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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2491
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At this time, in another area of the Ancient Celestial World, there were a lot of evil creatures looking for something.

Derek was among them.

An old evil creature walked besides Derek.

In addition, there were five tall and ferocious evil creatures that surrounded Derek as if protecting him from an external intruder,

which stood out among the crowd.

The five tall evil creatures were the avatars of the five grand leaders!

The grand leader was second in command to Devil Ancestor Bale in the Third Demonic World.

Each grand leader was in charge of a vast territory of billions of miles wide. They had a lot of men under their command and had

great power.

However, even grand leaders needed to bow down to Derek.

After all, Derek was the grandson of Devil Ancestor Bale.

Devil Ancestor Bale was the true ruler of the Third Demonic World.

"We have searched far and wide and covered every corner of the Ancient Celestial World.

There is no trace of Austin.

Do you think, it could be possible that Austin has already fled to the Immortal End World?"

one of the grand leaders asked exasperated, wrapped in flames.

"In my opinion, Austin must still be in the North Dragon Badlands. The is no way he could have escaped that godforsaken land.

We should go back to the North Dragon Badlands and look for him,"

said another grand leader with a long tail and horns.

"All right. Let's head for the North Dragon Badlands. My youngest son is still in Austin's hands. | must find him and tear him to


a grand leader in a black cloak said through gritted teeth.

"Humph, many of our descendants were imprisoned by Austin. Otherwise, we wouldn't have cthis far to this world to look for

that useless brat,"

a grand leader with wings on his back said.

It turned out that each of the five grand leaders had a family member captured by Austin.

Austin's five captives were the grand leaders’ favorite children. They had placed great expectations on them and invested a lot of

time, energy and valuables on them.

That was why the five grand leaders had sent their avatars to the Ancient Celestial World.

"Okay, let's go back to the North Dragon Badlands.

Truth is, | also have a feeling that Austin is hiding in the North Dragon Badlands,"

Derek said to the avatars of the five grand leaders.

Right then, a grey kind of mist rolled towards them from the distance.

In the mist there were many shadows and monsters.

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'What could be happening over there?’

All the evil creatures looked up at the grey fog in astonishment.

"Those are the monsters from the North Dragon Badlands.

They are coming after us!"

Derek screamed in horror.

Not long before this, he had encountered the monsters and was chased by a large number of them in the North Dragon Badlands.

He almost lost his life.

It was only with the protection and help of the old evil creature that they were able to get rid of the frightening monsters. Later he

ran into the avatars of the five grand leaders.

Unexpectedly, now the beasts were right before his eyes again.

Derek was terrified of the beasts.

The avatars of the five grand leaders stepped forward at the stand stood in front of Derek to protect him.

"Calm down, young master.

We will fight them and protect you from them!" the avatars of the five grand leaders said in unison.


The monsters in the air also spotted them.

They were sent by Austin to look for Derek!

Previously, Austin had sent the image of Derek into their Soul Seas.

So several of the beasts immediately informed Austin of their discovery.

Although the beasts were not intelligent, they were very powerful. It was not a challenging task for them to fill Austin in on what

they had found.

"This is my lucky day. They have found Derek!"

Upon receiving the message, Austin was overjoyed. He immediately used his bodily movement skill and headed for the location

where Derek was sighted.

On the other hand, the evil creatures were also preparing to make a move against the monsters in case they attacked them.

"Mr. Derek, don't worry. | am going to kill these beasts,"

a grand leader with a black cloak said.

Then, he opened his hand which began to grow bigger and bigger by the minute against the wind. Instantly, it turned into a giant

dark hand that released overwhelming evil aura and tried to grasp the monsters in the sky.

The earth shook slightly as if it was hit by a tremor.

Suddenly, the sky becdark.

It seemed that the grand leader had turned the space into hell.

A grand leader's attack was indeed extraordinary.


Since the monsters were not intelligent and didn't have developed minds, they didn't know what fear was. All they knew was to kill.

After being attacked, all the beasts becfurious.

Dozens of them rushed at the grand leader who had attacked them murderously.

The grand leader's enlarged hand once again cat them, The enlarged hand smashed them into tiny pieces.

"Grand Leader Oakes, you are awesome.

Well done! Ha-ha!

Show them how powerful you are. These bloody monsters all deserve to die!"

Derek said to the grand leader who had killed the monsters, overjoyed.

"Rest assured, Mr. Derek. These monsters don't pose any threat to us,"

Grand Leader Oakes said with a smile.

"Oh, is that so? I'm afraid that you evil clowns won't laugh so much once | am done with you. | will have the last laugh."

A composed voice sounded in the sky.

Then a thick gray fog appeared.

Within a few moments, the whole sky was covered with a gray mist.


A large army emerged from the grey fog.

The one in charge of the large army was a young man from the human race. He looked at the evil creatures with a contemptuous

expression in his eyes.

Behind him were eight gigantic beasts.

Each huge beast gave off a powerful aura, as if they could destroy the world any time.

Right behind the eight gigantic beasts, were a swam of beasts that were densely packed. There were so many of them that they

blocked the sun.

"This can't be happening again. Isn't that Austin?"

As soon as the young man appeared, all the evil creatures stared at him in shock and annoyance.

"Yes, you are right. It's definitelyin living flesh."

Austin smiled faintly.

"Austin, where have you been hiding all this time?

And where did you even get these monsters? What did you do to them? Why would they listen to you and follow your orders?"

Derek flew into a rage at the sight of Austin.

But he couldn't help but feel frightened when he saw the large sea of beasts slowly trudging behind Austin.

"What nonsense are you spewing now? Why would | hide from you evil clowns? Don't flatter yourselves. You are not that important

in the schof things."

Austin snapped, laughing wildly.

"Austin, how dare you capture our elite brave young men?

Hand them over immediately, or you will wish you were never born," the grand leader who was wrapped in flames shouted as he

took a step forward.

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He was the most fast-tempered one among the five grand leaders.

'Are these five evil creature really grand leaders?

No wonder they have been releasing such an immense evil energy, '

Austin thought in surprise, as he looked at the grand leaders’ avatars.

As a matter of fact, he had noticed them the second he arrived there, but he pretended so as not to make them feel too important.

The grand leaders were highly respected in the Third Demonic World, They also possessed a formidable power and everyone was

scared of them.

‘Looks like they are just five avatars. However they are still formidable opponents. | can't take them lightly.

Now, let's see if my eight giant beasts can be a match against the five grand leaders’ avatars.

If they can't defeat them, | will have to turn to the suprgrandmaster of the hybrid titan race for help, '

Austin resolved after using his spiritual sense to check the five grand leaders' strength.

















