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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 838
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While, Yshelia was fretting over her decision, Shadowslash was marveling his current strength, he started laughing out loud, with the new method of raising clones with his soul attached, he’ll be able to increase his scope of influence, he no longer need to disturb his real body.

Even if his clone dies, he will be able to obtain it’s memories and the coordinates that he had put, he actually wanted to send two clones to the passageway of the nine abyssal dragon door, unfortunately, they were sent to Murim World to assist his necromancer clone there.

Now that he is able to earn experience from his clone, he wanted to focus on different professions, even though he had Amethyst, he still need to get use to it, with enough experience, he would be able to reach a peak level existence on two or more professions, this is considered a great boon for him.

He started humming, he decided to keep his original body on Safehaven Paradise, he could definitely protect the kingdom much better this way, he decided that once their force back on Murim World finally obtain a stable footing, he’ll have his necromancer clone travel to Underworld to assist Sans.

Meanwhile, back on Fierce Beast World, countless monsters kept on coming out of the passageway, they were greeted by undeads, unfortunately, because of the amount of monsters, the undeads that Shadowslash have created are now in the verge of being annihilated.

The only reason why they are still able to fight is because of JL, the desert would sometimes react in a violent manner that would shock the monsters but after experiencing it a couple of times, they become used to it, their flying unit also have an advantage to this.

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But they were quickly greeted by rains of arrows, numerous elite elves arrives, in front of them were bulky warriors from the beastman and orc race, they were holding large shields, behind the elves were a group of humans that rode on horses.


After the arrows, numerous multiple magic skills were also thrown towards the monsters, surrounded by dwarven warriors wearing full body armor and were holding giant hammers were a group of mages, they came from different races but they are group on what their attribute was.

As they chant and release their attacks, those that were near them would have their magic powers increased but they also have to expend large amount of Mana crystals to operate in this method but their magic power and attribute would increase by 100%.

The monsters were given a shock but their shock continue to increase, as the earth trembles, gigantic beasts of different species and race appeared, all of them look at the monsters with dense killing intent, the only thing stopping them from charging and ripping many of them apart was JL.

Because this was the first time for him to control such large expanse of domain, he cannot fully control it, he doesn’t want to harm his allies, he told them via spiritual sense to not step on the desert, the monsters continue to scramble out of the passageway, the undeads were finally annihilated but large amount of monsters were also killed.

With the elves and humans archers shooting their arrows without regards, the monsters pace would of course slows down, as they stay on the desert, their strength continue to wane, not to mention, if they gather in a group, the mages would blast them apart, the situation was truly not in their favor.

Even the Xiantian elites were dying much less those that have weaker cultivation, upon realising this, the commander of the other side orders the remaining monsters to retreat, seeing this, the soldiers started cheering, none of them died, this was a great feat during a war.

JL then told something to the generals and all of them nodded, they then left, once they left the sub world, they immediately went to Great Summoning Death God Religion, which was the church that worships Sans, the generals were accepted respectfully, after all, they are under one empire.

Hearing the news that the generals brought to them, the necromancers started celebrating, immediately the higher-ups of the church started moving, even the bishops which were the strongest existence in the church just below the pope were fighting over which one of them would go to Fierce Beast World.

The message that the generals have brought to them is that, they’ll be recruited as proper soldiers, inside Fierce Beast World, they could experiment on the corpses they could obtain, the only thing they have to worry is the corruption of their mind, fortunately for them, Shadowslash already found a method to help them.

Back on Safehaven Paradise, Shadowslash who was now in the process of researching different types of cultivation techniques for his clones to try stops and looks at his side, Yshelia was there with a conflicted expression, it seems that something is on her mind.

He stood up and patted her head, after a long time, the proud and valiant fairy have become his little sister, he looks after her very seriously, he doesn’t want to see her like this, as if sensing his concern, she looks at him and smiles trying to dispell his worry but her expression doesn’t match what she wanted to show.

He sat down and gestures her to sit down next to him, she gracefully sat down and sighed, trying to dispell the gloomy mood, he teases her, “What could make our greatest rune master in the empire? Cheer up, your beautiful face would definitely be ruined by all of your frowning.”

Yshelia chuckles, Shadowslash would act serious, benevolent and brave in front of his subjects but in front of his family, he would act like a goofy and caring brother, she sighed and let all of her worries out, she knew that he was the person she could always rely on.

After hearing her predicament, he finally have a gist of the situation, he then said, “Actually you don’t need to let them our of your personal world to help you, they just need to train their Mana and elemental energy, since you could use all basic elements, you’ll be able to receive support from.”

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“Just like our mage division, their strength increases as they work together.”

Yshelia was startled, her expression then brightens up, she excitedly hugs him and started kissing him in the cheeks before going inside her personal world to inform the fairies about this idea, seeing how she reacts, Shadowslash could only smile bitterly, he felt like she was an overprotective older sister to her subordinates.

He then went to find his lovers, the Feng family were now living in the beastman KINGDOM inside Safehaven Paradise, they were very powerful but their status were actually lowest compared to the other major powers in this world, not because of their strength but because of their achievements.

The elves have the highest status, even though the humans are actually the first residents, they have done more, their fertility rate should actually be extremely pitiful but with the help of Luminous Tree Of Life, they could summon an elf baby using their blood, an ancient magic and the water of life.

The ancient magic was a trait that only elf queen have, she is able to give birth to other elves using such method, it is an innate ability, actually this should have lot of restrictions but the vitality of this world and with Leafinia’s help, the elf queen manage to give birth to at least one elf baby every single day.

The only thing that stops them from truly dominating their other competitors is the long period of time before an elf could mature, the elves are now angry about the Feng family, it is because their existence is blasphemous to their great lord Shadowslash, the other major race of this world also thought the same thing.

Even the beastman but they felt more grateful than dissatisfied, it is because, with the Feng family help, they’ll be able to improve their standing, the elves, dwarves and humans started to feel pressure, they wanted to actually seduce Shadowslash but this very thought made them slap themselves.

Shadowslash spent his days playing with his adopted children and his family, of course, this was only a part of his consciousness, his main attention right now is the task he has back on Murim World, it seems that the lich that took over the old man’s body have been working quite well.

The lich started spreading the news that he had taken down his clone, after a round of torture, he had realized the talent of his clone and spared him but this is only after branding him with his spiritual imprint, what the people don’t know is that, the lich was actually the servant of the story.

Sadly started increasing his influence to the city, because he dislike the people of the city, other than the children that he had now adopted and are now in the process of reforming their minds, most of the adults were taken by him and their souls were replaced.