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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 288
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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 121.


288 Vouchers

‘Meet me in my office.‘ I tell Heath as I make my way down the stairs, being kicked out of my own

bedroom is a new experience but I know Eva has been a little overwhelmed with everything.

‘On my way.‘ Heath answers me as I close down the link, with Rowan on his way to the Moon

Ceremony to represent the Pack he passed his notes over to Heath so he can do the Alpha, Beta

weekly rundown. The Pack house is pretty empty as I make my way down to the basement. Rowan

thought I would take my fathers old office but I just can’t do it. Eva has helped me put a lot of my past

behind me but some wounds just cut too deep. I’m considering having it ripped out and made into a

playroom for Dean, maybe he will even bring his friends along in a few years time.

‘You’ll block off that awful cupboard though, right?‘ Storm asks as I make my way into the basement, I

can smell that Heath is already down here. Sure enough my Head Warrior is sitting on the sofa sipping

a massive mug of coffee.

“Got you one.” Heath nods his recently shaved head at the steaming mug on the coffee table, ‘I

remember the first months with my little one, I basically lived on this stuff.” I smile at him as I head

straight for the coffee and drop myself into the armchair.

“Sally kicked me out of the bedroom.” Heath tilts his head back and laughs so hard his cheeks go red

and he has to put his coffee down.

“She pulled the same crap on me when Alec started cutting his first



His Roque Omega: Chapter 121

280 Vouchers.

tooth.” It seems Sally is still not too old to be inputting herself in between new pups and their parents. I

have to admit the woman has more balls than half of the males I’ve met. “How is Dean and Eva?” I sip

at my coffee as I try to decide how honest to be with Heath, I don’t know how much is too much, I’ve

never been a father before.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“He’s fine, we are still adjusting but we will all get the hang of it.” I try to answer as diplomatically as

possible, I don’t want to betray Eva by talking about how she’s struggling to feed Dean or how neither

of us have slept since he was born.

Heath just watches me as he raises an eyebrow, if he believes me or not he doesn’t call me on my

bullshit which I appreciate.

“Rowan gave me the Beta rundown, want me to?” He picks up a notepad from beside him and I just

nod my head, between The Elders. and then Dean’s fast arrival it’s been a good few days since me

and Rowan had a sit down.

“Slam me with it.” I tell him as I drain my coffee cup and on the coffee table.

pop it down

“Well, the work on the High Street is going as planned. The foundation for all four shops and the new

daycare are all down. They reckon the work will take about a year in total but the medical centre might

take longer.” I knew it was going to take a while but a year is longer than I was hoping, I know the

medical centre is going to be more work than the rest thanks to the legal requirements.

“Have we had word on the medical centre?” I ask him, Rowan had to apply for special planning

permissions but thanks to Dean and Stuart, we finally met the state requirement to have our own

legally built medical centre.

“Rowan got the letter yesterday, we are cleared to open a medical


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 121

788 Vouchers

centre that can do minor surgery. Of course we won’t exactly have officials knocking on the door to see

what Selena is up to.” I nod my head as he hands over the official looking documents, glancing at them

I see they are full and will require a more in depth read later.

“That’s great, it will be nice to finally not have to go into Midsey each time we have a hurt Pack

member.” Heath smiles as he nods in agreement.

“Ben has decided he wants to go back to Swiftmane, he assured me it’s nothing personal. He just

misses his friends, family and Pack.” I’m not surprised at this, alot of Pack members venture out and

find that they miss their home Packs. As wolves we are very Pack oriented and sometimes those ties

are hard to change.

“Does he need an escort back or is he joining them at the Moon Ceremony?” Before he got on the bus

Ben’s farewell did seem rather formal and honestly I find it a little rude that he didn’t tell me himself that

he was leaving.

“He’s meeting up with Fraction and Anna at the Moon Ceremony, he wanted to tell you himself but he

felt with Eva and Dean you had enough on your plate.” I can’t argue with that so I just dip my head as I

run a hand across my stubbled chin.

“That makes sense. Jeremy?” I ask after the last man I want to hear about, however, if Dean hadn’t

come when he did I would have likely beaten the man to death.

‘Deserved.‘ Storm growls at me, as Heath looks to the wall and seems to consider how to answer me.

He was there that night, he watched me literally beat the man into ground meat, I didn’t need Storm

behind me, the anger was all my own. I let him feel every ounce of the pain I have seen Eva go

through, all of my panic and fear at losing my mate and

my pup.

His Rogue Omega Chapter 121

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“Jeremy is a mess, Selena looked him over but honestly I don’t think her heart was really in it.” I half

expected Heath to tell me Jeremy was already dead, honestly, I’m not sure which outcome I wanted.

‘Yes you are. Bastard deserves to die.‘ Storm obviously agrees with the punishment I rained down on


“He’ll die?” Heath nods his head with his lips in a firm line, clearly my Head Warrior is trying to hide how

he feels about this situation. “And the drugs? Has that died down since the rogues and Jeremy have

disappeared from the scene?” Heath flicks through the notepad, the way he’s scanning the pages

makes me think he’s looking for something in particular.

“Seems Harry hasn’t had any issues at the mine since the rogues got dealt with and it seems the local

law enforcement at Midsey have reported a drop in drug dealings.” I breathe a sigh of relief as I slouch.

back in my chair.

“We need to contact the other Pack’s, if Jeremy had something to do with the drugs then that means

The Shalamayne did. They need to know the type of thing that could be bled into their Pack.” I want to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

give the other Alpha’s a heads up that this drug could find its way into their Packs, I’ve seen the havoc

it can have on a wolf

“I’ll reach out to some of the Head Warriors and I’ll have Rowan do the same to the Betas‘.” Heath

picks up his coffee cup as he closes his notepad, “I need to go and relieve Francis from the cell duty,

as long as Jeremy is breathing I want someone keeping guard.” I’m about to stand. when the door at

the top of the stairs opens and I see Eva’s pale legs. appear. “I’ll leave you to it.” I smile at Heath

without taking my eyes off Eva as she glides down the steps, Heath nods his head at her as he quickly

dashes up and closes the door behind him.


His Rogue Omega Chapter 121

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“No pup Angel?” I ask her as I hold my arms open for her, she walks over to me with a wide smile on

her face.

“Sleeping.” she tells me as she waves a small white device in her hand, “he ate!” She squeals at me as

she throws herself into my arms and, lands on my lap, my hand automatically goes to her dressing

gown covered ass.

“That’s fantastic, did Sally help?” I ask her as I lean in and sniff deeply, she smells like Dean and a

scent that is all my Angel.

“We can never let her leave, she’s amazing. She watched him while I showered and then she talked

me through how to feed him and that if he doesn’t want the breast then it’s not a problem.” I disagree

but then. again I’m not the one who had her stomach cut open after carrying a pup for months, if

formula is the route she wants to take then I’ll support her.

“That’s great and at least with formula I can help with the night time. feeds.” Eva nods her head

enthusiastically before yawning deeply, “alright momma, time for bed. Dean sleeps, you sleep.” Putting

a hand under her legs and one at her back I stand up, she squeals as she wraps. her hands around my


“I can’t wait to get the all clear from Selena. I miss you,” I groan deeply as she places a wet kiss on my

neck. I want nothing more than to be buried inside of my mate but before that I need to have a

conversation with her about the future.


The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!