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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2746
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Austin used his acute spiritual sense to observe everything on the battlefield, closely noting everyone's fighting prowess.

The melodious sound of the ancient musical instrument in Violet's slim fingers carried above the din of battle.

Each musical note she played took a visible, glittering form before shooting out into the battlefield.

As the gleaming notes flew in every direction, they turned into lethal weapons, killing enemies on the spot.

They attacked not only physical bodies but also spiritual souls. The weapons could hack into the enemies’ Soul Seas and destroy

their very souls.

At this display of might, even those who had reached Immortal Saint Realm were forced to retreat, scampering away hurriedly.

‘Violet has refined that ancient musical instrument and harnessed its power in such a short time, '

Austin thought, impressed.

Austin scanned through the battlefield and noted that all his friends, including Evan, Herbert, Stacy, the Peacock Princess, Isis, and

the gnome, had made great progress on their abilities and had becmuch more powerful.

Most of them had already reached the Immortal Realm or the Immortal King Realm. He knew it was only a matter of tbefore all

of them break through to the Immortal Saint Realm.

'It seems the Immortal End World has developed quite well in the past few years, '

Austin thought, nodding in approving silence.

Indeed, the rapid growth of this group of young people was a testament to the Immortal End World's progress in recent years.

Even the masters in the older generation had grown even stronger and now was exhibiting extraordinary fighting power.

Austin surmised that the Immortal End World was now at least dozens of times more powerful than before, when it was completely

closed off and isolated from the outside universe.

In its current state, the Immortal End World could even already be ranked a mid-level world in the universe.

'At this rate, it won't be long before it grows into a high-level world!" Austin thought.

As Austin was lost in these reveries, the battle he was observing winded down.

Once the fog of battle cleared, it was found most of the troops of the Yaksha Palace and the Sword Palace were killed. Only a few of

their troops were able to escape.

"The Yaksha Palace and the Sword Palace were defeated!"

As the realization spread, those onlookers were flabbergasted.

But it didn't really cas a surprise. The Yaksha Palace and the Sword Palace actually deployed most of their manpower to the

Celestial Palace for the treasure hunting.

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As most of their troops were looking for treasures in the Celestial Palace, only a small delegation had been left to face off with the

Immortal End Alliance.

The Immortal End Alliance, however, were much the same. A large contingent of their troops, including the Eight Stone Saints,

actually hadn't taken part in the battle. They, too, had been deployed to the Celestial Palace to search for treasures, and their

current whereabouts were unknown.

The Celestial Palace, after all, was a vast area full of treasures and undiscovered potential. It was only natural most endeavors

would focus on its exploration.

The freshly concluded battle was just an unexpected stumbling block.

"Let's split up in our search.

Send word if you find anyone from the Yaksha Palace and the Sword Palace. But show no mercy and kill all of them without any


Austin commanded his troops.

"Yes, sir!"

The response from the forces of the Immortal End Alliance was prompt and in perfect sync. The troops were clearly in high spirits.

Morale was at an all-thigh after their victory in battle.

The wide expanse of the Celestial Palace was now crawling with warriors of the Immortal End Alliance, the Evil Shadow World, and

the Ancient Celestial World, all racing against in their search for the most valuable treasures. Occasionally, the rival forces would

cacross each other and a skirmish would break out.

Another problem was that Evil Shadow King, Damon, and two other masters from the abyss demon race were seriously injured by

the leader of the Yaksha Palace.

Presently, in a corner of the Celestial Palace, Austin was opening dozens of jars and bottles, checking their contents.

Austin had collected the containers from the building he had searched. If Sherman, the eldest of the holy trees, was to be believed,

these containers were holding divine pills and omnipotent herbs.

Austin opened a jade bottle adorned with nebulous shadows of dragons and phoenixes, and found it contained more than a dozen

red pills radiating immortal energy.

"These could be used to heal your wounds," Austin announced to his injured companions.

Austin took out four pills and gave one each to the Evil Shadow King, Damon, and the two demon race masters.

The four wasted no tconsuming the pills.

The effects kicked in fast. "I can feel the healing power course through me!"

the Evil Shadow King exclaimed in delighted surprise.

"It's amazing! My injuries are already recovering!"

Damon pointed out, staring in wonder at his rapidly healing wounds.

The two demon masters, likewise, could only gawk and gasp in awe at their miraculous recovery.

It took only a moment for their injuries to be fully recuperated. Soon, the four masters were once again ready to lead the troops

and restheir search for treasures.

"Even the Immortal World considers those divine healing pills as treasures.

Of course it's not a big deal to treat those minor injuries. How ignorant,"

Sherman muttered.

The scoffing observation gave Austin pause for thought. 'Are the 12 holy trees and that mysterious Taoist Ancestor really from the

Immortal World?

Is the Immortal World truly a world where real immortals live?"

Austin started pondering after hearing Sherman's sentiments.

Austin had traveled, accumulated knowledge, and expanded his horizons enough to know there were more universes aside from

this universe he was in.

When he was on Earth, Austin had even heard there were three thousand big worlds and three thousand small ones.

It was a Buddhist belief, if Austin recalled correctly.

He had since learned, to his surprise, that it was absolutely true.

"Brat, let our brothers enjoy a reunion first. Take your tsearching this vast Celestial Palace. There are still many treasures left to

be discovered. They're all left behind here by that old bastard.

After all, the objects that were mere rubbish to that bastard are apparently invaluable treasures to beings from your universe,"

the suprholy tree said to Austin, breaking into his thoughts. As it finished speaking, the eight holy trees started floating away.

"Hey, slow down! It's dangerous out there!

There are a lot of powerful beings out to capture you!"

Austin called out worriedly after them.

"Don't worry. | am quite familiar with the Celestial Palace.

There are many powerful arrays here, set up by the Taoist Ancestor himself. When we hide behind those arrays, no one can touch


Sherman replied.

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Austin threw up his hands in exasperation. "Fine, but can you just point out where the most valuable treasures are?

So | don't have to waste tsearching in the wrong places,"

Austin asked.

Sherman pointed out, "In the Celestial Palace, that Taoist robe is already the most precious.

You already have it, so what more do you want?"

Besides, the Taoist Ancestor had an immeasurable amount of treasures. He often just threw them around thoughtlessly. There is so

much so that perhaps even he, himself, would not be able to keep track of them now.

So how could | possibly know?"

Sherman retorted, scoffing.

Conversation over as far as they were concerned, the eight holy trees sped away until they disappeared into the distance.


Frustrated, Austin sighed. He was left with no other recourse but to lead his people, Caroline, Ivy, Sue and Violet to restheir

blind search around the Celestial Palace.

As they were walking, they heard excited shouting ring out in the air. "A natural vessel of immortal energy! Oh my God, there's a

natural vessel of immortal energy!"

The group froze, unsure they heard correctly. More voices were now shouting. "Look! The masters are already fighting over it!"

"I can't believe they really do exist!"

"Wait, there's more than one natural vessel of immortal energy! Look!"

The Celestial Palace was suddenly abuzz, the treasure hunters now fixated over a mountain range.

Several huge mountains were suddenly exploding one after another, as dragon shadows glowing with divine light ran under the


"Did | hear that right? Did they say natural vessels of immortal energy? We have to see this for ourselves!"

Austin said excitedly, hurrying over to the shouting.





