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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 647
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Their energy was now at their peak as both of them fired their attacks at close range not bothering to dodge both of them have the same thought and that is heavily injuring one another.

The octopus is quite confident of his regeneration ability so even if it knew that it wouldn’t escape with just light injury he still dares to take the attack head on, unbeknownst to him Shadowslash also have a powerful regeneration ability that as strong as the octopus.

Boom! Once the two attacks collided the entire ocean became riled up as the result of the explosion could even be seen above the ocean.

The continents that were close to them felt the tremor and even from the Beast Continent the trembling could be felt showing just how powerful the blast was.

Leviathan who was swimming back to Invincible Kingdom felt the tremor and couldn’t hide his shock.

He couldn’t help but thought ‘That explosion could only be caused by someone who is as powerful as a newly broke through saint.’

This left him to pondering ‘But who would be able to cause such massive chaos’


Suddenly a figure appears on his mind and his body couldn’t help but shiver he then let’s out a roar and picked up the pace he knew that there is a high chance that the person he was thinking was really responsible for all of this chaos.

Kurious and Samantha holds on him tightly fortunately the clone was there to help them against the powerful tide of water that Leviathan have created because of his speed.

Back to the battlefield, Shadowslash and the octopus were both grievously injured the two have miscalculated and didn’t realised that the fusion of their attack would cause so much damage.

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Half of Shadowslash’s body was now turn fortunately it was being repaired even though it was quite slow but at least it was steady unlike the octopus which now only have it’s head and it seems that it’s limbs weren’t regenerating at all.

Shadowslash stood up but because of his injury a pained expression appeared on his face as he was forced to lie back down.

Both of them couldn’t move from their position, Shadowslash then notices something and looks from afar and saw a fleet of chaos beasts approaching.

He snorted as he wasn’t afraid, even if he wasn’t able to move right now he still have his trump card against these incoming intruders.

Despair Domain!

Once the chaos beasts were close enough he activates his domain and the entire world started to become dark from all the chaos beasts perspective.

Suddenly as if someone was close to them whispers could be heard and what’s more creepier is that they sensed something touching them.

They sensed something was weighing their spiritual sense making it very unstable what’s more there killing intent seems to be rising one after another they started attacking each other.

While they went on the killing spree Shadowslash have his mouth wide open as he started swallowing the chaos beasts that were killed on the first clash.

His injury is now recovering much more faster because of this, the Heaven Swallowing Technique is truly a divine level technique for it to rapidly heal a grievous wound that prevented even Shadowslash’s god like regeneration ability.

He looks at the octopus and realised that even though only it’s head is the remaining part of its body it is still alive and still forcing itself to regenerate it’s lost limbs.

Cracking sounds started to emit from his body as he stood up if there were someone that saw him they would definitely see that he was only forcing himself to stand up.

His mind was very heavy unlike the chaos beasts that he had fought before the chaos beasts that he is fighting right now have their own domain so hundreds of chaos beasts activating their domain of course would strain his very own domain.

He then walks closer to the octopus and started biting it swallowing one piece at a time.

The octopus was now feeling alarmed even though it’s senses was now in disarray inside the domain it could still feel the hint of pain coming from it’s body.

Shadowslash took his time devouring the octopus as he felt his cultivation rising he knew that the amount of energy that the octopus has was clearly to a whole new level compared to those that he had eaten before.

It took several minutes to finish the colossal octopus suddenly his aura flares up and finally he broke through from early stage of 6th Gate of Xiantian King Realm to mid stage.

But this wasn’t the end steadily his cultivation was still rising and because the chaos beasts were still sending energy to him coupled with the fact that he was heavily injured breaking through his bottleneck in physical cultivation his strength is now steadily rising from mid to late then peak and finally he had broken through 7th Gate.

After breaking through to high level of the Xiantian King Realm he felt his connection over the laws he had mastered deepening and his spiritual strength improving.

He also felt his physical strength undergoing baptism but it was finished yet he needed to temper it a bit longer before it could finally metamorphosis into something horrifying.

Fortunately for him right now was the perfect place and time to finish this metamorphosis with the help of the crazed chaos beasts that were killing each other on his domain.

He took down his domain because he wouldn’t be able to keep it active any longer and without hesitation charging towards the cluster of chaos beasts going into a killing spree.

Countless chaos beasts have already fallen into a state of mindless beast their only thought was to kill and Shadowslash who have the most different aura of everyone seemingly a chaos beast and at the same not became the number one target for these beasts.

Another battle commenced Shadowslash against numerous chaos beasts now that he had exhausted his means of using his domain he could only fight them head on.

Grabbing the head of the nearest beast around he used his powerful strength to crush it’s head.

His nine tails became extremely sharp and started stabbing any beasts that were near him and with it’s ability to absorb energy the beasts that weren’t killed in one attack would feel their body becoming heavy.

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With 6 arms and three heads he could fight almost everywhere and he had no blindspot whatsoever but because these beasts were the elites of their kind they aren’t easy to take down.

One beast that seems to be able to transform into water blends into the color of the ocean and strikes him while he was killing 3 chaos beasts simultaneously.

Shadowslash took the brunt of the attack on his back even though he knew that the attack was coming he was too preoccupied with the other chaos beasts to block or dodge the attack.

One of the chaos beasts that looks like a giant eel with glowing body spat out a powerful electrical voltage towards Shadowslash disregarding the others of its kind.

Letting out a cry of anger Shadowslash knew that he was clearly at an disadvantage but he continue to carry on, as he continue his rampage the number of chaos beasts killed by him increases.

Boom! A powerful aura burst from his body as he finally broke through the bottleneck of his physical cultivation.

He lets out a loud laugh finally being able to break free from the shackles that were binding him.

Now without even his Qi he would be able to fight against opponent much higher level than him with just his physical strength alone.

The chaos beasts were already having a hard time keeping him control but now that he had broken through they were now easily killed by him.

With both physical and Qi strength surpassing them by an entirely whole new length the chaos beasts have no chance.

Shadowslash finally caught the special elite chaos beasts that have done some damage to him earlier without hesitation he started devouring them while they were alive.

While he was going on a killing spree back on Sea Dragon Kingdom the Sea Dragon Clan members were now suffering from the grief of their loss loved ones.

Half of the capital city was destroyed during the rampage of the octopus not to mention numerous cities were destroyed when the invasion of the chaos beasts commenced.

Thr Sea Dragon King looks at his people and couldn’t help but feel his heart wincing their kingdom was utterly destroyed by beasts not from their rival but beings from other worlds.

He sighed as he closes his eyes painfully when he finally opens them once again a determined look appeared on his face.

He then shouted to his people “Everyone! I have failed you as your ruler! This kingdom failed to protect you from the invaders! I knew now that this wouldn’t help you get pass from your grief but we must do everything to live for those that have passed away!”