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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2164
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In the South Sea City, a lot of nuns were guiding the guards on how and where to hang the lanterns and the colored ribbons on

every street. Red papers with words of happiness and auspiciousness were pasted in every corner of the city.

Meanwhile, people were also distributing and handing out gifts to every household. Everyone in the city seemed to be celebrating

the wedding with great happiness.

Even the castellan of the South Sea City personally went out to the street together with a large group of soldiers. They helped in

the preparations and arrangements of the upcoming wedding.

Many people from other sects were also on the streets of the South Sea City. All of them were carrying precious gifts in their hands.

They all hurried to the family of the couple and expressed their congratulations.

Everyone had already anticipated this scene to happen. After all, the South Marine Sect was a leading and powerful sect in the

whole South Mountain while the Zhao Clan was also a top ranked family in this area.

Now that these two major forces in the South Mountain were about to be bound by marriage, all people of course considered this

as a very important event.

No one could afford to underestimate or neglect the importance of this wedding because the two major forces were involved.

Therefore, the South Sea City beca bustling city in an instant.

Austin was also walking on the street when he suddenly spotted two nuns not so far away from him. They were walking towards his


At a rough guess, Austin could say that the two nuns were around twenty-four or twenty-five years old. They looked pretty but their

martial abilities were strong. They might be at the Divine Bridge Realm and they were the inner disciples of the South Marine Sect.

Austin tried to analyze the two nuns first before he made a decision.

‘Well, maybe | can get sinformation from them, ' he thought.

So Austin walked towards the two nuns to directly meet them.

"How impolite that man is," commented one of the nuns when she noticed that Austin was walking fast towards them.

They felt stunned and enraged as the approaching young man was staring straight at their faces and not even showing the

slightest intention to avoid them. They both frowned.

Austin walked more swiftly and approached the two nuns in just the blink of an eye.

"How rude you are! You..." One of the nuns got angry because of Austin's rudeness, so she scolded him aloud.

However, before she could even finish her words, Austin had swiftly leaped towards them and stretched out his hands.

He exerted a strong vital energy force at them.

Since Austin was now a martial art master at the premium stage of Major-perfection Realm, the two nuns were definitely no match

for him when it cto power. Hence, he was able to easily take control of them.

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All of a sudden, the two nuns couldn't move or speak. They felt a mighty force pressing on them. It was as if they were knocked by

a huge mountain.

Using his mind, Austin immediately transferred the two nuns into the Slave Tower.

He then teleported himself and the Slave Tower into the City model on his body. The City model turned into a grain of dust and fell

to the ground in the corner of the street at once.

The two nuns panicked inside the Slave Tower.

Surely, this unknown weird world frightened them to the extreme.

Their fear increased twofold when Austin suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Oh my gosh! Stay away from us, you asshole!" shouted one of the nuns.

"What are you going to do to us?" asked the other nun.

The two nuns' faces turned pale. They thought that Austin brought them there because he was planning to rape them.

"You have nothing to worry about. | just have something to ask you," replied Austin.

However, his face immediately darkened like a demon.

"But you'd better givehonest answers. Otherwise, I'll take off all your clothes and throw you naked on the street," he


In the face of Austin's pressure and threat, the two nuns finally gave in and answered all of his questions. Austin had gotten all the

information he needed.

Through the two nuns, he found out that his two fiancees, Ivy and Sue, were about to marry the young master of the Zhao Clan.

It was the leader of the South Marine Sect who arranged everything for this marriage to happen.

"lI once heard from a disciple of our sect that Ivy Shangguan and Sue Shangguan are actually not from the Divine Continent. Elder

Helen just found them somewhere else and brought them here," related one of the nuns.

"She once went to a small world that is much inferior to ours. She found the two girls there and she was surprised when she knew

that they have the Crystal Buddha Body. That's why she brought them back with her."

The two nuns narrated to Austin alternately.

"Their surnis Shangguan. When Elder Helen brought them here, she trained them well. Now, both of them are principal

disciples of the South Marine Sect. They are enjoying a status which is higher than us."

"l also heard from a principal disciple of our sect that Ivy and Sue are not willing to marry the young master of the Zhao Clan."

