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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1363
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Austin commanded. His tone was stern and cold.

Then, using the powers of his mind, Austin transferred Earl and himself out of the City model in an instant.

Out of the blue, Earl saw that the two of them had reached a remote alley, without any apparent movement.

"You can rest assured that | won't say a word about what just happened; even if someone beatto a pulp and made my jelly!"

Earl quickly promised Austin. He didn't want to get on the latter's bad side.

And upon finishing his words, instead of a response, he felt a slight ripple in the air in front of him, and then Austin disappeared

without a trace.

Austin was now able to move more than fifty or sixty thousand meters in a single step. For an ordinary human cultivators, there

was no way to perceive such rapid movement or presence, irrespective of whether they used the naked eye or the spiritual sense.

It just wasn't possible.

"Turns out that the man is alive after all. I'm afraid that there is going to be one hell of a mess in the Mysterious Sky City when

word gets out,"

Earl murmured to himself as he gazed at the spot Austin had disappeared from.

Then his eyes fell on the divine vital energy crystals and the bottle of elixirs which had been placed on his hands without him being

aware of it.

For a warrior at the premium stage of Master Realm, a dozen divine vital energy crystals were no less than a king's ransom. Those

were a treasure beyond measure.

And when he opened the bottle of elixirs carefully to check what was inside, his breath stopped!

He simply couldn't even believe what he was seeing!

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God! Ten Cultivation-enhancing Pills!

Earl was deeply shocked and visibly ecstatic. It was obvious that he couldn't control his excitement anymore. His eyes, were

practically leaking of excitement and ecstasy. A visible shudder swept over him.

"Am | dreaming? Ten Cultivation-enhancing Pills!

Ha-ha! | can finally break through to the Astral Realm!

I've been at the premium stage of Master Realm for the last ten years and was unable to break through.

Now, with the ten Cultivation-enhancing Pills, | could definitely make it!"

Earl burst into a hysteric laughter. He was so thrilled about it that he shrieked like a maniac for a good ten minutes.

The Cultivation-enhancing Pill was especially good when used by warriors to break through from the Master Realm into the Astral

Realm. Austin had easily sensed that Earl was still at the premium stage of Master Realm, so he had given him a few of such pills

to help the poor old man. It was a good trade. This man was going to be in his debt forever now!

Besides, the Cultivation-enhancing Pill was useless for Austin since he had beyond the Master and the Astral Realm. However, it

was the most precious treasure possible for Earl. .

Even before Earl had tto open Austin's gift, the latter had already arrived in front of the gate of the castellan mansion, where

all the semi-emperor leaders of the Southern Alliances Army lived.

He had disguised himself while travelling, since he did not want to be recognized. But now, there was no need for that charade,

and he took off his mask.

Standing right in front of the gate in an imposing manner, Austin looked rather powerful, yet still unrecognizable at first glance,

especially to the guards. More than a dozen of them immediately cup to him and got in his way.

"Hey you! Where are you from? What are you doing here?

Can't you see the sign placed on the lintel of the gate? This is the castellan mansion. Common people like you are not allowed

anywhere near it. Go on and run away.

Get out of here as fast as you can, or we will have to use force!"

one of the guards scolded him.

It was not surprising that they could not recognize Austin. After all, he looked just like an ordinary young man and the guards

hadn't spent too much twith him, so they only had a small idea of what he looked like.

Therefore, they considered him to be a mere, common disciple and were therefore not willing to let him anywhere near the castle.

There were no friendly smiles on their faces neither.

They were actually ordinary disciples of various sections and had low cultivation bases. They hadn't even joined the battle against

the demon race. Though they had witnessed what had happened two days ago, they had been forced to watch Austin from a


Therefore, they couldn't recognize him up close.


Now I'm not allowed to even approach this place! The Southern Alliances Army really is rather arrogant! Bastards!"

Austin remarked with a sour smile on his lips. This was irritating. The guards were annoying him!

"You... What do you mean?

Where the hell are you from and which sect do you belong to?

Everyone inside the castellan mansion is a leader of the Southern Alliances Army and each and every one of them is a famous and

powerful figure.

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You jerk! How dare you comment on them, insult them, and call them names!

All of you, get him! Let's teach him a lesson,"

another guard thundered in rage when he heard Austin's words, prepared to catch him.

"Piss off!"

Austin flicked his wrist in an annoyed gesture.

The poor guards were instantly thrown hundreds of feet away and landed with a thud on the ground, most of them winded hard.

They got up from the ground slowly, both frightened and furious at this intruder.

"Eh? Hang on a minute. This guy looks rather familiar.

He looks like... looks like Austin!" one of the guards exclaimed after staring at Austin for a while.

And he was nailed to the spot in shock.

Unaffected by their troubles, Austin was now standing before the gate.

He took a deep breath

and took in an abundant amount of air inside his elixir field, ordering it to keep flowing around his body.

Then, with a slight bow towards his back, he activated the air into his lungs. Instead of a mere outflow of air, or a pleasant whistle,

muffled sounds of thunder and roars of ancient beasts began to emanate from his lungs.

His mouth and nose were also releasing that horrendous sound.

Austin was going to use a kind of demonic skill at the gate—the Roaring Blast.