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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 4650
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"Look, it's him! It really is Austin!"

After the arrays had collapsed, the gnand the Eight Stone Saints immediately saw Austin standing outside the continent. They

were completely surprised and overjoyed.

"Are you guys all right?"

Austin asked with a smile as he approached his friends and landed in front of them.

"We are fine, Austin. how about you? You are finally here!

If you chere just a second later, we would have been in really big trouble!"

Asa responded happily, letting out a sigh of relief.

"What are you talking about? Even if | didn't chere, you would still be fine anyway.

The two beasts who brought you to this supruniverse would also cand save you,"

Austin said with a smile.

It was the two savage evil beasts who brought the gnand the Eight Stone Saints into this supruniverse.

Austin was sure that they would be watching the gnand the Eight Stone Saints closely. It was impossible for all nine of them to

be in real big trouble.

"You make a good point.

However, over the years, we had been relentlessly hunted down by the wood puppet race and the face race.

So just to be on the safe side, we had been looking for a place to hide all day long.

It was really exhausting, not to mention discouraging. You have no idea how hard it was for us,"

Conor exclaimed with mixed emotions. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, remembering the ordeal they had to go through.

"Well, look at you now. You have all becgoverning gods! Wow!"

Austin exclaimed as he noticed their auras, obviously revealing their current realms.

"Well, | believe you when you say that you had suffered a lot these past few years. Now, all your suffering has turned to good

fortune. You have all becgoverning gods!

I, on the other hand, am still just a semi-governing god,"

Austin sighed.

"Pfft. Don't be a dick, Austin.

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It is true that you are only a semi-governing god, but your strength is enough to defeat most, if not all governing gods.

The nine of us are only as strong as insects compared to you.

Otherwise, how could you bring down the arrays here?

The nine of us had been trapped for three or four years, and could do nothing about it!"

the gnsaid, pouting.

"He is right!

Austin, although you are only a semi-governing god, your actual combat power is far beyond that.

As a matter of fact, no matter how much progress we make, we will never be able to catch up with you—not in this lifetime!

You are such a freak!"

Asa also added jokingly.

"Haha! | agree to that!

Austin, you haven't changed! You are still as freaky as before."

The others nodded in happy agreement.

"Oh, con! Watch your language, guys! I'm not a freak,"

Austin retorted with a fake bitter smile.

"Oh, before | forget,

you know that we have been kept captives here by the wood puppet race and the face race for a few years. It was one of the worst

times in our lives.

We must make them pay and get even with them!"

Asa proposed as he waved the stone stick in his hand.

"Hmm, | like that idea. Okay, let's go. I'll help you vent your anger!"

Austin agreed.

He knew that the main reason why the wood puppet race and the face race trapped the gnand the Eight Stone Saints here

was to lure him out and force him to hand over the holy treasure to them.

That was how the gnand the Eight Stone Saints becinvolved in this matter. It was all because of him. In this case he owed


"Attack them directly and show no mercy!

Let's have a good fight with those bastards!"

"Yes indeed! We haven't been in a battle for years. It has been suffocating all over!"

The Eight Stone Saints all waved their big stone sticks at the stand rushed towards the governing gods of the wood

puppet race and the face race who were just in the distance.

Given the right circumstances, the power of the Eight Stone Saints was terrifying. The stone sticks in their hands were like massive

and unparalleled mountains. The energy pressure that they emitted made the space and tshake violently and collapse



Asa suddenly raised the stone stick in his hand, recoiled for traction and then threw it towards the enemy with all his might.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The stone stick grew several sizes bigger as it swept through the air. It flew forward at lightning speed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

When it landed on its target, several governing gods of the wood puppet race were thrown away by the impact.


| had been trapped for such a long time. | really need to settle this account! Have a taste of my revenge!"

the gnalso shouted angrily.


He took a step forward and disappeared in an instant.

To Austin's surprise, even he couldn't accurately capture the gnome's accurate position for stime.

The gnrace was meant to be good with the law of space.

Now that the gnhad beca governing god, he had really reached a very high level in the law of space.

Austin sighed. He was impressed but at the stime, he felt weak in this respect compared with the gnome.


In the next moment,

the gnunexpectedly appeared right beside a governing god of the face race. The latter was hit and thrown away before he

could notice what just happened.

Just as quickly as he appeared,

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the gnwas gone again.

Then the next second, out of nowhere, he appeared next to a governing god of the wood puppet race and blasted out a thick

energy column, which directly launched the governing god dozens of meters into the air.

"Wow, that was indeed powerful!"

Austin was shocked by the gnome's display of power. He had never seen it before.

The gnwas good with the law of space, so he had a huge advantage in the battle. His bodily movement skill was so fast that it

was almost impossible for his opponents to defend themselves against him.

The governing gods of the wood puppet race and the face race all felt confused and terrified of their unpredictable and almost

invisible attacker. They had no way to perceive the gnome's location because he moved too mysteriously and too fast.

"All of you! Watch out for that gnome!"

"Let's gather together. Don't give them any chance to attack us separately."

A short moment later, the gnand the Eight Stone Saints began to gain the upper hand. They beat the governing gods of the

wood puppet race and the face race terribly despite the sheer numbers. Their opponents had no strength to fight back and thus

retreated continuously.

"These guys are completely terrifying and amazing, even though | hate to admit it!"

"It's only been a few years, but they have actually improved by leaps and bounds!"

"We all know that, in the past, they were just a group of genuine divine gods, and they were no match for us at all back then."

"Who would have thought that all of them could becgoverning gods in such a short time?"

The governing gods of both the wood puppet race and the face race all sighed with complicated feelings.

Back then, when the gnand the Eight Stone Saints first arrived in this place, they were just mere ordinary divine gods.

But over time, each of them had beca governing god.

This was a mighty huge progress!

‘That's true.

Over the years, everyone has been making a lot of progress,’

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