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The Spider Queen-Novel

Chapter 239: Freedom!
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Chapter 239: Freedom!

(Unova Syndicate)

(Hidden Location- Planet Xerciam Prime)


Sophie could not help but be amazed as she gracefully ducked and weaved through the metalloid tendrils rising up from the floor.

Merging biological matter with metals was not an unknown technology but very few of these weapons were used in the Federation.

Bio-metallic weapons were just too expensive to maintain and their effectiveness was not much higher than traditional thermal or cold weapons.

Sophie extended her blade-like appendages outwards and easily blocked the incoming attacks without cutting through the material.

She didn’t want to reveal how sharp the barbs at the end of her appendages were unless it was absolutely necessary.

They would be her ultimate trump card.

Q’reanea jiggled around angrily as he saw Sophie running around the room without being affected by his weapon.

Lily was currently being held close to Sophie’s chest and was being protected by her slender but powerful arms.

Sophie narrowed her golden eyes and felt the familiar surge of bloodlust flowing steadily through her veins.

This time…. she indulged it.

Her eyes rapidly shifted from their normal golden hue to a crimson red as Sophie’s fangs glistened sharply under the light.

An enormous pressure surrounding her body was being emitted that caused cracks to appear on the floor wherever she landed.

The familiar feeling of madness almost caused Sophie to lose her reasoning and attack with reckless abandon, but Lily’s soft and fragile body helped her to hold on to her sanity.

The full might of a qi tide stage cultivator was released.

Q’reanea frowned slightly as it seemed that the situation was about to become far more complicated.

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He had originally thought that the hybrid client was merely in the qi body stage and she would be solved quickly.

Things were going to be a bit harder if she had a higher cultivation level.

Sophie saw that the innkeeper was distracted for a brief moment, so she lightly moved her feet in a strange pattern to activate her secret technique.


Sophie’s figure suddenly blurred and vanished into thin air. 

Three identical clones of herself and Lily soon appeared in her place.

One clone rushed straight towards Q’reanea while grinning like a savage beast while the other circled around silently like a predator waiting in the darkness.

Q’reanea was not fooled by the illusion technique and responded by sending a shard of his qi into the bioweapon that made the tendrils move faster and faster.

Two of the figures fell swiftly until the attack but the third body was nowhere in sight. 

Q’reanea quickly formed multiple eyeballs inside his jelly-like body but no sign of the hybrid girl could be found.

Where was she?

Where was the final clone?

“Behind you darling,” a cold voice sounded out from behind Q’reanea ‘s head and then a sharp blade was thrust into his skull.


Q’reanea manoeuvred the bio- metalloid tendrils to block the blow and then thrust the metal fragments into Sophie’s body.

What a foolish girl!

Who would announce a sneak attack before performing it?

Q’reanea smiled contently as he watched the metalloid tendrils sink deeply into the flesh of the hybrid girl.

A special neurotoxin would then be injected into her bloodstream that would block her qi and prevent her from activating any cultivation techniques.

Q’reanea watched as the metalloid tendrils entered smoothly into the hybrid girl’s body but something just didn’t feel right as on the face of the girl… 

There was no panic.

Rather she seemed to be… giving him a look of pity?

“Got you…” Sophie whispered as her body unexpectedly dispersed into qi energy.

Q’reanea didn’t even have time to react before an abrupt palm strike hit the front of his body with astonishing force.

He flew backwards almost thirty feet before crashing heavily against the wall.

Then his gelatinous body slid down with a thump as Q’reanea struggled to comprehend what just happened.

“You…. you…. there were four,” Q’reanea wheezed heavily as he felt pain surge through his damaged biomass.

Sophie approached the ion transmitter device that had fallen on the group during the conflict and tried her best to recall the combination number.

Luckily, she had gotten a clear look at the sequence that Q’reanea had inputted, so it didn’t take long to remember the code.

“I’d advise you not to move,” Sophie stood up and walked towards the remaining cages confidently without paying the innkeeper any more attention.

“Don’t underestimate me,” Q’reanea growled in rage as he saw the hybrid girl begin to unlock the cages that housed his prized specimen.

“I am also a qi tide cultivator!”

Q’reanea circulated the qi in his dantian throughout his blob-like body and prepared to launch a counterattack.

But then….

“Cough! Cough” a violent and painful noise erupted from the mouths formed on Q’reanea’s body as the alien doubled over in pain.

“What… what did you do to me?” Q’reanea moaned painfully as he suddenly felt a sharp fiery sensation begin to spread.

In addition, nasty sores and bloody ulcers were forming on the surface of his skin at a rapid pace. 

Q’reanea paled in shock as he realised that with every circulation of qi around his body…. 

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The symptoms would only get worse.

Sophie smiled gently and continued to release cage after cage that imprisoned the helpless alien creatures held hostage by the innkeeper.

An empty syringe was already safely inside her storage bag so there was no evidence about what she had done.

Sophie wasn’t sure if Q’reanea’s jelly-like body could regenerate but it didn’t matter as she never planned on using her spider appendages to attack.

She was a poison cultivator!

Q’reanea had been injected with a nasty strain of a hyper toxin virus found on the desert planet of Periec.

This lovely little gift was courtesy of Katarina who had given her an entire arsenal of new poisons to play with as soon as she had arrived home. 

The innkeeper would have at most ten more minutes to live.

Eventually Sophie finished unlocking the final cage and then calmly pierced the door with her spider appendages before ripping it apart.

By now poor Q’reanea was nothing more than a cold corpse laying down on the ground.

The alien prisoners could not believe that freedom had come so soon, and they all started to praise Sophie for her kindness.

“We’re free?”

“Thank you! Oh, thank you!”

“You must save us!”

“Shut up!” Sophie ordered as the noise was now increasing to the point where she was sure that hotel guests would come out of their rooms to see the excitement.

“The only gift I can give you all is this. I’m sorry but I can’t take you all with me,” Sophie bowed her head and apologized. 

Sophie could still hear the desperate cries and curses from the now freed aliens echoing from behind her as she exited the room.

A part of her was tempted to help but there was really nothing she could do. 

Q’reanea was not a simple character and there would definitely be an investigation launched by the powers who stood behind him.

The safest thing to do now was to flee this small city immediately and run to the nearest port once she kidnapped a resident and interrogated him. 

Ignoring the shocked cries from the curious onlookers in the street, Sophie ran swiftly from the hotel entrance and dashed towards the exit of the city with Lily in her arms.

The remaining prisoners seeing that their saviour had vanished, glanced at each other briefly before also scrambling away for freedom.