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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1585
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"Alright," Austin finally relented, sighing. "I'll give you everything you want."

Since the gnwas a huge help to him, Austin would satisfy all his demands. He supposed it was the least he could do to repay

the gnfor all the assistance he was giving.

Suddenly, with a stirring in the air, the gnmaterialized in the empty land.

He stretched out his paws, suspending them in the air as though he was preparing for something to come.

He then waved them and sent out a gentle energy. Over three hundred spatio-temporal crystals wrapped by the energy flew away

from Austin's side and surrounded the gnome.

"I'm going to practice for the breakthrough," said the gnto Austin, "so please guardas | do so."

As he looked right into Austin's eyes, his gaze was full of determination. The gnknew perfectly well that he really should

achieve the breakthrough this time. With the spatio-temporal crystal, he knew he could do it.

At his words, Austin nodded his head and stepped aside. He then fled away, immediately appearing in an empty clearing off the

wood, protecting the gnfrom afar.

Of course, he had to leave enough space for the gnto practice, as the breakthrough had to be done in a completely quiet


For a while, the wood was completely silent. Not a single sound could be heard, and it was so quiet that one could hear even a pin


Then, all of a sudden, the wood began to stir—the trees waved and rolled as a powerful force began to emerge from within. Like an

unseen dragon, it coursed through the wood so strongly that all the nearby rocks and hills began to quake.

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The tic movement made the air whirl, creating storms of sand and rocks. Overhead, the sky darkened as though night had


The wood roared desperately like this for approximately two hours, After a long while, it began to ease and finally regain its former

peace once more.

"Did the gnsucceed in his practice?" Austin wondered aloud as he watched the wood settle back into a peaceful atmosphere.

"Ahh, | can't wait much longer for the result!"

The wood was far too quiet now. It was only natural that it would be a cause of concern for him.

All of a sudden, Austin heard a strange noise.

Without any warning, the space behind him rippled, producing an extremely mild noise.

The sound didn't last very long—at the very next moment, it intensified into a thundering noise as a huge beast shadow suddenly

appeared out of nowhere.

Fortunately, Austin had been trained in spatial power, so he was able to sense the change in the space behind him as soon as it


"Gnome!" he exclaimed.

"You achieved the breakthrough, didn't you?"

The excitement was apparent on his face as he looked at the gigantic beast in front of him.

The said beast, which was currently suspending himself in the air, was over ten meters high, while his tail was a couple of meters

long and resembled a huge saw of iron and steel. An enormous amount of pure demonic aura seethed and rolled around him to

form thick clouds, which only added to the mystery of the scene.

Silver scales as huge as a human palm covered the beast's entire body, glistening and emitting thick rays of demonic aura from its

crevices without stopping. To top it all off, a pair of brown horns rested atop the beast's head. He resembled so much like a

creature from the ancient times.

This was what the gnhad looked like originally. It was a sight that wasn't unfamiliar to Austin, who had seen this image of the


This time, however, Austin could sense a tic difference in the gnome. He now seemed much more powerful than before, and

it was evident that his current demonic aura was much more forceful than it used to be.

In addition, the gnome's body even caused the space around it to shake with ceaseless ripples, producing waves of violent spatial

power without any end.

"Indeed. | succeeded in achieving the breakthrough with the help of the spatio-temporal crystals,"

said the gnto Austin, a smile on his face. Despite his massive, intimidating size, the smile was a gentle one, and Austin could

see and feel the sincerity of it.

"That's great," said Austin, smiling in return. "How much of your blood power was awakened this time?"

The gnright before him looked so mighty and forceful, he couldn't help but want to know the real force of his blood power.

After all, both the gnand Violet were beasts from ancient times. That meant their practice systems were quite different from

those of humans and other ordinary diabolic beasts.

Before an ancient beast could start refining their martial arts, they first had to awaken the blood power in their bodies.

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They wouldn't be able to make any progress in practice until they managed to do so completely, so naturally, the awakening of the

blood power was the first step to initiate real practice.

Violet and the gnhad been doing precisely that, trying their very best to awaken all the blood power within them as soon as


"This breakthrough definitely cas a surprise," said the gnome, looking down at his hands as he spoke.

"I managed to awaken about seventy percent of my blood power in this practice in a direct way to the current high level.

It has savedtoo much energy.

| think my current demonic power is equal to that of a human warrior at the Emperor Realm level.

In a real fight, though, | think | can defeat even a human warrior at the medium stage of Emperor Realm with no difficulty.

As for warriors at the premium stage of Emperor Realm... Well, | can at least fight for several rounds if | try my best.

| can use spatial power very well, after all. So it's impossible for ordinary warriors to kill me." As he finished his explanation, an

elated expression appeared on the gnome's face.

He definitely seemed quite confident in his strength now.

"What?!" exclaimed Austin, his eyes widening in surprise. "You've gained so much power after one breakthrough... That's


He was so startled at the gnome's words that he couldn't help the way he reacted.

It had gone completely beyond all his expectations that the gnwas able to improve his power to the level equal to a human

warrior at the preliminary stage of Emperor Realm with just one breakthrough.