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The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 364 The Perilous Desert Gets Even More Perilous (3)
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As Ji Yuan walked with Yun Chi side by side as he followed Gong Xiaotian and several cultivators, he was also cursing Xiang Li and Fairy Anyang in his soul sea.

"Why didn't you stop me?"

But at the same time his roving eyes were looking at Yun Chi's slender legs; she really got beautiful legs…

Fairy Anyang protested weakly, "We did!"

Xiang Li nodded, "Yes, we did!"

"You should be more insistent! You should know sometimes that I really didn't mean what I'm saying. And now you're forcing me to go on a date with Yun Chi!" Ji Yuan sighed to them.

"You should remember how dangerous she is that night. I actually don't want to be in any dangerous place with her around."

Xiang Li, Fairy Anyang: …

Ji Yuan sighed again to them, "But it is not your fault. She is too cunning. She has to use the good man's card by calling me a hero and pretending to be a vulnerable maiden. Alas, I am really a sucker when a vulnerable maiden needs my protection."

Fairy Anyang muttered weakly, "You know and you fall for it."

Xiang Li giggled, "That's my Big Brother. He is always up for new game."

Ji Yuan: …

"Xiang Li, we should really talk. You're damaging my reputation in front of my Spirit Consort Anyang here."

Fairy Anyang weakly muttered, "Forget about your reputation. There aren't any."

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Then Fairy Anyang smiled, "My lord, you seem to have forgotten something."

Ji Yuan: ???

Fairy Anyang giggled, "Shouldn't you dedicate a poem for Xiang Li and I as well? It is only fair."

Xiang Li giggled, "That's right! Big Brother, I want a poem too. Write something that is better than the one that you've written for Maiden Yun Chi."

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

All of a sudden Fairy Anyang asked Ji Yuan, "My lord. I've found Maiden Yun Chi to be a little suspicious. Do you think that she is the Dea-"

Ji Yuan firmly said, "She is not the Death God Mingwang for sure. First of all, the Death God Mingwang is a guy. Secondly, she doesn't have any desolate aura on her. She is the same as us."

He sighed heavily before saying solemnly, "Although voice can be disguised but a person's aura can never be disguised. As for her real intention, we may never know. But it is better that we guard against her."

Fairy Anyang asked, "How do you intend to guard against her?"

Ji Yuan chuckled, "This is actually the easiest. Never be caught alone with her. Haha."




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Gong Xiaotian had led Ji Yuan and Yun Chi far away from the main camp.

And soon they had come to desolate desert valley where they saw another group of cultivators.

Gong Xiaotian lit a smile as he said to Ji Yuan and Yun Chi, "We're here."

Ji Yuan shifted his eyes to look around suspiciously; he had sense killing malevolent intentions from Gong Xiaotian and the other cultivators…

All of a sudden he had realized that Gong Xiaotian was leading him into an ambush and he was displeased.

Gong Xiaotian did not know that Ji Yuan was actually extra sensitive when someone was planning to kill him and that he had been playing a game of cat and mouse with the Black Hand Guild, an assassin guild in the past.

Ji Yuan suddenly said, "Brother Gong! There is no underground ruin, am I right? What game are you playing with me?"

Gong Xiaotian had turned around with a cold smirk, "It is too late for you to realize it."

When he had said that, twenty other cultivators had also surrounded Ji Yuan and Yun Chi with their swords that were drawn.

Gong Xiaotian turned to Yun Chi to smirk coldly, "Maiden Yun Chi, this is none of your business. Step aside first. This is between us and this Ji Yuan."

His plan was simple enough;

First, get Ji Yuan.

Second, let the rest of the surviving cultivators fight over Yun Chi and then he will give the final backstabbing to the last remaining cultivators.

All the last remaining cultivators were actually his remaining cultivators!

Eventually he would get everything.

Yun Chi smiled pleasantly, "Indeed, this has nothing to do with me."

