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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2330
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Austin looked around.

A grey haze was all around the whole cave.

Using his spiritual sense, Austin found that the air inside the cave was dry and the grey mist was practically invisible to naked


Only old people who were about to pass away could emit such an aura. Once this haze appeared, it only meant one thing:

someone was about to meet his maker.

Additionally, Austin felt something strange that the cave seemed to be filled with abundant immortal energy.

Despite this, Austin felt no comfort from this. Instead, he felt a little wistful, as if he saw the last radiance of the setting sun.


Kevin mentioned to Austin, pointing his finger to the front.

Looking over to the direction he pointed, Austin was stunned.

At the center of the huge cave was a grey light, blazing like an inferno.

It constantly emitted a grey mist which made the light around the area a little subdued.

"What's this, sir?"

Observing the mesmerizing grey light, Austin felt stunned and curious at the stime.

"It's the original energy essence of the continent,"

Kevin answered slowly, his face grim.

"The original energy essence of the continent? What is that?"

Austin racked his brain for familiarity. Oddly enough, he hadn't heard of that before.

"Every continent has its original energy essence.

Similar to our very own hearts, a continent has its own. It's the key to its very existence,"

Kevin expounded further.

"Creatures and other living beings are able to survive thanks to the original energy essence of the continent. This place in

particular possesses bountiful spiritual energy.

This whole continent would be lifeless if it weren't for its original energy essence. It would end up becoming a barren land, a ruin,

unsuitable for living beings to thrive.

It is said that a long tago, there were many continents in every plthat once held nourished lives. But as tpassed, the

original energy essence of those continents dissipated, and along with it, billions of creatures vanished.

A continent can die as quickly as a man does. If the original energy essence meets its end, then the vitality of the whole continent

dies with it. That being said, a continent without the original energy essence is nothing but an infertile land, ill-suited for any life to

keep going,"

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Kevin simplified to Austin.

"| get it."

Although he understood what Kevin meant, he was surprised that this was the first he heard of this.

Continents, just like human beings, also experienced sickness, old age, and death through various illnesses.

Kevin's explanation gave Austin a lot of things to think about. This information was all brand new for him.

Of course, Austin knew that Kevin was not bluffing. He was a dignified master and he would not dare lie to him.

"Is the grey flwe see the original energy essence of the Immortal End World?"

Austin asked, dawning on him what the flcould mean.

"No, the Immortal End World was shattered into forty-four smaller continents a long tago.

The grey flthat we now see represents the original energy essence of the Vermilion World.

This cave is under the Dusk Mountain,"

Kevin explained further.

"l understand."

Austin nodded his head, grasping the whole concept Kevin previously described.

"I presthat you have felt it as well.

This continent's original energy essence has becweaker compared to what it was before.

Truth be told, the Vermilion World is not the only continent dealing with this problem.

There are eight heavens and thirty-six small worlds in the Immortal End World. Each of them has its own original energy essence

constantly fading away with each passing second. They are all turning weak and vulnerable.

If something doesn't change soon enough, this could entail dire consequences.

Once the original energy essence fades, the continents will cease to exist hundreds of thousands years later.

As soon as this happens, the Immortal End World will be reduced to nothing but a piece of land without any spiritual energy and

unsuitable for lives to flourish.

In this situation, even without the onslaught of foreign enemies, our existence would still be wiped out,"

Kevin mentioned, expressing serious concern towards the unfortunate circumstance.


As he took in all these, Austin couldn't help but feel the sway as the elder. He was worried about the original energy essence.

After all, if the Immortal End World was to be destroyed, every creature living there would eventually perish.

"Sir, do you know any possible way to restore the original energy essence of the continent and make the light burn again?"

Austin asked.

"This is the exact reason why | cand chose the 44 Protectors."

Kevin got a little excited.

Austin also felt relieved as he heard that the elder had plans.

After all, as an inhabitant of the Immortal End World, it was only natural for Austin to be alarmed.

"From now on, you will stay in this cave and try to refine the original energy essence of the continent.

This is your most important task,"

Kevin ordered Austin.

"Refine the original energy essence of the continent? Is that even possible?"

Daunted by the difficulty of the task given to him, Austin asked.

"That's right. | will put the exact method into your Soul Sea, and then you can stay here and try to learn to refine it as soon as


Don't askanything else for the tbeing. | don't have much tfor any other questions,"

Kevin instructed.

Austin's mind still flooded with a lot of questions, but he opted not to bother the elder and simply nodded in agreement.

As Kevin waved his right hand, a beam of light shot into Austin's Soul Sea.

This was a secret method about how to refine the original energy essence of the continent.

Austin realized that this secret method must be extremely valuable.

Being able to successfully refine the original energy essence of a continent was definitely one for the books.

"Well, you can start now,"

Kevin advised.

As he said so, he moved his body and vanished.

"The Immortal End World is composed of eight heavens and thirty-six small worlds, making a sum total of 44 incomplete lands


That means forty-four lands should have forty-four Protectors to preserve them.

So, Master Kevin intends to have one Protector to refine the original energy essence per continent."

Austin rubbed his chin, deep in thought as he figured out the master's plans.

"Okay, whatever.

I'll refine the original energy essence lying beforefirst."

Austin sat cross legged.

Following the secret method that Kevin sent into his Soul Sea, he released his spiritual sense and sketched out many mysterious

spiritual sense runes.

Soon, the runes which exuded the pressure of the spiritual sense were successfully outlined and gently moved towards the original

energy essence of the continent. At last, they attached to it and tried to communicate with it.

Eventually, more and more spiritual sense runes were drawn. They were all over the sky and they flew towards the direction of the

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original energy essence.

In his first few days of refinement, the huge grey light remained unmoved.

It remained the sas it was before for six more days.

Later, something finally happened. It made a great sound of sniff and swayed left and right. The huge gray fire was like a flower

bud and slowly bloomed.

Witnessing the fldance, Austin was surprised.

There seemed to be a very faint connection between him and the gray light.

However, according to that secret method, it was not easy to refine the original energy essence of the continent.

It would truly test a Protector's patience.

The communication and integration would go very slowly.

On top of it, the whole process could be dangerous.

If he were to rush, he would surely be unsuccessful in his quest. If he were to act with undue haste, his life would be in danger, and

he could be harmed or even killed by the original energy essence on the spot.

Therefore, Austin decided to refine the original energy essence slowly and patiently.











