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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 720
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The marine beasts that are living on the Stormy Sea Barrier starts to get agitated, their instincts screams in fear as the forces of the chaos world continue to approach the island and their habitat.

Suddenly buzzing sounds started ringing in the island as the scarabs started flying out of the island and charging towards the incoming millions of chaos beasts.

Shadowslash who have returned to the island had an ugly expression, the number of his scarabs wouldn’t be able to cope up with their current enemy, he was recalling all the scattered scarabs but it would take some time before they could return.

He took a deep breath and calls out Toxic, because he doesn’t want to Immediately alarm the enemy with his trump card, which was Toxic himself he just told him to cover the entire island with toxic gas that are made entirely for the chaos beasts.

After releasing large amount of poison that surrounds the entire island, Shadowslash quickly store back Toxic to his special habitat inside Hentai.

He quickly sound the alarm that made all the people inside the island to gather and when they saw the colorful gas surrounding the island their expression become solemn.

They thought that the danger that was found were the colorful gas that are swirling around the island, Shadowslash knew what they were thinking and explains “The poisonous mist surrounding the island isn’t the danger that endangers the island.”


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“It is the very thing that would definitely help us defend this place, Many of you would definitely die after this, there is a high chance that only 1% or lesser will survive.”

The residents were confused as to why he was looking very solemn and were saying such ominous things, Old man emerald then looks at the people and said “I’ll be going first.”

Shadowslash nodded, he knew what Old man emerald was thinking, he would also do the same thing later, he then looks at Zultan and Strawberry and told them “The two of you will be responsible for protecting the island, the time to slaughter the invaders have come.”

He then left the dumbfounded people of Defender Island, but after the dawn of realization dawns unto them, their killing intent immediately rose and their eyes became blood red filled with hate.

Strawberry immediately issues an order “Everyone immediately start building a defense line in the shore of the island, the others will bring all the monsters and animals to a safe place.”

The animals and monsters were raised by the people of the island, it was a hard endeavor for them, if a war truly breakout then it was high likely that they would die.

The people quickly went to the shore, because they have already started building some kind of defense line when they were training, it wasn’t hard to finish the preparation quickly.

While the people inside Defender Island were working hard on their preparation, LS, Old man emerald and Shadowslash were standing in front of the incoming army of the chaos world.

The marine beasts of this world started to emit hatred and killing intent as they saw the approaching chaos beasts, because the world deemed the forces of the chaos world it’s enemy, all the low intelligent beasts or beings would feel hatred towards them.

LS did not stop them as he knew that this hatred would definitely help them during this war, Shadowslash also commanded his clones to transform into different types of beasts and he use the world force to strengthen them.

Because of his act of using world force, the knight that was sitting on the furthest part of the army stood up and his entire being starts to emit dense killing intent.

He knew that if he could kill the chosen one of this world his mission would be considered half finish, he then commanded the people in front of him to focus on the chosen and their orders were to kill him at any cost.

What they didn’t know is that Shadowslash have already blended around the marine beasts ready to start killing in a moment notice, he knew that he was the enemy number one target.

Since he can’t kill them in direct battle since it might expose him, he decided to kill discreetly, with the ten clones as a decoy for the experts and elites on the enemy side his identity would definitely be protected unless he was forced to expose himself.

The chaos beasts are approaching in a craze manner but inwardly they were trembling in fear, the scarabs looks at them as if they were a delicious meal for them.

What they were feeling right now is exactly how a bunny felt when it saw a wolf, the feeling of being a weak prey, the scarabs have developed into beings that wouldn’t be harmed even after devouring large amount of chaos Qi.

But because of the difference between the numbers of two group, the scarabs would have a hard time being able to absorb everything in such a short amount of time, since it was day the Solar Rune Scarabs immediately use their berserk ability to power up themselves.

The two sides collided, there was no deafening explosion but countless roars and attacks were thrown at each other, Shadowslash was hiding around the marine beasts, each time he moves one chaos beast would fall.

Because of his ability to hide himself he doesn’t caught that much attention, LS and Old man emerald did not join the fray immediately, the both of them knew that the first wave definitely consist of only cannon fodders.

Shadowslash was the only one interested in obtaining large amount of chaos beasts corpses, after all if his scarabs received all the chaos beasts that he kills, their strength would definitely increase, Toxic’s strength would also increase.

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Based on the observation that he and Hentai have been doing, the scarabs were the best nutrient for Toxic, his saint Qi continue to become much more purer and denser as he continue to cultivate while also eating the scarabs.

It seems that their is a predatory relationship between rune beasts but he doesn’t mind since this limit the number of scarabs and the only ones he ate are the weakest ones in the batch.

The water became red because of the battle, numerous beasts in either side were wounded and many were also killed, the ten clones continue to wreck havoc deep in the chaos world group.

Because of their action some of the elites in the chaos world force started to move, LS eyes lits up when he saw this, he then let’s out a roar as all the marine beasts around him started firing towards the enemy.

This was their firing squad, all the beasts and monsters around him have powerful elemental ability, even though low grade energies wouldn’t harm the chaos beasts because of the difference between energy tiers but LS have handpicked every beasts and monsters around him.

Their elemental energies are top class compared to the other beasts on the same realm, Old man emerald then release his aura that increase the power of all the beings around him.

He had developed many support type skills to enhance the combat strength of his comrades, most of the time he uses these abilities to the sect disciples and elders of Divine Heaven Sect.

The firing squad immediately felt invigorated, their attacks became more stronger and because of the water all around them, they wouldn’t be exhausted that much making them a force not to be reckoned with.

The ongoing attacks took a toll on the chaos beasts and many of them started dropping like flies, many of the chaos beasts were wounded but not many of them were killed but once they landed on the water, they were attacked by the marine beasts on the ocean.

The darkness of the Stormy Sea Barrier helps Shadowslash greatly, he had been killing each and every chaos beasts he encounters, the war was clearly on their favor but he knew that he shouldn’t be too happy killing these cannon fodders.

Just like what they had expected, once the cannon fodders were out of the way, the elites started moving and they created a barrier made up entirely of chaos Qi.

The firing squad’s attacks became useless, the chaos world force also expose their firing squad and immediately the battle tilts to their favor.

LS became solemn he then issued another order and gigantic beasts started coming out of the water and form a wall in front of them, Old man emerald then increase their vitality, regeneration and defence, he has also release some seeds towards them that formed an armor all around their bodies.

The gigantic beasts tanked all the attacks, the clones immediately started attacking the chaos Qi barrier in a crazed manner, even though they kept suffering from the attacks of the enemy it had no effect on their performance, they aren’t true living beings after all.