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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1669
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"Cut the crap. Let the fight begin!" Edward urged.

The presence of the Peacock Princess brought him much delight. He was eager to defeat Max to show off his strength in front of


Filled with high spirits, he released immense demonic energy, which caused a strong wind. His golden hair danced in the wind, and

two golden tridents materialized in his hands.

The tremendous demonic energy began darting at Max.

Just then, Edward swung his tridents at him.

A black blade appeared in Max's hand too. He waved his weapon at Edward, unleashing black vital energy to ward off the demonic

energy coming from him.

The crowd looked at them with keen eyes. The duel between two talented young cultivators had finally begun.

Max withstood Edward's attack with his blade.

Aloud clash of the collision of metals was heard.

Max and Edward both were forced to take a step backwards. They furrowed their eyebrows, and stared at each other.

Apparently, they becaware about the strength of their opponent.

As Max steadied himself, black vital energy emerged from his body. As it spread around him, it looked like black flames.

The next moment, the sky above Max's head turned dark.

Two tall, black skeletons with wings popped out behind Max.

They were completely under Max's control.

The two skeletons strode towards Edward.

Seeing them, Edward let out a defiant snort.

In a split second, golden vital energy gushed out from his body and rolled tically.

Everything started happening very fast.

Golden crows with bodies covered by flames cout from Edward's body.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of fire crows flapped their wings and flew towards the two black, gigantic skeletons.

At the stime, Edward and Max rushed towards each other.

The tridents and the black blade clashed, causing a series of loud clanging noises.

Due to the enormous vital energy and violent demonic energy, the entire platform shook tically. The power was so much that

it seemed the platform all was going to fall apart any minute soon.

Edward and Max were engaged in a tough battle.

Austin had been observing them in the fight, and discovered that both of them were equally matched.

But he also realized that Edward was faster than Max manifolds.

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Austin assumed that Edward would gain the upper hand soon.

What happened later confirmed his assumption!

Two hours passed in the grueling duel. That was when Max was forced to shoot at a far distance.

He quickly managed to steady himself, but he was already a thousand meters away from Edward.

His face was turning pale gradually as he kept spitting out blood. It was evident that he was severely injured.

"Con, this isn't over yet!" Edward said loudly.

On seeing Max spitting blood and getting hurt, he becmore confident. He emitted dazzling golden light as if he was a deity. He

took a stride in a bid to charge at his opponent. Obviously he had no intention of sparing his life.

Suddenly, an elder in black appeared beside the platform, out of thin air. "That's enough, young man! You've already won. Why

does it look like you're trying to take his life? You've already gone too far,"

he shouted coldly.

As the elder in black stretched his hand, his hand grew bigger and bigger, until it was several acres in size. Standing still, he raised

his gigantic hand to hit Edward.

"This is a duel between two young men. As an elder, you are making a move against a young cultivator. Are the other people from

your clan as shameless as you are?"

An angry voice cut through the air.

Out of nowhere, a giant bird claw showed up beside the platform and hit the elder's huge palm.

The collision between the giant claw and the huge palm made the wind move, creating a hurricane.

It swept around the area strongly.

Frightened by such power, many relatively weak cultivators ran away to avoid being hurt. A few seconds later, half of the audience

had left.

A middle-aged man, who was clad in fine golden clothes, showed up next to Edward.


Edward greeted as he turned and had a look at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man nodded in reply.

"I will not forget what you did to our member today. We will make you pay for it someday," the elder in black snorted angrily.

He took hold of Max and left the square with the four young men from the Ji Clan.

Edward reached the Peacock Princess in a flash.

"What's going on between you and that human Austin Lin?" he questioned emotionally, looking her in the eye.

"That's none of your business, Edward!" the Peacock Princess responded, frowning at him.

She showed displeasure at being questioned by Edward like that.

"That Austin has the balls to cnear my girl. I'll rip him to bits if | meet him!"

Edward declared in a cold tone as his golden hair kept fluttering in the wind.

"Edward, you're being unreasonable now.

