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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1208
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Chapter 1208 Arabella followed Romeo through several departments until they halted their half-day tour as Carl brought over the afternoon coffee.

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On the other side, Serena was completely stunned by the Whatmessage that her best friend had sent.

[Serena, you know my mom is the Assistant Director of Procurement at McMillian Corporation.] [This morning, she saw Romeo with a girl, hand in hand, making quite a public appearance at McMillian Corporation. By noon, they were seen lunching together at the staff canteen.] [My mom said the girl is stunning, top-notch looks, even prettier than us, and around our age.] [Turns out, Romeo's mother even made it to the canteen to jain them for lunch. They were chatting and laughing throughout, looking just like a family.] [Serena, isn't Romeo your fiancé? Why would he be with another girl? And she even received his mother's approval.] When Serena saw these messages on WhatsApp, she felt a chill down her spine as if she'd been dropped into an ice cave.

Although she knew the truth couldn't be concealed forever, she didn't expect the day to cthis swiftly.

What on earth had Arabella done to have Romeo openly parading her around McMillian Corporation, even dining with her at the staff canteen as if eager to publicize their relationship? {I heard when she arrived at the corporation, the stunning Director of HR, Irene, resigned willingly, and Maria, who had a great rapport with the McMillians, was fired by Romeo. Is it because they were too beautiful, held high positions, and threatened the girl's status] Serena read her friend's message, her feelings in turmoil, and didn't reply.

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[Romeo is your fiancé, but there are hardly any photos of you two together. Did something happen between you two? Does the engagement still stand?] Upon reading this, Serena becangrier. She thought it over and decided that concealing the truth wasn't the solution. Hence, she composed a reply.

[Honey, | broke up with Romeo a while ago. Since our parents haven't announced it yet, we haven't mentioned it to anyone. Now that he's found someone he likes, | wish him well. Don't worry about me, | have a reliable support system by my side.] Just as Serena hit send, her friend sent over several messages, incredulously asking about what had happened.

Seeing that her friend wouldn't stop until she knew the whole story, Serena explained, [Martin tirelessly pursuedand wonover with his sincerity. That's why | decided to leave Romeo for him.] Her words were quite ambiguous, insinuating that she had been the one to break up with Romeo.

Her friend was incredulous. Who would abandon the young and handsbillionaire Romeo for Martin, who paled in comparison in every aspect? [The higher the public regard for Romeo, the more critical they are of the women around him. | don’t want to live my life wearing a mask of perfection. With Martin, | can be myself] [But what about Romeo? Did he agree to let go? You two grew up together. Didn't he try to retain you, instead of giving you up to Martin?] Serena sent a sighing emoji.

[I was determined to break up, threatened him with never seeing each other again. Perhaps he was scared, or perhaps | broke his heart. Maybe | moved on too quickly with Martin, which is why he found someone new so soon, making such a public appearance.] Her friend suddenly understood, [Oh, | see. He's trying to provoke you with his new love, letting you know that he could have any woman anythe wants. No wonder the usually low-key Romeo is so ostentatious this time, he's trying to make you see.] Serena sent a helpless emoji, [He knew your mother is the Assistant Director of Procurement, knew about our relationship, yet still did this.] [God, he's so passionate. How could you bear to hurt such a good man?]