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The Return Of The God Level Assassin (WN)

Chapter 788: TO DINNER
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LUO YAN was staring at his figure, no, James Payton's figure on the full body mirror in front of him. He was already wearing his dinner suit, which fit this body perfectly if he might add. The suit was very stylish but not in a way that's campy. Just the right amount to make him look sophisticated.

It seemed that Lord James Payton was quite the fashionable man. Not only that, he was also quite handsome. Blond hair and blue-eyes, with a straight nose and healthy wheat-colored skin. His build was no joke either. This guy was obviously used to exercising.

He straightened the hem of his suit jacket, fixed his bow tie, and combed back the side of his hair. "Aren't you such a handsome chap?"

A sudden knock interrupted him while he's admiring his handsome countenance. He walked to the door and opened it, revealing a maid. It was the same one who brought him to his room.

"Is it time for dinner?" he asked with a smile.

"It is, sir," the maid said shyly. "Please, come this way."

Luo Yan walked outside and closed the door before following the maid. As they walked, he wondered if the maid could be one of his team mates. For that matter, he wondered if one of the servants could be one of those four. But somehow, he had a feeling that they're probably one of the current guests of this manor right now.

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Anyway, since he was alone with this maid, he might as well collect some information.

"I haven't seen that many servants around. Are there only a few of you?" he asked first as an opening.

But he was indeed wondering about that. Such a big manor and he had only seen about two to three maids so far. Excluding the butler, the driver, as well as the cook, having about six servants were just too few for his own opinion. This might not be an aristocratic house but from what he had seen, the Harcourts seemed to be a very wealthy family.

So, having a few servants was suspicious in itself. As if his detective talent was agreeing with him, another notification alarmed in his mind.

[Ding! Your detective talent finds the lack of servants in the manor suspicious!]

Luo Yan was still not used to this sudden 'ding' inside his head every time his analysis was right and something was indeed suspicious. It's like he just received a WeChat message or something.

But it's a good thing to know that there was indeed a problem with the number of servants in this manor. Meaning them being this few was intentional. But why? Was William Harcourt the one who wanted it to be this way? Again, why? He felt like the answer was already in his grasp but somehow, it continued to elude him.

"Yes, sir. Mr. Gilmore said that it's because the master didn't like to have many people around. That's why the number of servants here is only this much," the maid responded.

Because of his detective talent just now, Luo Yan knew that what the maid said was not the real reason. Just what was William Harcourt planning?

"It must be quite a chore, cleaning such a big manor," he commented with superficial worry.

"Oh no, sir. 'Tis our job. How could it be a chore?"

Luo Yan smiled genuinely this time. "That's a good mindset to have," he said. "By the way, since I arrived here quite late, I wasn't able to meet the other guests. Are there anyone else besides Mr. Harcourt's children?"

"Yes, sir, their spouses and children are with them. Although since Master Charles is still unmarried, he came alone. The master's personal doctor also came, as well as his solicitor," the maid answered. "Oh, I almost forgot, the widow of the master's son who died some years back is supposed to come as well. But she hasn't arrived yet."

Luo Yan raised his brows when he heard that last part. The widow of the man who died in the fire 20 years ago. Not only that, her young son also died in that fire. If William had suspicion about what happened back then, surely this woman would also have one of her own.

Her husband and son died. If she also suspected that it wasn't an accident, then there's a chance that she would want revenge. If some kind of killing spree was to start in this manor, then she would definitely be the number one suspect.

Or she could be just a red herring. Someone that would be a 'shield' for the real culprit.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Luo Yan shook his head. It's only the beginning and he's already starting to overthink. He should calm down first. He hadn't even met the other characters in this 'story' yet.

The maid brought him to the drawing room first. It's a room where guests usually stayed during a dinner party when dinner hadn't yet been served. When he walked into the room, he felt a lot of gaze landing on his body. Some were curious while others were scrutinizing.

Just like how others were observing him, he was also doing the same thing.

The closest to the door was a man probably in his mid-30s. He was dressed sloppily with messy black hair and a few days stubbles on his face.

On the far left was a man in his early 50s. Unlike the first one, he was very presentable. He was standing straight with a perfect posture with his chin so high up one would think it was stuck there. He had an equally arrogant expression on his face as if everything was beneath him. But surprisingly enough, when he looked at the woman standing beside him, his expression would soften.

The woman should be in his late 20s. Very beautiful, with long blond hair and green eyes. Her skin was also pale like alabaster. At a glance, one would think that she's the daughter of the older man. But with how the latter looked at her, Luo Yan could immediately tell that this woman was the man's wife.

Did he remarry? A woman old enough to be his daughter, how ghastly. That would explain why the much younger man standing close to them was glaring at the two. This young man must be the son.

Then, on the further right, a couple was also standing together. This time with their daughter. The man was in his mid-40s with a gentle look on his face. He looked quite ordinary, like someone you would pass by without even noticing.

The woman, on the other hand, who appeared to be in her early 40s, was quite the beauty. But because of the way she dressed, all covered up without any skin showing, and the way she slouched as if she's afraid of something, it simply diminished that beauty.

The young lady with them also had the same look as her mother. All nervous and fidgeting, as if announcing to everyone that she's very uncomfortable being here.

The last, but not the least, were the two men standing in the middle. One was much older while the other looked to be in his 40s. The two must be the doctor and the solicitor. He just wasn't sure who was who.

Luo Yan smiled at all of them. "Good evening."