I've told you more than once that | have nothing to do with you,"

the Peacock Princess shouted with an irritated look on her face.

"What are you talking about?

I've already spoken to my father about marrying you and he agreed. He will cby to meet your elders and discuss our wedding.

You will be my wife soon!"

Edward said in a domineering manner.

"You... You told them that?"

Peacock Princess trembled with anger rising in her body.

"I'm telling you, once and for all, that a union between you and me, is impossible,"

she said in an exasperated tone.

"Are you rejectingfor that Austin? I'll finish him. I'm sure you will acceptafter he is dead,"

Edward responded in a sinister tone, and an insidious look shone in his eyes.

He was a man who would do whatever it took to get what he wanted. He was stubborn and egoistic, which he hardly noticed or


After he finished his words, he transformed into a golden light.

In the next second, he disappeared into the distance.

The people who had cto watch those two geniuses fight, had dispersed already.

Austin didn't greet the Peacock Princess. Instead, he left the square discreetly.

Two days passed.

Finally, the door of the Spiritual Tower was going to open.

A horde of people were headed for the nine-story Spiritual Tower.

The purple tower occupied an area of a few hundred acres. Its surface was engraved with innumerable ancient words.

Each character was well written and clear.

The tower was tall and old. From afar, it looked imposing and mysterious. It seemed antique and unique.

It was said that the Spiritual Tower had a history of hundreds of thousands of years in the Angel City. Many felt it was just a rumor

because no one knew anything about it.

That day, the tower was surrounded by a myriad of young cultivators. Slevitated around the tower, while the rest stood on the


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All of them had fixed their eyes on the gates of the tower.

During the two days that he moved around in the city, Austin had collected sinformation about the Spiritual Tower.

The Spiritual Tower opened to the public every one hundred years, and it only stayed open for ten days.

It didn't belong to any specific clan or sect. No one was in charge of when it opened or closed. Once the door of the tower opened,

all the young men under the age of twenty-eight were allowed to enter it for trials.

The gates of the Spiritual Tower were usually closed all year around for all those hundred years.

No one could get into the tower by force. Even the great masters couldn't destroy its door to break in.

It was rumored that strong cultivators from the holy lands and prominent clans had once cto the Angel City. They had

attempted to use their ultimate magical treasures to break the door secretly so that they could barge in and look for treasures

inside the tower.

But all their attempts were in vain. They could cause it no harm and had to return empty handed.

Ever since, no cultivators in the East Mainland took up a chance of breaking into the Spiritual Tower.

Since the great masters failed to destroy the door of Spiritual Tower with the ultimate magical treasures, they thought it was a

futile attempt to open the gates forcibly.

Austin perceived all the young cultivators around the tower with the aid of his spiritual sense and spotted many acquaintances.

He saw the Peacock Princess, Edward and Max.

Later, his eyes fell on a girl, whose face seemed familiar to him. It took him a few moments to recognize her.

"Stacy is here," he murmured to himself.

"Belle has ctoo."

He had caught sight of Belle—the granddaughter of the prminister from the Solamnia Kingdom.

He remembered that when the Martial Arts Tournament had ended, the representative of the Jade Sect had recruited her as their

disciple because she had the Crystal Moonlight Body.

Austin hadn't seen her since then. To his surprise, he had got the chance to meet her again.

As his gaze moved around across the crowd, he saw a disciple of the Vasteras Holy Land—Howard.


Austin remarked, as his face turned dark.

Austin and Howard had agreed to have a duel, but it had been delayed due to many things that had happened in between.

The people from top sects and clans from the East Mainland had assaulted the base of the FlHoly Land and ruined it.

Because of that, Austin had to hide in the former headquarters of the FlHoly Land. He stayed there in hiding for three years,

and used the tto cultivate.

‘That's great! Now that he is here, we can have the fight in the Spiritual Tower to fulfill our promises, ' Austin thought as he had his

eyes fixated on Howard.

The man whom he wanted to defeat so desperately was standing there. And Austin was filled with a new energy rising due to

anger and hatred for he wanted to win the duel against Howard at any cost.