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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1189
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The proposal for hiring the Deicide Organization to kill Austin was just too shocking! The said organization was a taboo subject

throughout the South Continent. None of them would dare mention its notorious name.

As a very mysterious underground group of assassins, the organization specialized in operating for money.

The fee they charged for each assassination was prohibitively high. But as long as a client could pay enough, they would operate

to kill anyone, regardless of how strong the cultivator was.

The most brilliant achievement won by the Deicide Organization was that it had successfully assassinated three great masters at

the Semi-holy Realm!

Yet, as it had executed so many people, including warriors from almost every sect, it had also offended nearly all the forces from

the South Continent.

There was a twhen the major sects even worked together, trying to entirely annihilate the organization.

But they were hopeless as after a long tof searching, they couldn't even find the headquarters of the Deicide Organization.

Since then, the organization began to keep a low profile. It would not readily accept assassination tasks anymore, but once it did, it

would charge a painstakingly high price.

"Well, it is a good idea to pay an assassin to slaughter that bastard Austin.

He should get a taste of his own medicine.

Nicolas, your idea is really quite good and impressive," a woman commented.

She was dressed in a snow-white coat, with a long pink dress, black hair. Her delicate face made her look like a secluded and

attractive orchid in a deserted valley.

She was Jocelyn, the Holy Heritor of the New Moon Sect. Her status was much higher than that of Winnie because the latter was

just an ordinary Holy Daughter of their sect.

"Ha-ha-ha, | didn't expect that the well-respected Jocelyn would agree with my idea," Nicolas said jubilantly as he heard her


Filled with unexpected joy, he was now looking at her with great admiration in his eyes.

As one of Jocelyn's admirers, he was also very excited.

"Yes, | agree, too,"

the rest people at the banquet also expressed their agreement one by one.

"But, Nicolas, it seems that Austin has no disputes with you. Why do you want him to die that much?" a young man cut in abruptly.

A moment ago, he leisurely entered the fifth floor of the Restaurant Aroma with a woman and old servant. They all hid their real

power and looked so ordinary that nobody else noticed them.

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'What is happening?’

The guests at the banquet were stunned as none of them would say a word against Nicolas--the most promising pill refiner. They

now all steered their attention to the strangers.

"Who are you? Where are you from?" Nicolas asked huffily. As a celebrity, Nicolas was sure he had never met them before.

Then the others all found that they also didn't recognize the identity of these people.

All the guests, who could be invited to attend today's banquet on the fifth floor of the Restaurant Aroma, were all regarded as

young elites. But how could the common people also be here?

Of course, they were Austin and the queen of the evil shadow race. They had overheard about the banquet, so they chere to

have fun.

"Gerry, are these people invited by you as well?" Nicolas asked gloomily.

Being challenged by the man in front of the woman he admired so much, Nicolas felt embarrassed. His face grew dark and heavy

as he felt greatly offended. Since he was a promising celebrity, nobody would dare to speak against him.

"No, they are not. | don't know them at all,"

Gerry replied at once and shook his head upon seeing Nicolas's gloomy face. He felt quite odd as to why the two strangers would

be here.

At that moment, all the guests realized that the two strangers were not the elites who were invited to be here. Perhaps, it was out

of curiosity or by accident that they turned up here.

"Hmph! Get out of here immediately! This place is not for irrelevant and insignificant people.

Considering this is your first there and you cin without knowing, I'll just let you go,"

Nicolas said coldly.

"Haha, it's so hilarious. | believe this restaurant is open to anyone. As long as | can afford it, | have the right to cand go as |

wish. What makes you think you can meddle with my business and decide for me?

Apologize tonow!

Considering you didn't knowand acted so rudely without knowing, I'll just let you go without punishing you after you


Austin said coldly as well, obviously to mock Nicolas for being cocky.

"You! Well, alright. It seems that you won't learn your lesson until you get yourself severely punished. You are leaving us with no

option but to force you out.

Con, beat the bloody man and woman hard until their legs are broken and then throw them out at once!"

