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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 787
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Chapter 787 Visiting Elizabeth
Jand her bodyguard continued to walk on.
In order to lure Jorge out, they made sure to walk towards a dead end.
But even after waiting for a few minutes, he didn't show up.
Jlooked back, only to find that Jorge was already gone.
This meant that he didn't follow them.
The bodyguard went back in search of Jorge.
Shortly afterward, she returned and said, "That guy is cunning.Seems like he saw through our plan and ran away."
"Perhaps I was acting too obvious just now."
Jwas annoyed.
However, Jorge's sudden emergence here took her by surprise.It was difficult for her to pretend like she didn't see him.
"It seemed as though this wasn't his first tfollowing us."
The bodyguard rubbed her chin.
"If he hadn't been following us too closely, I wouldn't even have noticed him."
Jgot goosebumps.
"I now understand why we haven't been able to track him.It turns out that Jorge has been followingaround this whole
time.Brandon thought that with you around, I will be safe from harm, which is why he didn't send too many men to protect
me.And Jorge took advantage of it."
Jdidn't like the idea of having too many bodyguards around her, which was why Brandon sent just one bodyguard to protect
her, so as not to disturb her daily life and work.
He must not have anticipated that Jorge would use it to his advantage.

"l’ll report this to Mr.Larson.For now, I think we can rest assured.I believe that Jorge won't be following us around for the time
being now that he knows we know.He must've gone somewhere else already."
Jbite her lower lip, took a deep breath, and calmed herself down.
She then turned to her bodyguard and asked, "Do I look calm enough? I'm worried that Elizabeth might notice something off
aboutwhen she sees me.She must be thinking that she had finally escaped from Jorge.If she finds out that Jorge appeared
nearby, she'll be scared out of her wits."
The bodyguard looked around cautiously again, and said, "You look fine.Let's go upstairs, Mrs.Larson."
Unbeknownst to her, there was a man drinking a bottle of water in a convenience store a hundred meters away from them.He put
down the bottle, wiped his lips, and looked ahead with a sneer.It was Jorge.
When he noticed that Jlooked around seconds ago, he realized that they must've spotted him.
Because of that, he ran away and hid himself at the convenience store.He meant Jno harm.
She was Brandon's wife.
Hurting her would only invite trouble for himself.
His goal was Elizabeth all along, the bitch who turned him in to the police! It was clear to him that she was close friends with
Janet.She would certainly tell Jabout her new address.
Following that logic, he gathered that as long as he followed Janet, he'd be able to find Elizabeth.
"Does she think she can get rid ofby moving? How naive of her!" he muttered under his breath.
Most of the blocks in this neighborhood had been built for decades, and they had no elevators.
Fortunately, Elizabeth lived on the third floor.
Jknocked on the door, and it was opened shortly afterward.
Elizabeth was delighted to know that Jwas her visitor.
"I was actually just wondering when you'll have the tto visit me!"

Uncertain of how to explain, Jstammered, "We, uh...we had dinner just now."

"I see," иσνєℓєвσσк.¢σмreplied Elizabeth.
It seemed that she was doing much better than before.
"You had dinner? My aunt and I had been wanting to cook dinner for you."
Jwas stunned to hear that.She scratched the back of her head and awkwardly replied, "You know what? I guess it's
fine.We're not that full yet."
Elizabeth nodded affirmatively, letting Jinto the room.
"Come! I'll introduce you to my aunt."
Upon entering the room, Jsaw a woman in her fifties, sitting on the sofa and folding a blanket.
Seeing that Elizabeth cin with Janet, she paused and said, "Well, this is a surprise.Elizabeth has never brought any friends
here.Do you happen to like pumpkin pie? It will be out of the oven soon."
Jthought that Elizabeth's family would be just like her, and she was pleasantly surprised to see that her aunt was such a
kind and nurturing soul.
Just then, a ding was heard from the kitchen, and the smell of pumpkin pie spread across the room.
"Yes! It's finally ready.Kids, go to the table and have a seat.I'll take it out now."
Elizabeth's aunt smiled brightly.Her kind, elderly presence was a joy to behold.She asked Elizabeth, Janet, and the bodyguard to
sit at the table before heading into the kitchen.
Jwanted to help her, but the older woman politely refused her help.
Elizabeth shook her head at Janet.
"That's just how she is.Let her be."
While they were at the table, Jlooked around and noticed that Elizabeth's laptop was on.

There was a half-finished draft of her design on the screen.
After taking a sip of the tea, she looked at Elizabeth's laptop and asked, "Why are you still working? You should take stime
off and recuperate."
Elizabeth ran her fingers along the edge of the teacup and replied, "Whenever I'm not working, I would think of all sorts of
stuff.To tell you the truth, I've pondered on a lot of things after leaving the studio."
Seeing as Elizabeth was hesitant to speak, Jsmiled at her and said, "If there's something you wish to say, just say it.Your
secret's safe with me."