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Now he has to deal with twenty-one cultivators all alone…

Fairy Anyang sighed in Ji Yuan's soul sea, "I've told you to be wary of Gong Xiaotian. Now look what happens. Now we're all going to die because of you. My million years of existence is gone like the winds."

Xiang Li asked panicky, "Big Brother, do you have any trump cards left? Can you fight in this condition? Can you aim?"

Ji Yuan muttered weakly, "My little brother never miss..."

He quickly returned his focus back to his upcoming battle as he brandished his two divine swords out while saying emotionless to Gong Xiaotian and to the rest of the cultivators, "Try me."

Yun Chi giggled as she interrupted Ji Yuan, "What's the hurry? I haven't finished yet. Although this has nothing to do with me, I've decided to take your side."

Not only was Ji Yuan startled but Gong Xiaotian was also startled.

Ji Yuan didn't expect that Yun Chi will be fighting on his side.

Gong Xiaotian said to Yun Chi, "I'll give you one more chance to decide. We don't want to hurt you."

Yun Chi giggled softly, "Do you really think that I am a foolish young maiden that will believe everything that you've said? Ji Yuan didn't offend you and yet you are after his life. Just because you covet his saint-step divine sword? If you can kill him for this, you're capable of doing anything. I don't believe that you will let me off after you've done with Ji Yuan. After all, you want to maintain your 'good guy' image."

Gong Xiaotian said coldly, "Then you will regret it! Everyone, attack!"

Immediately, all the cultivators were attacking Ji Yuan at the same time as they displayed their powerful profound arts.

Ji Yuan immediately lifted his left sword defensively to parry off the attacks while he used his saint sword on his right hand for his counter-attack.

Several cultivators were startled by the profound strength that was displayed by Ji Yuan as they were suddenly knocked back at the same time while one cultivator was overpowered by Ji Yuan's saint sword that he was crushed thunderously onto the ground with disbelief.

"He is just a sword cultivator. It is impossible for him to overwhelm us with his profound strength…"

"Don't engage him with melee strokes. The strength of his divine sword is stronger than us…"

"Attack him with all our profound arts instead…"

Several profound arts were fired in a barrage around Ji Yuan but Ji Yuan had suddenly turned his two divine swords in a whirlwind direction as he dissipated the profound energies that were being directed at him.

That was not all.

He had suddenly mustered his profound strength to execute two Super Heavenly Light of the Coiling Dragon as two bright profound light spammed around him to send all his attackers flying off.

Four of the unlucky cultivators were caught by the overwhelming profound force and were killed instantly.

A dozen cultivators all sustained heavy injuries while the rest was lucky to escape without any injuries; mainly because they were either cornering Yun Chi like Gong Xiaotian or were too far away.

Gong Xiaotian and many of the cultivators could not believe that even saint cultivators would be killed in a single hit by Ji Yuan.

Their divine sense had warned them of a profound energy build up but they had never suspected that it would be two super profound energies build up instead!

In a blink of an eye, their divine sense was confused when the super profound energies that suddenly split into two and that was enough to cause chaos for the attackers who were all trying to display their profound arts to neutralize it or just fleeing.

Those that did try to retaliate with their profound arts were startled that they were also being overwhelmed by it and some was even killed instantly by their own profound energies.

Using profound energies to neutralize profound energies can sometimes be extremely dangerous.

For example, in order to neutralize a profound force, the cultivator must use a profound art that is equaled to 70% of the offensive profound art.

Below 70%, their profound force will be dissipated and they had to take an extra 30% of their profound force as damage.

Below 30%, their profound force will be added to the offensive profound force and will rebound upon them.

None of them had expected that a sword cultivator would be capable of displaying such an almighty profound force and many were gasping with shock.

When the initial shock had cleared, they were stunned to see that there were two glowing sword spirits on both Ji Yuan's forehand!

Two sword spirits?!

This has never happened in the Celestial Realm before!

Also when a sword spirit is on the forehand instead of the forehead, the cultivator will be transferring the profound might of the sword spirit from a defensive sword aura into an offensive aura.

And Ji Yuan had two sword spirits.