Nicolas was now outraged. His face twisted and his eyes stared at the strangers ferociously. Based on his current fand status,

he was used to all kinds of compliments. Never did he expect that someone would actually talk to him so blatantly and command

him to apologize!

During the last few days, there had been so many people from major sects trying to persuade him to join or bechis friends.

Now, such a meager man dared to be so rude to him.

He believed they were insignificant as he detected that they had no cultivation base of vital energy, which meant they didn't have

any kind of martial arts skills at all. Yet, Nicolas, like other guests at the banquet, was too ignorant and didn't know that they

deliberately hid their cultivation base.

Hearing their young master's order, Nicolas' four guards immediately surrounded Austin and the queen.

"You jerk, | recognize you! | just saw you on the street.

How you dare offend our young master? Now you are doomed!"

one of the guards said in a mocking tone.

"You are just a lackey of your master. Why are you arrogant?"

Austin said disapprovingly and shook his head.

Hearing the offensive remarks, the four guards immediately becfurious.

"Go to hell!" they all snarled.

The next second, they cdashing towards Austin.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

Four blaring slaps rang out abruptly. Meanwhile, the guests saw the guards flew towards the window and dropped fast on the


'What...what is going on?' the guests thought to themselves, and all gasped.

Everything just happened so fast that they couldn't believe their eyes.

The four guards were all at the premium stage of Astral Realm. With only a swing of his hand, Austin was able to drive them out

through the window.

It turned out that they were wrong about the young man. With such formidable strength, how could he be someone not important?

"Y-you! Who are you?" Nicolas snapped out of it as his body trembled in anger.

His guards were beaten so hard, and he felt greatly humiliated in public.

"Attack now!" Austin said quickly, totally ignoring Nicolas's question.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The moment he set foot in the Elixir City, his spiritual sense had detected that spowerful great masters were in the city. So, he

wanted to end the fight and leave the city as soon as possible.

Otherwise, they would be hunted down by the formidable great masters, just like what happened in the Ghost Puppet City last


Upon hearing Austin's words, the queen and Nathan immediately moved and swooped violently towards the young elites on the

fifth floor.

Within a second, a few of them, whose cultivation bases were relatively weak, had been caught by the queen and Nathan.

Immediately, those captives were thrown to Austin, teleporting them into his special City model, where they would be locked as


"I know, you must be Austin--the Austin!"

Gerry, the Holy Heritor of the Magic Hand Sect, suddenly screamed.

All at once, the remaining young elites were struck by great panic, their faces changing tically. A moment ago, they were

discussing the establishment of an association for the purpose of killing Austin. They even talked about hiring the Deicide

Organization to assassinate him. However, unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, Austin cto find them.

As for the purpose of his unexpected visit, these young elites were quite aware of that--he wanted to capture them all.

Hearing that the young man in front of him was Austin, Nicolas couldn't help but panic. His expression instantly changed from fury

to fear, noting that he just said that he wanted to kill Austin.

However, he didn't mean it. He just wanted to show off among the young people and make them admire him. When Austin was

standing in front of him now, he was just another coward.

Therefore, Nicolas turned around and tried to leave the restaurant.

"Wait! Nicolas, didn't you mention earlier that you would hire the Deicide Organization to assassinate me?

But why are you escaping right now?" Austin sneered coldly.

Meanwhile, he moved quickly and stopped Nicolas on his tracks.

"Austin, there is no conflict or hatred between you and my clan. Please don't givea hard time," Nicolas uttered timidly and

looking somewhat intimidated.

Although he was at the preliminary stage of Tribulation Realm, he gave up the fight quickly as he was mortally afraid of death.

"No, you are wrong. There was no hatred between us before. But after you have proposed to hire an assassin to kill me, | have a

grudge against you now," Austin replied quickly.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to grab Nicolas.

"I'll fight you till the end!" Nicolas said firmly as he realized there was no escape from this.

He tapped his waist instantly, and eighteen long swords flew out, forming a complicated and mysterious sword array. Suddenly, it

lunged towards Austin.