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The Spider Queen-Novel

Chapter 254: Please Don’t Sue Us...
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Chapter 254: Please Don't Sue Us…

(Unova Syndicate- Planet Xerciam Prime)

(Rexanera Sea)

“Please help me….”

“Arghhhhh! My arm is falling off!”

“I will hold the Libera group personally responsible for this mess!”

Agonizing grunts of pain and harsh yelling could be heard everywhere on the upper deck as the surviving passengers were receiving medical treatment.

What happened earlier that night had been a complete disaster.

A ship with a crew of about two hundred members escorting one thousand passengers had been mercilessly slaughtered.

Only about fifty people had survived the attack and those survivors were generally individuals who purchased special class tickets or had sufficient personal strength.

Sophie sat quietly in a corner and watched the commotion with a blank expression on her face. 

Somehow Lily had managed to fall asleep once more, so the little girl was currently still in her arms.

To the credit of the rescuers sent by the Libera group, the corpses on the upper deck had been swiftly cleared and now only a faint bloody scent lingered in the air.

Agents wearing dark purple uniforms were weaving through the crowd and handing out supplies to those in need.

Sophie could even see the two men who had brought her to the upper deck currently talking to what appeared to be their leader.

Once in awhile one of the men would glance at her location but Sophie pretended not to see it.

This whole matter had been incredibly strange.

Listening to the whispers of the passengers nearby revealed some incredibly odd details about the entire affair.

Apparently not a single valuable was taken nor was the ship destroyed once the invaders retreated.

So, the purpose of this attack was clearly not monetary.

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But then what?


Corporate warfare?

Sophie wasn’t arrogant enough to think that the matter involved her personally otherwise the invaders sent would not have such low strength.

Well, either way Sophie’s main goal was to leave the planet as soon as possible so these matters did not have to concern her.

“Do you need medical treatment?” an agent walked up the Sophie with a small white bag in hand.

“No thank you,” Sophie replied politely with an indifferent expression.

The agent nodded and moved on to the next group to see if anyone required aid. 

Sophie had been slightly injured during the encounter with the invaders, but all her wounds had only been small nicks.

With the aid of her regenerative ability, these cuts had already been completely sealed up.

The only problem now was the dull throbbing feeling in her head that was probably a result of forcibly snapping herself out of the bloodlust state.

Sophie casually reached into her storage device and pulled out three vials of nutrient solution. 

Without any hesitation she smoothly popped open the caps and downed the contents one after another.

Cultivators when ascending to higher levels would no longer require food or drink but somehow in Sophie’s case…

She could feel her appetite only increase.

The nutrient vials could settle her hunger for now, but it would not be a lie to say that Sophie wanted to eat some regular food.

Tearing off and then eating the bloody flesh from those corpses didn’t count.

A few hours passed by peacefully and soon the light of dawn peeked over the horizon. 

Sophie squinted her golden eyes and watched quietly as the two blue suns rose slowly into the air. 

It had taken the rescuers the entire night to treat the injured and now a new day had begun.

“Urgh….” Lily groaned as she shifted uncomfortably around in Sophie’s arms.

“Wake up sleepyhead,” Sophie grinned playfully and pinched the little girl’s plump cheeks.

“Stop it… no… no more…” Lily tried to push Sophie’s hand away, but her strength was no match for a hybrid girl eager to tease her.

“Big sis…. please…I’ll get up! I’m awake!”

Sophie gently put Lily feet first on the floor and sent over a voice transmission to explain what had happened last night.

Sophie was silently grateful that she had made the little girl wear a mask as it was obvious Lily was excited to know all the details.

Naturally, her retelling of the events last night left out the violent details that weren’t suitable for young children to hear.

“Big sister you’re amazing!” Lily peeked at Sophie with sparkling eyes.

“You chased all those bad guys away all by yourself.”

Sophie faintly smiled and could not help but feel a bit happier in her heart to win the admiration of her tiny fan.

This sweet moment was unexpectedly broken by a loud announcement coming from the front of the ship.

“Attention please!”

“Attention please!”

Sophie raised her head and took a look at the man on stage. It was the same person she had suspected was the leader of the rescue team.

Unlike the agents who wore dark purple uniforms, the man onstage wore a white jacket with several strange symbols threaded into the sides.

His appearance was vaguely humanoid but the tentacles that sprouted out from his lower half caused him to glide unevenly onto the stage.

The colour of the man’s skin was a dull grey and numerous small appendages could be seen moving slowly across his back.

“I’m sure everyone must be confused about what happened last night,” Captain Ahab began his speech in an even tone.

The problem was that these opening words caused several disgruntled passengers to stand up and voice their complaints.

“Of course, we are you fucking idiot!”

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“How is the security so bad?”

“I demand to speak to a representative of your headquarters right now!”

“Do you have any idea who are the powerful clans backing me?

Captain Ahab stood quietly and did not give a response to any of the vicious voices cursing him and the Libera group.

Eventually his lack of response caused the voices to die down and everyone impatiently waited for him to resume speaking.

Captain Ahab cleared his throat and tried a second time,

“As I was saying….”

“There will be a full investigation launched regarding the attack last night and there is no need for concern because the Libera financial group is prepared to accept partial responsibility for the matter.”

“All surviving passengers will be fully refunded the costs of their tickets as well as an additional twelve thousand dollars in compensation for any damages.”

“If you wish to take the money please go to our stations and sign the release form.”

Several agents walked up to left side of the captain and released self-inflating chairs and tables.

Sophie was a bit confused about this sudden offer to give out money but luckily there was a similar situation in Sui Meng’s memories.

Apparently during ancient Earth times, this was basically a form of legal hush money. 

By accepting the money and signing away their rights to hold the financial group responsible, this was the Libera group’s way to prevent a court case.

Sophie’s wasn’t familiar with any of the laws inside the Unova Syndicate, so her best option was to just take the money.

Plus, where would she have the time to hire a lawyer and spend years in an uphill battle with an unknown legal system.

She wasn’t the only one with a similar idea and a handful of passengers were now walking towards the stations with undisguised glee in their eyes.

Sophie also followed the crowd but noticed that some of the other passengers were staring at them with disdain.

These passengers were wearing clothes that were obviously made from a high-quality material so the twelve thousand dollars being offered may only be a small amount to them.

Well from their point of view it was indeed best to sue the financial group in court so Sophie could understand why the wealthier passengers thought those seeking the money now were a bit foolish.

But mosquito meat was still meat, so Sophie resolutely chose to sign using the same name that was on the ticket.

Lily had been registered as her companion, so Sophie was able to write down her name and receive the additional money on her behalf.

It was a simple process and soon Sophie returned to Lily’s location with a storage device that felt quite a bit fuller.