"That's right. According to rumors, Sue even tried committing suicide when she found out about the wedding."

Austin listened attentively as the two nuns took turns in giving him the information. Since they were inner disciples of the South

Marine Sect, they knew a lot of things inside the sect. Austin didn't regret holding them captives because they were able to tell him

everything they knew about Sue and Ivy.

After the nuns finished talking, Austin's face darkened more. A strong murderous will suddenly burst out of his body. The two nuns

saw it happen clearly in front of them and they were utterly shocked. Especially when the temperature around them dropped by a

dozen degrees in an instant.

"Ha ha! Good! Very good!" Austin let out a cold laughter.

His eyes sparkled a glint of murderous will.

"The South Marine Sect and the Zhao Clan..."

Austin clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Billowing murderous will and terrible vital energy force filled the whole Slave Tower. They were the dominating elements in this

space now.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two nuns heard the sharp noises before they immediately fell on the ground. The force was so strong that they were not able

to resist it anymore. They slumped on the floor heavily and their faces turned pale due to lack of blood. Blood then oozed from the

corners of their mouths.

Since their cultivation base were just at the Divine Bridge Realm, Austin's tremendous murderous will was too much for them to


"Please, young hero. We have nothing to do with this. Please don't kill us!" pleaded the two nuns. They both shuddered in front of

Austin. They huddled together like two weak animals before a hungry beast.

Both of them were staring at Austin with frightened eyes.

They wondered what would happen to them next in the hands of this young man.

However, Austin didn't mind them anymore. He just focused his mind and took the two nuns out of the Slave Tower. Using his

spiritual sense, he transferred the two nuns on the roadside.

"You'd better keep today's matter a secret or else, | will find you again and kill you."

After his last warning, Austin initiated his bodily movement skill and immediately disappeared in the air.

The two nuns were left standing in the corner of the street. They looked at each other and they saw fear in both eyes clearly. They

felt so confused about what had just happened.

"What do we do now? Do we have to report this whole thing to the steward?" asked one of the nuns.

Her voice was still trembling with fear.

"Do you want to die?" asked the other nun back.

"We have already leaked so much information to that young man just now. Do you think we can survive if the steward knows

anything about it? What we need to do is forget everything that happened today. Do you understand?" she added.

There was also fear and anger in her voice.

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She was so scared because Austin was way too powerful, but she was also angry for not being able to defend themselves.

"Yes, you are right. We'd better forget everything that happened today."

The first nun had finally realized that the other nun's words made sense.

Two days had passed swiftly.

Every street of the South Sea City was bustling. It was crowded with people. There was a commotion everywhere.

When late morning came, a strange rumbling sound was suddenly heard from the sky in the northwest.

Everyone looked at the direction where the strange noise cfrom. Surprise was written all over their faces.

Ten giant, mighty warships lined up in the air neatly. They were suspended in the sky like ten huge kites. Due to the powerful aura

of the warships, forceful ripples of air were formed around. The air stirred as if something was whipping it.

At the stime, so many red papers with words of happiness and colorful ribbons could be seen on every part of each warship.

Colorful flags were also flapping in the wind. Melodious music played by various musical instruments could be heard flowing from

the fleet of the warships. The melody echoed in the sky and spread at a far distance.

What was more surprising was the numerous well-dressed little boys and girls on each side of every warship. They each held a

basket full of colorful flowers in their hands and kept on pouring them into the air.

Countless flowers showered down from the sky.

No one could deny that this opening of the wedding ceremony was indeed grand and spectacular!

Obviously, the Zhao Clan had really shown how extravagant and high-profile they were.

Everyone in the whole South Sea City, men and women, old and young, all rushed to high places to see the grand scene. They all

shouted in excitement. An exclamation of admiration resounded the whole city.

Austin was also standing with the crowd. He looked up at the ten warships which were gradually descending.

"Fantastic! The Zhao Clan is really spectacular, isn't it? Such a grand ceremony!" exclaimed Austin with a sneer.

His eyes immediately emitted a strong murderous will. He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth in fury.

"You just wait and see. | will definitely turn your grand wedding ceremony into a funeral!"





