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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 694
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Chapter 694: CHAPTER 663 SAINTS?

He couldn’t help but feel strange when he realised just how weak his clones are compared to a Saint.

[The One Hundred Poison Worm have used it’s gas to trap the clones, without it, it wouldn’t be able to dispose of all the clones.]

Hearing this a look of realization appeared on his face, he knew that the strength of his clones might not be much but they are quite fast, so hearing how they were easily disposed off, of course it would deal some blow to his confidence.

He then looks at the gas and his expression became solemn, after knowing that the gas could be controlled by the One Hundred Poison Worm, he decided to hasten his speed.

But he is quite confused, he had been visiting this place a couple of times but he had never seen or felt the gas moving in an intelligent manner.

Then there’s only one explanation that comes on his mind, the One Hundred Poison Worm is evolving rapidly, it became more and more proficient at using it’s weapon.

He heaved a sigh of relief when he looks at Meowy, she now has the Saint flare, even though the One Hundred Poison Worm is a Rune Beast facing numerous Saints would definitely be a death sentence to it.


After they came out of the Devil Cat Tribe territory, Shadowslash stops holding back anymore and with blinding speed he flew back to Mortal City.

Because of his energy covering Meowy, she doesn’t get hurt even though they are moving at a speed that would definitely break her muscles apart.

Shadowslash knew that once they solved the problem that was plaguing the Sky Piercing Tree, he would definitely climb the tree and hope that he would either be able to arrive at a higher plane or directly to his second world.

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But judging from the familiar aura that he had sensed back when he was investigating the Sky Piercing Tree, he might be able to find a shortcut that would quickly transport him back to his second world.

Since he was able to arrive in this world, via a space crack, then that meant that this world might have a pathway that leads to his second world.

Once they returned to Mortal City, Shadowslash immediately went to the mansion together with Meowy.

When the two guardians saw Meowy once again, the two of them quickly falls on their knees and greeted her back, their anxious hearts finally calms down.

The four of them then went to the storage house of the mansion, the trio then saw Shadowslash waving his hand and numerous items started coming falling.

The two guardians were shocked, on the other hand, Meowy wasn’t that surprised, she had already seen this back when they were taking everything on her tribe’s treasury, she was shocked at first and couldn’t help but marvel just how large the capacity of his storage ring was.

But she knew that she couldn’t asks about his secret, Shadowslash then faced the trio and said “These are all the treasures that belongs to your tribe, I’ll put some runes at this storage house to protect it, only Meowy is able to access this storage house from now on.”

Hearing this the two guardians were quite startled, they then look at Meowy and seeing her nodding, they realised that Shadowslash have once again done something for their tribe that would definitely be hard to be repaid.

Once the trio left, Shadowslash starts to lay numerous rune arrays, most rune arrays were spirit based array because he knew that this world doesn’t have that much knowledge regarding spiritual sense.

Other than spirit based arrays, all the other arrays are killing arrays, once he finished laying all of the arrays with the help of Hentai, he then gave Meowy the key of the storage house.

He was doing this, because he already have plans to make a branch of his kingdom on this world, as long as the Devil Cat Tribe regains their former strength, he would obtain a great ally.

He doesn’t have any ulterior motive towards them, he just wants to leave this world without regrets.

With the knowledge and experience of the Devil Cat Tribe, also with their potential and Meowy’s intelligence, he could rest easy when he leave this world.

He wanted to return back to Red Fox Village one last time though but after thinking about this for a couple of days, he decided not to.

He would definitely return to this world, and when he do, he will be bringing most of his monster family, after all the monster Qi of this world is extremely beneficial to them.

The next day, after all the preparation were laid up, Meowy quickly used the Saint flare, when the flare rose into the sky and exploded, the entire world seems to have been engulfed in silence.

Immediately the entire world fell into chaos, the Saint flare is considered a sacred item to all the Supreme Tribe, they wouldn’t dare to use it for personal use.

All of the Supreme Tribes have agreed that unless the threat affects their entire world, they would not use the flare, those that use the flare for personal use would be razed by all the Supreme Tribe.

Because of this, the Saint flare is considered a sacred item, quickly all the Supreme Tribe experts that is present on this world flew towards the direction of Mortal City.

Meowy couldn’t help but become nervous as they waited for the arrival of the other Supreme Tribes, there are a couple of tribes that is considered an enemy of her Devil Cat Tribe.

Fortunately she was relieved to hear that Shadowslash is able to communicate with the Sky Piercing Tree and if he asks, the curse that the Mortal City is known for would once again engulf this entire city.

Unless that person have permission to stay, he or she would be devoured by the Sky Piercing Tree, the only reason it wasn’t acting up is because of Shadowslash’s presence.

People started arriving at incredible speed but because they knew the location, they don’t dare to advance, Mortal City is considered a forbidden land in this world.

Sensing that there are people that have already arrived, Shadowslash smiles and spoke, his voice was amplified with his spiritual sense so everyone in the area could hear it.

“Why don’t you guys enter and let’s discuss the situation, do not worry, the curse wouldn’t affect you even if you enter.”

Even though they heard what he had said, none of the Saints dares to enter, they wouldn’t dare to trust a complete stranger over their lives.

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Seeing that his explanation has no effect, he decided to use action, without hesitation he lets out his full aura.

The Saints sensed the aura and they are quite surprised, from their observation and senses, the owner of the aura is clearly on Xiantian Emperor Realm.

This should be impossible because the location they are now in is near the forbidden Mortal City, everyone of them became silent pondering over what to do.

Shadowslash couldn’t help but shake his head upon sensing that the Saints still haven’t made a move, they are very cautious which is very understandable but if none of them dare to take a risk, then they wouldn’t be able to advance in their plan.

Upon thinking about this, he took in a deep breath and said “Everyone the reason why we have used the Saint flare is connected to your entrance to the higher planes.”

“If this problem wasn’t solved quickly, the connection between this world and the higher realm would disappear.”

This alarms everyone that is now present, if their connection to the higher planes would be cut off then, them the Saints would suffer repercussions.

One of the individuals then took a risk and flew towards Mortal City, upon realising that he wasn’t harmed the least, he heaved a sigh of relief and landed on the city.

With an example in front of them, the others also started flying towards Mortal City, they don’t dare to release their aura, they are still afraid of the curse that made this city well known to this world.

When he finally sensed the aura of the people that arrived on the city, his eyebrow couldn’t help but rise.

He felt that they are the same as the One Hundred Poison Worm, their aura wasn’t complete, as if they weren’t true Saint.

Shaking his head so that he could disperse this distracting thoughts, he bows and introduced himself “Greetings everyone, I am Shadowslash the current city lord of Mortal City.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you.”

One of the individuals that looks an old wolf spoke in a rather impatient manner “Let’s cut to the main topic.”

“I didn’t came here for pleasantries.”

Shadowslash nodded, he then brought them to the city lord mansion but he didn’t brought them to the room where the core or the heart of the tree is located, he brought them to one of the location where they could touch the tree.