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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1325
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Austin was now caught in a bitter fight with a human-shaped figure formed by the powerful sword aura in the corridor.

The figure was in top shape, almost exceeding level ten sword potential. It could release a sword aura that was far more powerful

than any of its kind that Austin had encountered before.

Austin was nearly pinned to the ground as he kept retreating to regain his balance and avoid the figure's relentless attacks. He

deflected strikes from above, evaded lunges, and parried wide swings from the opponent. Nevertheless, the figure continued its

assault on Austin and eventually landed a hit on Austin's side.

Streams of blood spurted out from his body, leaving a trail of crimson marks splattered on the ground.

His body had been riddled with wounds that caused his blood to leak out like a punctured water pouch whose holes were delivered

by the enemy's needle-like precision with a sword.

Luckily, Austin brought enough Magic Sea Water. He would drink a bit of the healing elixir every chance he got, and all the wounds

inflicted by the enemy slowly started to heal once they bled out.

With the help of the healing elixir, Austin held his ground for another two hours. Then suddenly, something happened midway into

the battle.

He felt that his aura was changing—growing; his depleted mana had restored, and his eyes glimmered. He knew what was going

on with his body. "Does this mean that I've reached...the sword domain?"

Once he realized it, he saw that it was now his sword aura that flooded the corridor. His densely packed stream of misty sword aura

was evolving into a peculiar shape right at the moment. As he felt with his heart, he discovered that his sword aura was now

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operating according to the laws of heaven and nature, and even the law of tand space.

His sword aura was more refined. Although Austin couldn't nit, he was sure that they were forming a strong domain along

smysterious track. In fact, the domain they created had covered over ten miles already, and all the space within it seemed to

be totally under its control.

Spart of him knew that he didn't need to move his own body to deliver attacks within his domain.

He calmed his mind and imagined the image of a hundred swords; numerous sharp and quick sword auras were generated and

crushed anything and everything within the domain in a matter of seconds.

Austin was sure that he had leveled up to the sword domain. "This is definitely going to leave the sword potential in the dust," he

couldn't help but exclaim.

He focused his mind on feeling the domain his sword aura had successfully created. It was like he was controlling it in seamless

harmony, and he had ventured into a whole new world.


Just then, he heard a low thud in the corridor.

He looked down, and saw something lying on the ground beside him.

It was his reward. Austin wondered what it could be.

Now that he had defeated the figure formed by sword aura, he turned his attention to the object in front of him.

It was a shiny bronze badge.

There were slong and thin slashes on it. When Austin inspected it further, he realized that those were images of sneedle-

like swords.

To find out more about it, he unleashed a surge of gentle vital energy force and carefully picked it up.

The moment his hand touched the badge, a piece of information about this treasure appeared in his Soul Sea.

It turned out that this was a defensive magic treasure, whose nwas Sword-aura Fortress.

This magic treasure was strong enough to protect its user from any Holy Realm masters’ attacks, and even a full force strike from a

warrior at premium stage of Holy Realm.

But sadly, it could only protect its user for ten instances.

After that, it would becan ordinary badge. A very typical consumable treasure indeed. This meant that Austin had no choice

but to use it sparingly.

Nonetheless, this proved to be a fruitful trial, so he couldn't expect more. He stashed the badge into his Space Ring, and walked

out of the Trialing Corridor for the level ten sword potential.

Whoosh! With everyone outside watching, Austin got back to the mountain wall outside the corridor, looking very satisfied and


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"You've got to be kidding me!"

Austin was welcomed with doubt and shock. Baldwin and the two demon semi-emperors all stared at him in bewilderment.

‘Don't tellthat this suckling has reached the sword domain!" Austin couldn't read minds, but he knew that it was exactly what

everyone was thinking.

Austin was no mere child, albeit he was just a little over twenty years of age; but compared to all the masters in the area, it was as

if he was a kid in their eyes.

Yet he becthe first one of them to have successfully passed the trial, and leveled up to the sword domain that everyone so

deeply desired.

This was rather hard to swallow for them, and would be beyond any sane person's belief. They bet that others would think they've

made up the whole story.

In particular, Baldwin had reacted violently. After all, he had been a noted sword master at the level ten sword potential for

hundreds of years, during which he ceased to make any progress no matter how much effort he had put into training.

But now, he was told that a young boy, who was much less experienced than himself, had gained what he longed for. Baldwin was

devastated, there was no way to explain what happened.

Of course, none of them knew that Austin had the help of the Sword Emperor's life's understanding and achievements on

swordsmanship, which was already stored in Austin's Soul Sea when he found the legacy of the Sword Emperor. Besides, the Magic

Sea Water had ensured his quick recovery and sustained his life, enabling him to keep fighting all the way through the end of the

corridor without fearing for his life. That was the reason he could fight at his best.