sarcastically.

Their gazes collided and Lory could see invisible sparks of electricity between them, she was aware that these two people were mortal enemies, but why Wei Zu Tian's name sounds familiar? Lory then remembers that Zhao Li Xin had mentioned this name before, it turned out she stumbled upon one of Zhao Li Xin's enemies.

Lory now understood why Wei Zu Tian kept provoking his relationship with Zhao Li Xin, he might want to test how strong their relationship was or he might just want to mess up their relationship, but whatever the reason is, Wei Zu Tian wanted to hurt Zhao Li Xin through her. immediately a wave of anger rose within her.

Wu Ze Tian felt a shot of dagger coming from Lory's eyes then Wu Ze Tian wickedly smiles at her "Oh my, Luo Ri Yi, you has quite the expression~" he feel delighted he finally able to draw some reactions from Lory and his heart beating with excitement

"I want to say your current expression is very alluring" Wei Zu Tian spat nonsense that could make people misunderstand his words.

Jin Hao frowned in disdain when he saw Wei Zu Tian's lecherous gaze towards Lory. Jin Hao's reflex protected Lory from Wei Zu Tian's impudent gaze, but Lory was not bothered by Wei Zu Tian's disgusting comment. 

"Too bad I can't say the same about you" Lory stifled a laugh, "Well if you knew my husband you would know why I have high standards when it comes to men's faces"

The blatant ridicule made Wei Zu Tian's face stiffen, he was very proud of his appearance and shamelessly believed that his appearance was the best in the world, but even he cannot refute Lory's words because he knows she was right.

Wei Zu Tian still remembered how astonishing Zhao Li Xin's appearance was. Every feature on his face was engraved to perfection, his chin, lips, eyes, nose even his forehead was nothing but perfection, Wei Zu Tian remembered it was the first time in his life he was overwhelmed by jealousy, envy, and infatuation, it was also the beginning of his obsession towards Zhao Li Xin. 

"You're right Madam, compared to milord, this man's face is NOTHING!" Jin Hao emphasized the last words cheerfully, Jin Hao thought Wei Zu Tian was right about one thing, it was nice to see the opponent's angry face. 

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"CHARGE!" Wei Zu Tian holler.

"ATTACK!" Jin Hao followed.

Two groups of men in black uniforms jumped in the air at the same time and their fists and swords collided, the impact of their fight shook the ground even the stone bench she was sitting on before being thrown into the river, their movements were fast and sharp.

Lory watched them and furrowed her brows luckily there was faint black flame embroidery on the chest of Hei Shen's black uniform otherwise Lory wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Friend and foe. 

[Why don't they wear different uniforms…] Lory groaned inwardly. 

[This isn't Basketball, Lory] Girsha rolls his eyes.

The sound of swords clashing resounded in the air, followed by the sounds of heavy blows and broken bones. Meanwhile, Lory, Jin Hao, and Wei Zu Tian remain still they just glared at each other knowing it wasn't the right time yet. The increasingly fierce battles were starting to attract the attention of ordinary people, it wouldn't be long before the authorities would come to check the situation.

Both groups were both injured, however, neither of them would budge, it seemed no one would stop until one of them died. Lory folded her arms across her chest while watching the fight with a serious face, even though Lory looks calm but deep down she was worried about the inevitable casualties, she wonders how to stop the fight then suddenly from a distance they heard the sound of footsteps marching towards them. 

"Looks like we have to postpone our meeting" Wei Zu Tian scoffed. 

"Don't worry it won't take too long" Jin Hao raised his chin defiantly.

Wei Zu Tian sneered then he turned his gaze towards Lory "We will meet again Luo Ri Yi, I will think of you" his voice was strangely softer which made Lory shudder.

In one powerful leap Wei Zu Tian and his cronies disappeared, Jin Hao and Lory didn't waste their time either in one swift leap, they all left the area before the authorities came. When the Yamen and the guards came to an empty place, from the remnants of the battle the Yamen concluded it was a battle between two powerful groups, the Yamen felt hesitant to investigate further, luckily there were no casualties so he didn't have the urgency to investigate this matter. 

"What should we do captain?" one of the soldiers asked. 

"Let's report to the inspector, let him make the decision," said the captain, he knows this matter was beyond his paygrade.