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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 526
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After quickly breaking the wolf's head, the vital-energy sword in Austin's hand turned into a flaming sword radiance and shot towards the Blood Wolf Ancestor, carrying immense momentum and destroying everything in its wake.

Instead of trying something fancy, Austin had launched the attack directly this time, without using any superior sword skills. As a result, a thread of Spiritual Sword Aura that was condensed by level one sword intent had attached itself to the vital-energy sword.

With time, Austin's understanding of swordsmanship had deepened, and with it, the strength of his Spiritual Sword Aura had also improved. This naturally meant that the strength of the FlSwordsmanship was enhanced.

FlSwordsmanship was a special martial arts skill which allowed a cultivator to convert his vital energy into a sword which could then be used to attack his opponents.

Since Austin had condensed his vital energy and was now at the Sky Realm, the sword he threw was so powerful that it could have been compared to suprswordsmanship. Like an unstoppable demon, it rushed towards the Blood Wolf Ancestor with a powerful aura.

When Austin's swordsmanship had been at the stage of sword intent, the sword attack he'd executed had radiated a few thousand beams of colorful light and dazzled everyone.

However, for sreason, at the level of sword potential, the sword attack he used felt flat compared to his previous sword attack.

Those former colorful beams had completely filled the sky. This one did not.

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But it did give people a different sense of his talents. The higher grade attack he executed felt much more natural, mighty and full of energy. After reaching the extremities of splendor, it recovered its original simplicity, which followed the developmental law of things.

The strength of his sword potential, seemingly flat, was much higher than that of his sword intent.

Seeing that Austin had easily broken his wolf head by a single punch, the Blood Wolf Ancestor was astonished. The next moment, he saw a weird, long, flaming sword fly towards him with an incredible speed and a threatening sword aura. As soon as it reached near him, its power blocked the space around him.

He was scared out of his wits now. After feeling the strength of Austin's sword attack, he knew clearly that he couldn't withstand it and win.

At this crucial moment, he ordered the vital energy in his body to move and it flooded out, forming a colossal wolf. The wolf wrapped his body and through that wolf, he was flung backwards, leaving behind only blurred shadows. If his speed hadn't been so fast and his reactions so quick, he would have been instantly burnt. Even with this move, he had barely managed to escape Austin's attack.

As he avoided the attack, the Blood Wolf Ancestor was flooded over by astonishment. He had previously thought that he could kill Austin with a single attack and it was going to be easy. Even if a single attack wasn't enough, he could still take the wind out of Austin's sails and kill him in a fairly short amount of time.

It was because he had investigated Austin's strength and knew that Austin's cultivation base was at the medium stage of the Mysterious Realm. His own cultivation base was at the premium stage of the Mysterious Realm, which meant he had very good odds of defeating Austin.

He had never imagined that Austin's attack would force him to escape in such panic. He was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, the harm he had suffered was only to his dignity since he had escaped successfully from Austin's attack by using the suprtechnique of Wolf Fleeing which he had cultivated for years.

However, just as the Blood Wolf Ancestor stopped moving and heaved a sigh of relief internally, the muscles on his face tensed again and his jaw dropped in shock.

The vital energy sword had just missed the Blood Wolf Ancestor, but it had automatically increased in length from about half a meter to three meters with a light, weird, and sudden sound.

It was now shaped like a great tongue of fland instantly reached the Blood Wolf Ancestor just as he took a sigh of relief. He hadn't expected the flto attack so far and was, therefore, unprepared. Hurriedly, he tried to dodge to the side but it was too late.

With a thud, the tongue of flpierced his right shoulder and drew blood from the wound.

Then it returned to its original shape and lay dormant in Austin's hand.

"My god!" The people who were standing on the square and watching the fight sucked in their breaths. No one had imagined that the Blood Wolf Ancestor would be hurt by a single attack from Austin.

"You!" The Blood Wolf Ancestor was shocked and furious at Austin's unbelievable strength.

"Ancestor, your shoulder!" Wilson suddenly shouted out as he walked over to support the injured Blood Wolf Ancestor.

It was only then that the Blood Wolf Ancestor felt a burning sensation arising from the wound on his shoulder. As soon as he looked down, he was scared witless. Flames had attached themselves to the wound, and were burning his flesh and bones around it. A sizzling sound like the hiss of roasting meat was coming out of it and there was a smell of burnt meat in the air.

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"What the hell?" In extrfear, the Blood Wolf Ancestor hurriedly ordered his vital energy to flow towards the wounded shoulder, trying to put out the fire. The effort made his clothes blow up like a balloon.

However, as soon as the flood of vital energy reached the wound, the fire got even more serious with a flrushing out of the wound suddenly as if oil had been poured on it. In the blink of an eye, almost half of his shoulder was burnt to ashes.

The flames which had attacked him took vital energy as their fuel. Therefore, the Blood Wolf Ancestor's idea to put them out with his vital energy was in vain and made the fire burn even more fiercely.

"Argh! What kind of fire is this? Help!" The Blood Wolf Ancestor did not dare employ his vital energy again to put out the flames. He just patted his shoulder continuously with his left hand. However, after trying a little, his left hand also started burning.

"Help!" With his situation so dire, the Blood Wolf Ancestor forgot his dignity and screamed in fear. He knew that the weird fire was definitely going to burn him to ashes if no one put it out.

Seeing the Blood Wolf Ancestor suffer from this eerie, fierce fire, Wilson, and the other members of Blood Wolf Team were worried witless but they could do nothing to extinguish it.

A member of his team tried to extinguish the fire with his hand, but after patting the wound several times, his hands also started to burn. His strength was much inferior to the Blood Wolf Ancestor and therefore, within moments, his right hand was burnt to dusty bones. At this crucial moment, he took out his blade and cut his right hand off from his wrist, hoping to stop the fire from spreading over and completely burning him.

Once this happened, the rest of the people were even more frightened and did not dare try to save the Blood Wolf Ancestor.

They looked at his burnt-to-dust shoulder dumbfounded, and their eyes were filled with dread as they turned their gazes towards Austin.

Just then, a figure ran over and with a wave of his sleeve, a blast of powerful vital energy hit the Blood Wolf Ancestor's right shoulder. He was forced backwards more than ten meters before he could stand steadily. Then he becextremely excited, because the blast had somehow extinguished the fire on his body.