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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2682
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Inside the secret chamber, Austin practiced with intense focus. Swoosh! He waved his sword more than a thousand times swiftly

within seconds.

Wielding his sword like that was not new to him. As a matter of fact, with Austin's first-rate swordsmanship cultivation base, such

maneuvers should be child's play to him.

However, when Austin tried to condense the sword intent of a thousand moves into one, he found that it was nearly impossible for

him to do so. He had continuously attempted to do the techniques according to the Concentration Method, but he still had a hard


Hence, Austin continued to practice his swordsmanship, slowly increasing the number of moves as he progressed. He repeated the

ssteps without mistake until he successfully condensed a hundred sword intents into one.

At his current swordsmanship cultivation base, Austin could wield his sword a hundred times within a second.

Moreover, he was able to condense a hundred sword intents into one without much difficulty.

"Ugh," Austin scoffed.

He felt deeply frustrated and ashamed.

Austin had a hard tcondensing the sword intent.

But he knew that once he had mastered it, he could acquire horrifying power.

Swish, swish, swish!

Inside the secluded chamber, the sword shadows flashed. The sword lights also shone amidst the darkness of the cave.

Austin held his long silver sword and waved it constantly.

The enclosed cave was ideal for Austin to cultivate his sword skills as it gave him sufficient tto practice without being


Austin studied the methods of condensing and refining the sword intents every day.

Tpassed by as quick as a flash and it had since been a hundred years!

A century of cultivation had gone by. For an ordinary cultivator, it would have been a bore task to practice the smethod every


However, Austin was patient and very much satisfied with his development.

Now, Austin could condense five hundred sword intents into one!

Then, another six or seven hundred years passed by.

After long years of attempting to master the sword intent, a thousand sword intents were finally condensed into one.

Austin was now capable of unleashing a much stronger sword aura than before. Its power had escalated exponentially.

However, Austin had not yet stopped practicing with intense rigor.

It was not until two thousand years later that he ceased his cultivation.

By then, he was able to condense five thousand sword intents into one!

Austin had always had a flair with swordsmanship ever since he first wielded a blade, but his skills had never been more prominent

than it was that day.

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After almost three thousand years of practice in the secret chamber, he had reached the level of condensing five thousand sword

intents into one.

After he reached such a level, something had changed in Austin. When he looked at his enemies, his glares alone would cause an

invisible fire blazing in the stale air.

Still, he went on practicing his swordsmanship.

But when he could condense 6, 000 sword intents into one, he discovered that he had slowed down and might have reached his


'Huh. It seems that my swordsmanship cultivation base has reached a bottleneck, *

Austin thought to himself.

He had encountered such a gridlock in his vital energy cultivation process before, so he knew what was going on.

"Well, | will practice again later."

Austin stopped all his exercises and sat still for a while.

Coming across a bottleneck meant that one had gone through enough blisters, but still had to accumulate more trials before one

could break through again.

Austin had been practicing swordsmanship in the tchamber for almost three thousand years. Nevertheless, only about three

months had just passed in the outside world.

Austin carried on with his cultivation again after resting for a while.

For him, enhancing his strength was his top priority.

Then, Austin started to cultivate his spatial power.

Before saying goodbye to each other in the chaotic void, the old man had infused his experience about cultivating the spatial

power into Austin's Soul Sea.

This old man's spatial force was astonishing.

The cultivation methods he had taught Austin were much precious and efficient.

In his Soul Sea, Austin carefully read the information that the old man gave him where the secrets of cultivating the spatial power

were written.

After reading it more than a dozen times, Austin felt as if he already understood everything.

In terms of the spatial power, Austin first learnt it from the gnome.

Since then, he had been exploring and practicing it all by himself.

He never had a real mentor to guide him. There were times when he was confused and defeated that it felt like he was going


But now that he had obtained the old man's guidance of the strategies in efficient spatial power cultivation, Austin had finally

connected his pre-existing knowledge with it and gained a more comprehensive knowledge on the subject.

Austin then began to cultivate his spatial power.

During this process, Austin left the tchamber from tto tto practice in the chaotic void.

"Who says that dense spatial power only exists in the chaotic void?

The Real Space has a similar spatial structure. Hmm. It contains a lot of spatial laws and spatial power!"

Austin suddenly had an idea.

"Everybody thinks that the spatial power is the only way to pass through the chaotic void. Moreover, only in this chaotic void can

the spatial power work...

However, they are wrong about that. In my opinion, if one is adept at using the spatial power in the Real Space, it may also be

incredibly useful."

Austin had an epiphany.

The old man might had taught Austin the fundamentals about the spatial power cultivation, but Austin had comprehended it and

incorporated this knowledge with his own experience.

‘Nice! From now on, | will try using the spatial power in the Real Space!"

Austin thought with excitement.

One thousand years later...

Austin summoned the divine silkworm.

The divine silkworm and the infinity beast had accompanied Austin in the tchamber ever since the beginning of his practice.

"Okay. | will stand still. Let's see if you can make a move and attack me,"

Austin instructed the divine silkworm sternly and seriously.

The divine silkworm nodded its little head understandingly.

It knew that Austin was now a powerful cultivator who would not get hurt even if he was bombarded severely.


The little claw of the divine silkworm instantly enlarged and lunged at Austin with tremendous force.

Austin stood still with a smile, without moving a single hair strand.


The divine silkworm's claw hit Austin head-on.


The divine silkworm was startled. It charged directly and obviously hit Austin's body. It was pretty sure about that.

However, it felt like its claw had just punched the air and hit nothing at all.

Although Austin was right there, it could not strike him.

"A-ha! | knew it! The spatial power can be used in this way! It's impressive!"

Austin was overjoyed as if he had discovered fire for the first time.

He found out that he could use his spatial power to twist and deform the space structure in real time!

For the other party, it would project an illusion.

An enemy might think that Austin would stand firmly, but he would in fact be at his feet at another place.

He knew that it would take a lot of practice to master this great skill. He must have great spatial power.

After a thousand years of hard work, Austin's spatial power had developed substantially.

Next, he kept practicing his skill until he becan expert in employing it.

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But soon, Austin found himself facing another bottleneck in the spatial power.

Thus, he had to stop cultivating and ponder over his next move.

'What should | do now? What can | do to becstronger in a really short span of time?"

Austin thought to himself.

He always remembered that Dennis of the Yaksha Palace would never give up pestering him and the Immortal End World easily.

This thought inspired him to greatly improve his combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

All of a sudden, an idea flashed through Austin's mind!

‘Maybe | can use the Diabolic Killing Needle this time.

As long as it absorbs more and more energy of the evil creatures, the strength of the demonic avatar and the needle itself can be

augmented in a short period of time."

Austin reflected.

‘Yes! Devil Ancestor Bale is just an ordinary sect ancestor with average strength, and he has been seriously injured.

I don't have to be afraid of him.

If | sneak into the Third Demonic World, I'm sure that there will not be many demons there who are capable of stoppingfrom

carrying out my plan...

Then that must mean that my needle can really absorb a good deal of energy."

Austin was thrilled as he believed his schwas feasible.

"All right. | must sneak into the Third Demonic World quietly without exposing myself," he muttered to himself.

Austin always liked taking risks, so he immediately left the tchamber and went straight to the Third Demonic World.











