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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 940
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Fortunately, the soldiers of the Vulcan Bear Clan took some pressure off of them, they were now getting closer to the two powerful Saint Lords.

The elders were helping the soldiers kills the outer world creatures, it was still not time for them to go all out, they could see that the Saint Lords were now coming out and just like whst Shadowslash have said, in total there were ten of them.

The trident wielding creature narrows his eyes at Shadowslash, it slams it into the water and a tidal wave that exudes dark murky energy appears.

[Big brother, I finally realised what type of energy the outer world creatures emits!]

Shadowslash’s heart beats quickly, he wanted to know what separates this universe from the foreign one.

[It’s a radioactive energy that has similarities that of a nuclear, the insects only emits a small amount of them but once they reach Saint level, this type of energy became more potent.]

Shadowslash’s expression became ugly but he quickly recovers, he doesn’t want his allies to worry, he quickly asks ‘Then what about Saint Monster World, it is now infected with the potent energy of radiation.’


[Big brother doesn’t need to worry, there is one object that could cancel the effect of the radiation, a world tree.]

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He heaved a sigh of relief inwardly, as long as the world tree back on Saint Monster World continue to stand tall, then with the help of the people from that world and Gaia, they would be able to fix the destruction that these beings have caused.

He then looks at the approaching tidal wave and snorted, he accelerated and arrives in front of the tidal wave, he took a deep breath and raises his two hands.

His two katanas merged becoming a giant saber, his entire being seems to merge with his weapon.

Great Saber Art: Flaming Dragon Burst!

Roar! Roar! Roar! Multiple flaming dragons appears and destroys the tidal wave, they continue to fly towards the trident wielding outer world creature.

The creature thrusts it’s trident and a beam was created, it collided with the flaming dragons and another explosion occurs, this time in a greater magnitude.

Shadowslash have to braced himself just to not be thrown, the others also did the same, the only ones that were truly affected were the unintelligent insects, the Xiantian level ones that were the closest dies just from the impact of the explosion.

Shadowslash and the octopus warrior looks at each other and they could sensed that their strength is actually equal, this surprised the latter because it could sense that it’s opponent has a weaker cultivation level compared to it.

On the other hand, the members of the Vulcan Bear Clan were shocked by just how powerful their new ally is, they became excited, they realised that they have lucked out on this one.

The grand elder also felt ecstatic, suddenly, his expression changes, he looks at the one of the Saint Lords and his eyes were filled with dread, he then looks at the patriarch and said “Young Xiong, I’ll leave the clan to you.”

Shadowslash also looks at the outer world creature that the grand elder was looking and could sense that it is as strong or just a little bit weaker to the trident wielding creature, he knew that this is bad news for the Vulcan Bear Clan.

He wouldn’t be able to help because it would need all of his concentration to go against his current opponent, meanwhile, the patriarch was startled but he also have a sharp intuition and knew that their grand elder have no chance of winning against that outer world creature.

The elders were getting closer to the trio, they knew that once the trio clashes with their chosen opponents, they have to buy time for the reinforcement to arrive by fighting against the remaining Saint Lords.

The inevitable clash finally happens, Shadowslash and the trident wielding creature’s weapons collided causing sparks to fly, the two instantly sensed who was the stronger one amongst the two of them.

Shadowslash was weaker in terms of physical strength, the eyes of the creature lits up, it exerted more strength but suddenly, it sensed that it’s opponent directed it’s strength downward nearly causing it to fall, it spun and gave a kick.

If it wasn’t an experienced warrior, it would have already been killed, Shadowslash on the other hand looks at his opponent with narrowed eyes, he realised that it wasn’t unintelligent like the insects, it was actually smart enough to counter his move.

The two faces each other and once again attack, the two were moving quite fast that most people could no longer see them, Shadowslash realised that he is much faster than his opponent, he knew that he had found a leverage for himself.

Bam! The creature slams it’s trident downward and some sort of energy wave spreads at it’s surrounding, it function just like a domain, Shadowslash expression changes as he sensed difficulty on his movement.

It seems that the creature have also noticed that he is a lot faster than it, he quickly activate his domain but he didn’t use all of them and only his Emperor’s Dignity, it’s a domain they fully uses his advantage by owning 3 source stars and Earth.

He cannot use his black hole source because it would only activate when he is using his black hole, his body might be able to endure using it but not for long and he cannot risk that right now.

The pressure immediately causes the creature to keel, it snorted and suddenly it’s domain became even stronger, then seven dark orbs started floating above it, the Emperor’s Dignity actually started cracking.

Shadowslash knew that he cannot keep this up and decided to use Despair Domain to power up his first domain, the two opposing force exploded causing the two fighters to be thrown to such a far distance.

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The broken domains injured the two, the impact also causes those that were near to be affected, especially the Saint Lords, they are protecting the giant eye that made the world around it to be darkens.

Seeing that the impact continues to spread towards the eye, the other Saint Lords took the brunt of the attack, upon seeing this, the expression of the Vulcan Bear patriarch became unsightly.

It seems that volunteering to take down the eye made the pressure to descend on him, if the other Saint Lords were protecting it, that means that it is extremely precious to their group, making his job much more important than he expected.

Shadowslash vomits out blood because of the impact, the color of his blood have now turn golden, he quickly opens a portal and sent it to the ocean inside of Earth.

Different from his golden blood pure of vitality, the blood of his opponent melts the things that it landed on, it also exudes radioactive energy that is toxic to the beings of this universe.

Shadowslash and it once again locks on each other, neither wanted to make a move because they are both badly injured, the two knew that if they continue on this, either both of them would be crippled or die.

The two were quite intelligent and they were also cautious, Shadowslash might want to ally with the Vulcan Bear Clan but this doesn’t mean that he’ll foolishly throw his life away, he is the one holding the foundation of their world, he cannot just think of himself.

Some of the elders that were preparing to use their life essence to fight against the other Saint Lords became puzzled why the two weren’t attacking, they felt that since the creature is injured Shadowslash should continue his battle.

They could sense just how strong it was and they knew that if such opponent managed to defeat it’s opponent, it would spell doom for their clan, they hope that Shadowslash would heavily injure it for the safety of their clan.

They actually disregard his safety, for them, their clan is their topmost priority, everything else meant nothing, what they didn’t remember that he isn’t even a member of their clan.

The creature then pointed it’s trident towards the insects and they quickly swarms towards their direction, Shadowslash’s expression changes, he commanded his clones to protect, making the pressure that the Vulcan Bear Clan experiencing to become twofold.

The insects actually didn’t attack him, the creature wanted to but when it saw that the clones were protecting him, it decided to disperse that idea.

The insects were then absorbed by it, the injury that it had suffered quickly started to recover, Shadowslash saw this and he was forced to summon his black hole and absorbs the outer world creatures that were flying towards his opponent.

The two started recovering at rapid pace, Shadowslash cannot use the full power of his black hole, especially since the radiation is actually harming him, he had been devouring large amount of outer world creatures and he knew that his body is only able to keep up because of his bones and evolved internal organs keeping the harmful energy at bay.