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The Spider Queen-Novel

Chapter 714 The Burden Of Proof
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(Alpha Star System- Planet Gaia)

(Hireyn City- Private Amphitheatre)

"Those species names are Naslitsers, Serpentinea, Fayera and the Arachnais," Dr. Valenna calmly spoke.

"They are the 'minds' so to speak of the Insectoid Empire. By studying even one member of each species we may be able to win the war against the Insectoids."

"Don't you agree?"

"Yes. I believe that the war should be ended as soon as possible but this is neither the time nor the place for such discussions," Sophie responded coldly

The hybrid girl remained calm and not a hint of the panicked emotions flooding her mind was displayed on her face.

She could see Cleo in the crowd looking at her with a worried expression but Sophie just gave her a small smile.

Anyone could talk.

But did this Dr. Valenna woman have proof?

Meanwhile the crown prince was looking at the situation with furrowed brows. He just could not understand how Duchess Peterlor was remaining so calm.

Dr. Valenna had gotten information from interrogating the captured Serpentinesa in her lab and what she had learnt had massive implications.

The alien had described three of the four species but admitted to have never seen an Arachnais due to their elusive nature.

However, by studying his DNA, Dr. Valenna was able to discover that all high-level Insectoid species possessed a certain combination of genes that allowed them to secrete pheromones.

This was what allowed them to control the lesser species.

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It was a process similar to how ant queens commanded their colony of workers.

That might have been the end of the matter were it not for a trading ship that entered the Hydra Star System whose captain claimed to have seen an Arachnais.

He was only able to give a visual description but it was eerily similar to the hybrid girl whose face was plastered across the Virtual Net.

Sophie Peterlor.

Of course at first Dr. Valenna had no intention of acting on this information since it was unverified and she would need to analyse Duke Peterlor's daughter's genetic makeup.

But then one of the main investors in Project Rhat'ets made contact with her.

The crown prince was interested in this piece of information and had brought her to the succession ceremony of the young duchess.

Dr. Valenna was not sure what trick he had up his sleeve but all she had to do was follow his orders exactly.

"It is interesting that you would say that…" Dr. Valenna paused for a moment and her voice echoed throughout the open hall.

"Because we have good reason to believe that your biological mother may have been a member of the Arachnais tribe."

Shocked gasps and hushed whispers erupted across the hall as the nobles talked amongst themselves.

Sophie's fingers tapped ever so slightly on the side of the iron throne but again there was no change of expression on her face.

"Dr. Valenna… that is a very serious accusation," Sophie slowly spoke and a terrible pressure appeared around her body.

The floor beneath her feet cracked slightly and her golden eyes seemed to glow as they stared at the scientist.

"I hope that you are not here to toss around baseless claims without any proof," Sophie whispered darkly.

"Please allow me to interject," Prince Theseus interrupted Sophie's warning as he stepped forward with a peaceful smile on his face.

"The evidence is considered confidential, so it is difficult to speak out loud. However, this matter can be easily solved if you allowed us to examine your genetic makeup."

"WHAT NONSENSE!" Duke Braveheart's bellowing voice drowned out the crown prince's much softer tone.

"You place such a serious accusation against the Duchess of House Peterlor and then refuse to provide any evidence?"

"Why should the duchess be forced to prove herself innocent of a bloodline crime with no proof or reasoning."

"Why don't I declare that you have Insectoid heritage? Would you be willing to expose your genetic code?"

Duke Braveheart's words helped to put cold water on the situation and soon the other nobles in the room nodded along and agreed with him.

Sophie calmed herself down and looked at the situation a bit more objectively.

Yes… why would the burden of proof be on her?

If the crown prince and Dr. Valenna wanted to reveal her true heritage, then they would have simply done so already.

Not play this game with words as if trying to force her to confess.

"I agree with the duke's words," Sophie replied with a small smile on her lips.

"If you have any significant proof whatsoever, I will wholeheartedly agree to providing you with a full map of my DNA in order to prove my innocence."

"However I think that most of audience in the hall will agree that you have not said anything of value and your accusation has not been backed up with evidence."

Prince Theseus' eyebrows twitched slightly as he heard Sophie's words. This was not how it was supposed to go.

His master said that she was only a nineteen-year-old girl! How could she remain so objective and calm when her heritage was exposed?

Dr. Valenna adjusted her glasses and saw that the crowd was now beginning to turn against them.

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Still even though they had failed… it was not a total loss.

This was a seed.

If one day Sophie Peterlor's true heritage came to light then those present in the hall would remembered this day and how she vehemently denied the accusation.

"Perhaps we were too hasty," Dr. Valenna spoke gently as her eyes never left Sophie's body even for a second.

"One of the greatest sins for any scientist such as myself is to treat hypotheses as facts and I have done so by accusing you without further proof."

"It is just that in my excitement to find another high level Insectoid specimen… I may have gotten carried away."

"Please forgive me."

Dr. Valenna politely bowed her head and a regretful expression flashed across her face. Yet Sophie could not see any trace of that sincerity in her eyes.

She was just acting out a play to restore her reputation and unfortunately Sophie would need to follow her lead.

Taking revenge or publicly humiliating them would reflect badly on her reputation during the succession ceremony to become the next head of House Peterlor.

"Of course. I have an enormous amount of respect for the work that you do to keep the Federation safe from out enemies," Sophie smoothly replied.

Still, that did not mean that she would forget.

Sophie inhaled with her nostrils and then gently exhaled. She blinked twice and then nodded at Duke Braveheart.

"Well unless there are any more objections…" Duke Braveheart's words contained the barest hint of a warning.

There was another moment of silence however thankfully no one else decided to cause a scene.

Duke Braveheart walked up to Sophie who stretched out her hand towards him. The ring on her index finger glowed slightly under the light.

The duke knelt down and kissed the top of the metallic ring. He then rose up from the ground and turned to face the crowd.

"I declare that Sophie Peterlor…" Duke Braveheart loudly announced.

"Is the new Duchess of House Peterlor!"