All of a sudden they had all realized they had all underestimated Ji Yuan who was rumored to be heavily injured and incapable of exerting his profound strength.

Not only did he still have the profound strength to wield his two divine swords but he had also just executed a super profound force that will tax the cultivator of almost all their profound strength.

Gong Xiaotian quickly assured everyone, "Don't be fooled by his feign attack! After using this super profound attack, he won't have much profound strength anymore. This is just his feint. Attack everyone!"

Immediately a dozen cultivators began their counter-attack.

Gong Xiaotian's words aroused their spirits once more.

And he is right.

It is impossible for Ji Yuan to use such a super profound attack so quickly because right now, his inner spiritual sea must be trying to re-charge itself. And if they could keep Ji Yuan occupied by exerting his profound strength nonstop then he would never gain the profound strength to use another super profound attack again.

Ji Yuan cursed Gong Xiaotian silently as he released a barrage of powerful sword energies that exploded furiously at his attackers.

But his attackers were all top seventh realm cultivators so naturally his attacks were merely a nuisance to them and he could not stop them from surrounding him once again.

Ji Yuan's fingers were trembling now as he engaged the cultivators in a melee. One to one, he was stronger but these cultivators were combining their sword strength together to push him back now and they had also responded by attacking him on all fronts.

Even though Ji Yuan was cornered, he still took a peek at where Yun Chi was and saw that she was being cornered pathetically and that she was using her bare hands to fight against several divine swords that were being used against her.

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He was quite stunned.

She is so weak?!

And she doesn't even have a divine sword?

Does she want to lose her fingers or something?!

So he shouted over to her, "Yun Chi! You're still pretending to be weak? Use your wings or we will all be dead!"

Only his excellent swordplay was keeping the dozens of sword strokes that were aimed at him at bay now.

All of a sudden Ji Yuan had realized that he shouldn't have said the last word out because he was pretending not to see it in front of her.

This was not lost on Yun Chi when suddenly, she had grown a pair of white metallic wings on her bare back, startling all the onlookers.

And before all the cultivators could react to it, the white feathers that were her wings were flying out in the form of twenty-four sharp flying swords, dismembering everyone to pieces in a blink of an eye, except for Ji Yuan.

And the twenty-four flying swords were now hovering around Ji Yuan, ready to attack him at any time.

Ji Yuan had never seen such swift swords before and he had never seen real flying swords and she had twenty-four flying swords…

Moreover these twenty-four flying swords were all immortal-step divine swords as pronounced by their sword auras…

Too fierce!

How the heck

Yun Chi was smiling coldly now, "So you've already known long ago."

Ji Yuan weakly said, "I was only babbling nonsense earlier. How the heck do I know that you really have a pair of sword wings."

Xiang Li weakly said, "Big Brother, you are saying that as long as you are not alone with her, you will be alright, am I right?"

Fairy Anyang was also saying weakly, "Now you're alone with her…"

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

But he was now saying weakly to Yun Chi, "Maiden Yun Chi, erm…are we allies? You can put away your swords now. They are all dead now."

Yun Chi smiled pleasantly, "Are we allies? When did that happen? I only remember that you don't want me to be in your party. Isn't it too late to claim to be my ally now?"

Ji Yuan hummed coldly all of a sudden, "You're too shameless!"

"I'm shameless? In what way?" Yun Chi smiled.

"Of course you're too shameless! You've taken my betrothed gift and now you want to kill your future lord?" Ji Yuan hummed coldly.

Yun Chi giggled, "You're the shameless one. When did I ever take your betrothed gift?"

Ji Yuan said righteously, "That painting with my dedicated poem that is for you, is my betrothed gift to you and you've already accepted it!"

Yun Chi: …

Yun Chi: …

Yun Chi: …

Xiang Li giggled in Ji Yuan's soul sea, "Well said, Big Brother!"

Fairy Anyang sighed heavily, "This is not going to get you out of this situation. You're just saying this out of desperation."

Ji Yuan answered weakly, "Then do you have any other solution?"