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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1507
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Austin didn't waste tanywhere. As soon as he was finished, he left the square and headed straight home. It wasn't exactly home, but it was a place where he and Caroline were staying for the tbeing. And even though it was a temporary abode, it was exactly where he wanted to be after a tiring battle. After all, he hadn't seen Caroline for a long time, and he really missed her. It didn't take him long to get back to the hill, where everything felt familiar and warm as ever.

When he got to the door, then even before he could knock, Caroline rushed out to greet him. She threw herself into his arms delightfully, her long and perfect hair stroking his face, sending a beautifully cold sensation down his spine. Austin could also smell skind of fragrance that was clinging to her whole body. It seemed to him as if this smell was unique to her.

Caroline buried her face into his chest, much like a little puppy nuzzling against its owner. She was no longer the queen of the evil shadow race who always seemed aloof, or someone who had to stand high above the masses in front of the man he loved. No. Now, she was an ordinary woman, albeit a love-struck one, who could enjoy the simple pleasures of life. She never condescended to anyone before, but now she could and would crave for Austin's embrace. She had becgentle and shy before him.

Austin was enjoying the moment as well. Smelling her fragrance and feeling her soft body, he couldn't help it and wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her more tightly and bringing her in closer. He beca bit breathless upon feeling the lust growing inside him. It looked like he was aroused by her enchantment.

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"Gee, you've made it to the medium stage of Semi-holy Realm, haven't you?" Caroline suddenly exclaimed, as she withdrew her face from his chest and looked up at him with her big and clear eyes. Austin chuckled, "Looks like I can't hide anything from you. You're right. I've made sprogresses once again. It has something to do with the natural vessel of energy. Cultivation in that area really boosts you," he replied with a smile, leaning over to touch her forehead with his nose in an affectionate manner.

Though in love, Caroline still flushed when she felt his breath upon her skin. To hide her shyness, she tried to find another topic. Luck struck when she remembered the Green Evil Pills. "Hey, I nearly forgot to tell you. Elder Brendan gavea few elixirs sdays ago. They are called the Green Evil Pill," she told him in a happy tone and then continued, "It is a potent kind of pill which contains exceedingly rich amount of evil energy, and is said to be one of the best pills for our evil shadow race." As she spoke, she waved her hand and three strange-looking pills left her Space Ring on their own. She presented them to Austin, who was slightly awed by the sight. The pills had a faint greenish light about them, and somehow, they took his breath away.

He could tell that Caroline was telling the truth with only a single glance on the pills. There was something about them that made him feel full-bodied evil energy surging in them, as if there was an ocean of energy inside each one of them. Judging by their aura and potency, they sure would be a great source of assistance for someone of Caroline's race.

"That's not all. He also gavethe formula for this Green Evil Pill. This means that we can make it on our own too, if we want to. While he was here, he toldseveral things about this pill. Turns out, it was our race who developed this formula in the ancient times. It was kept a secret from others and only we knew how to refine it. Things changed a few years later.

When the number of human warriors started to boom, they also tried the martial arts of evil energy, and their demand for this elixir tically zoomed skywards. To fill their desire of becoming stronger, they tried everything they could and stole the formula from us.

After that, it was also possible to find this pill in the human world, though it wasn't easy to do so.

Elder Brendan toldthat he got his hands on the formula by luck, and he has kept it to himself with great care till today, Caroline narrated the story in an unhurried way, as if she was talking about shistorical relic.

After she was done with the story, she brought out a piece of jade slip and showed it to Austin. The formula for the pill was recorded on it.

Austin took it and unleashed his spiritual sense inside the slip.

Within a few seconds, he had skimmed through the entire formula, and Damn! This was spill! This was no ordinary pill. He couldn't make it by himself, at least not yet. In fact, the Green Evil Pill was a kind of superior pill, whose grade was much higher than the pills they could find in the market or take in their daily life.

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Austin knew what he was looking at nstantly. Before he had left the PrMartial World, he had ill refining from Angus for a year o keep himself in practice, he had een revising those lessons practically and had beca ninth frade pill refiner by now. This had allowed him to acquire a ignificant amount of knowledge of all kinds of pills and elixirs, which enabled him to recognize several are pills with ease. Even when encountering the pills he couldn't efine, he could at least recognize heir grade. >wAs far as his knowledge went, pills could be divided into several categories depending upon their grades. The first category was spiritual pill, also the most common one, whose grades went from the first to the tenth.

Then cthe superior pill, which also ranged from the first grade to the tenth grade.

Sstories said that there was a kind of pill that existed above the superior pill, known as the divine pill.

But so far, that was still a story. No one had ever seen a divine pill, at least not in the PrMartial World, and Austin didn't think that even warriors of the Divine Continent would know what it was really like.

As for the Green Evil Pill they were talking about right now, that was a second-grade superior pill.

But even a second grade superior pill was beyond Austin's imagination, because he would still be unable to refine pills of such a high grade at the moment.

He did make a promise though, "Iwill keep the formula well, Caroline. As soon as Thave made enough progresses to beca second grade superior pill refiner, I will make as many of these pills as possible for you and your people and help them with their cultivation. Are you okay with that?" Austin asked, about to put the jade slip into his Space Ring.

Caroline nodded gently, pressing herself onto his chest once again after giving him a soppy, slavish look.

She didn't care what Austin did with the pill and the formula for now. She would agree readily with his decisions. Right now, she just wanted him.