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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 783 - Unexpected Ally
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In Sun Jan city, the Thousand Herbs Apothecary was bustling, as usual, many people came not only to buy herbs, Barks, and other ingredients but they also came for treatment.

The healers and alchemists of the Thousand Herbs Apothecary were famous in the city, and many noble families and high officials sought their help for medicine and physician therefore this place became the most famous apothecary in the city.


Of course, the success of the thousand herbs caused the envy and jealousy of many people, most of them were famous doctors and alchemists who lost their customers because of the Thousand Herbs Pharmacy,.

Using their vast connections, they tried to damage the reputation of the Thousand Potions pharmacist and they didn't stop there, they also tried to frame the whole place. Unfortunately, nothing works. 

Everyone who tries to ruin the Thousand Potions pharmacy happens to be hit by a string of bad luck some of them get a terminal illness, others had strange accidents, for the most unlucky to suddenly get criminal charges for either is rape, corruption, or murderer some people find it strange because most of the perpetrator came from an influential family in the city so no one dares to investigate the cased but suddenly the Yamen not only dare to convict the perpetrator they also got enough evidence to charge all of them.

No one knew for sure if this was related to the Thousand Herbs Apothecary and anyone who did know kept their mouths shut.

ever since then, The Thousand Herb Apothecary had become an unshakable force in Sun Jan city that not even noble families dared to offend.

Among the customers A young woman wearing a dark brown robe entered the Apothecary, her face hidden under a thick veil leaving only her bright eyes, she looked tense as if she was afraid that someone would recognize her.

If this was ordinary apothecary others would already point at the mysterious woman and make probing comments about her, but in the Thousand Herbs Pharmacy, people kept their eyes and minds to themselves for fear that they would cause themselves trouble.

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The male alchemist apprentice who disguised as a servant greeted the mysterious woman politely. 

"Good afternoon miss, is there anything I can help you with?" he cupped his fist politely.

"I need medicine," she said softly.

"Of course, what medicine do you want, do you have a prescription?" he looks eager to help.

The woman hesitated for a moment she looks left and right anxiously to make sure no one eavesdropping on their conversation "No, it's special medicine….can I meet your manager, It's very important, Uhm…I'm ready to pay any money if he accepts the request me" the woman seemed afraid the servant would refuse her offer.

on the other hand, the servant's face remained calm while nodding kindly "Of course, let me talk to the manager first!" he replied before he walked to the back of the room.

The woman was shocked at how easy it was, she thought it would not be easy for an unknown person like her to meet the manager of the famous thousand Herb Apothecary, she was ready to bribe the servant to help her meet the manager but who knows everything will go this smoothly.

Not long after the previous male servant came with a middle-aged man following behind him, the man dressed in dark green color without any embroidery on his robes made him look plain and humble, the man had black hair with a hint of gray hair and he had a long beard that reached above his chest, the man looks gentle and honest which she did not expect, she thought she would meet with obnoxious overbearing man.

The middle-aged man cupped his hand then humbly greeted the mysterious woman, "My name is Tang Huan, the manager of this place, for what purpose young miss wants to see me?"

She feel a bit awkward with the over-polite manager maybe because it's been a long time since people treated her with respect a part of her feel happy and bitter at the same time, she realizes how foolish she is. 

"I need to talk privately" said the woman again.

Tang Huan and the male servant exchanged glances, the woman does pique his interest, "Please follow me, young miss" she gave a polite hand gesture to signal her to follow her. Tang Huan then took the woman to the third floor of a restricted area that only The Hundred Herb Apothecary workers could enter. 

They stop in front of the double door at the far end of the room "This is my office" he said to the young woman then the servant opens the door for Tang Yuan and the young woman to enter.

When she entered the room she surprises at how humble the room is. She thought the office for a manager of a famous apothecary should be better than this, the room wasn't too big and it was very simple with only medium size desk, a few chairs and a couple of bookshelves attach to the wall made from light brown wood, the room had no painting, vase, or any miscellaneous decoration everything is way too simple. 

but somehow she felt calm being here, all the noises in his head suddenly muffled, for the first time after long times, everything felt quiet and peaceful. 

"Are you the one who owns this place?" she can't hold her curiosity.

Tang Huan was surprised then he burst to laugh "No, I am not" he waves his hand aimlessly in the air "I only run the shop because the owner is too lazy…" although he complains, but his voice fills with indulgence it seems the relationship between the manager and the owner close.

meanwhile, like a broken dam Tang Huan rambling incessantly "I don't mind work to the bone but I already old, can't he take some of the work and why he denies my request to raise my salary over and over again, so annoying!" he clasped his hands behind his back and puffed his chest showing his annoyance.

When Tang Huan complained he reminded him of his late grandfather, she remembered how his grandfather would complain to his father whenever she was sick or injured from playing with his older brother, she used to be afraid of his grandfather's boisterous voice but now she would give everything to hear his grandfather's voice once again.

Sadness flitted across her face but she swiftly collect herself before anyone could notice her, however, Tang Huan noticed her slight chance.

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"Erm, young lady please have a seat" he cleared his throat as he motioned for her to sit down then he takes a seat behind the desk "Since it's only the two of us now please tell me what you need" Tang Huan spoke in a formal tone.

The woman raised her gaze then she spoke with great expectation: "Yes, I came here to buy an antidote"

"Antidote?" Tang Huang raised his eyebrows in confusion, "If you need the antidote, you don't need to talk to me personally, you can just buy it downstairs?"

This is not just an ordinary antidote," she said nervously.

Tang Hua was getting more and more curious. "Young lady, what antidote do you want?" 

she took a sharp breath to ease her nerves then she quietly said, "Tthe antidote for... for the cold poison"

Tang Huan's expression stiffened, the smile on his face disappeared like smoke, and his face became more serious, Tang Huan looked at Guan Men Niang sharply, "Cold Poison?" he confirmed again.

Guan men Niang nodded, "Yes..."

"You are sure?" Tang Huan reassured.

Guan Men Niang gives a firm answer, "Yes!"

Tang Huan was silent, he rubbed his long beard pondering, the only person who has cold poison is Wei Zu Tian, Cold poison is his masterpiece therefore he won't use it if it's not important so how is this seemingly weak and timid woman connected to Wei Zu Tian.

"What is your name, young lady?" Tang Huan narrowed his eyes.

She pressed her lips into a thin line, she looked a bit scared and nervous but she realized she had no choice but to come clean if she wanted Tang Huan to help her, she finally decide to take a risk, she took off her veil and lowered her hood.

"My name is Men Niang, Guan Men Niang"