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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 2461
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The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2461

Following that, the anxious Master Greendrake then asked, “W-what should we do then, Master..?”

“Treat him with spirit-reviving herbs. Extract the herbs’ liquid essence then soak his entire body in it for the next

forty-nine days.

Following that, I’ll use my essential qi to stabilize his cultivation. If everything is done correctly, he should be able to

get out of his critical condition.”

Following that, a beam of light shot out of the stone statue and enveloped Filipe’s body.. Within seconds, Filipe was

already looking slightly better!


Overjoyed to see that, Master Greendrake then exclaimed, “T-thank you, Master..!”

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“I apologize for losing the Heavenly Guard Order you gave me, Master..! Unfortunately, I think it’s now in Gerald’s

hands..!” whimpered Filipe in an apologetic tone.

“What?! You even lost your angelic artifact..?!” exclaimed the stunned Master Greendrake. “Senior Filipe had no

choice, Uncle Greendrake..! Had he not tossed it out, we wouldn’t have survived till now..! ” explained Elain.

“M-master..I I truly deserve to die for not teaching my son well.! I apologize that he lost your angelic artifact as

well.!” wailed Master Greendrake as he got n his knees.

“Though aggrieving, there are more important matters we should be focusing on. For one, since we know that

Gerald isn’t a normal person, the fact that he now possesses the Heavenly Guard Order means that you’re now

even more outmatched by him.

With that in mind, we need to double our efforts on investigating his background! If he’s an enemy, I’ll exterminate

him when necessary. If he isn’t, however, we may possibly get him to join our forces! Our strength would surely be

doubled then!” declared the stone statue in a smug tone.

Watching as the four disciples exchanged curious glances, the stone statue then added, “I suggest that you invite

Gerald to a banquetand find a chance to test his abilities.

Naturally, you’ll also have to ask him what he’s doing here. Again, I’ll appear only when necessary. That aside,

remember to avoid directly battling him! Come to think of it, since we’re investigating him, he must already be

doing the same to us.

With that in mind, a banquet would be a perfect opportunity for us to meet and gain a good understanding of each


“An excellent idea! We’ll get to it right this instant!” declared Master Greendrake as he bowed toward the stone

statue, prompting its glow to slowly dim out..

“Master has already left, Eldest Senior.. That aside, will Gerald really come if we host the banquet.. ?” asked Master


“Weren’t you listening to what he said? The boy’s also investigating us, so he’ll definitely be eager to meet us for a

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talk! Speaking of the banquet.. The venue will be your place, Elain.

I’Il be leaving the management aspects to you and your family as well,” said Master Greendrake as he looked at


“Understood..!.” declared Elain.

Meanwhile, Gerald was busy treating Darkwind. As for Lyndon, he had been sent out to protect Marcel and

Professor Boyle.

After all, Marcel was his last chance of finding the tree.

Still, to think that obtaining the Yinblood pellets would be this tedious… Who could’ve expected that the Zandts had

such a huge force backing them up! That aside, the expert who was able to deflect his martial arts was also making

Gerald worried. It didn’t help that Gerald didn’t know a thing about him yet.

All this was making his one glimmer of hope fade out again.

Once Darkwind was fully treated, Gerald sighed before muttering, “I wonder how Professor Boyle and the others

are doing with their investigation..”It was exactly at that moment when Lyndon and the professor came running in

while yelling, “M-Mr. Crawford..!”