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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 589
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Boom! Suddenly, from inside the trunk of the massive tree there erupted a muted noise, that ended with a groaning sound, as if the tree were in intense agony.

The trunk was so massive that one could barely link your arms round a quarter of its girth. It exploded suddenly and an irresistible force burst forth from it. The trunk was smashed into pieces and the huge tree toppled over, accompanied by a tearing groan. It hit the ground with a shower of leaves, smaller branches, and twigs.

Austin was overjoyed at the success. Finally, he had managed to wield a Brutal Blast Fist of the Major Achievement Stage.

Then, facing the towering trees of the distant forest, Austin stretched forth his arms and struck a battery of more than ten lightning fast punches.

Boom! Boom! Boom! With a tremendous sound, more than a dozen trees exploded into splinters and large chunks of shattered wood. The tree trunks of the nearby trees were reduced to kindling, and sifted down between the leafy terrified trees like snow.

Witnessing so many trees felled in a single instant was a terrifying and yet impressive scene to behold. It felt as if the earth trembled and the mountains swayed with the sheer power of the event. As if an afterthought one remaining tree also groaned suddenly and slipped off its rooted base. A final victim of destruction in the forest.

"Finally! I've mastered the Brutal Blast Fist of Major Achievement Stage!" Austin laughed with utter delight.

Despite his initial joy, he knew that this was only a preliminary success as he still needed to practice this skill. There was still a long way to go to reach the perfection of this skill.

According to the instructions, once someone had reached a complete state of perfection, he could then blow up anything within an 800 meters radius. He would be invincible with the Brutal Blast Fist! Austin could only reach a target within 200 meters at this point though.

After his tic practice session, he went for a stroll in the valleys of the Sun Mountain.

Once a place of idyllic beauty, the Sun Mountain had now been completely wrecked by war. Its solemn beauty and graceful dignity were all destroyed and the signs of battle abounded.

It would take a long tto recover to its former state of glory.

Strolling alone down the path, hands behind his back, Austin looked around and allowed his memories to wander. A faint smile of reminiscence flickered on his face. This was where he had lived for a long time, and he knew every hollow, valley, and rock formation.

"Hello! Austin!" "Austin, how do you do?" The disciples of the Sun Sect were all busily working at clearing up the scenes of destruction. Seeing Austin, they greeted him respectfully. Austin was now a superstar in the Sun Sect. Even Theon, the Sect Leader, dared not show disrespect to Austin, let alone the disciples. They were all beholden to him for his rescue of them during the recent conflict with the Ghost Sect.

The disciples of the Sun Sect all looked up to Austin, and their eyes were filled with admiration.

Though he was at the syoung age as most of the disciples, his incredible strength of cultivation had saved the whole Sun Sect.

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On the day of the battle, Austin had joined in the fight. He had defeated Seth and destroyed numerous corpse soldiers, as well as killed Jaime, the traitor. Most of the disciples from the Sun Sect had witnessed Austin's fantastical skills and bravery on the field of battle, and they were deeply impressed by his example.

Most of the male disciples secretly strove to match Austin's skill now, and they regarded him as their idol.

When he appeared, he set the female disciples’ hearts racing and their faces would flush uncontrollably when he drew near. While the male disciples wanted to be him, the female members wanted to be with him.

Sof the bolder ones even batted their lashes at him, and flirted overtly when given the chance.

Austin couldn't help laughing out loud at all this fuss.

"Austin!" Suddenly, a girl's voice called out briskly to him.

He looked back and saw a pretty girl running towards him.

It was Denali.

She had been directing several disciples to clean up a heap of rubble. As she saw Austin, she had called his nand ran over.

"Austin, where are you going?" "Nowhere. | was just taking a walk." Denali drew near to him. Her unique fragrance attracted his attention, and he began to notice her physical attributes.

Denali was a beautiful girl with a graceful posture and exquisite features. Her long neck curved from seductive shoulders, and he could not help his eyes roaming eagerly.

Austin recalled the old days when he had only been a grunt disciple. He had once rescued Denali from Rafat's subordinates.

That night, during the rescue, she had been naked. By the light of the moon, he had seen her beautiful curvaceous body.

Recalling that scene, he suddenly felt thirsty and swallowed heavily. The day had suddenly grown very hot, it seemed.

"Austin, I'm a principal disciple now." Denali smiled prettily.

"Oh. Congratulations then." Austin laughed and awkwardly ran his hand through his hair.

"I have you to thank for that." "Me? Why?" Austin was puzzled and also flattered.

"Yes. You gavea lot of treasures from the Mysterious Nether World. | presented them to the Sect Leader. He was very pleased, so | was promoted to principal disciple once we returned to the Sun Mountain.

You also savedonce and didsuch a great favor.

| really can't thank you enough, Austin," Denali murmured in a low voice. As she recalled the scene when Austin had cto her rescue, she blushed and bowed her head modestly.

She recalled how, on that night, her body had been displayed in all its naked glory to this young man.

It was the first tin her life that someone had seen her in a state of undress.

Austin cleared his throat nervously then, as he was also attracted to her gorgeous face and attractive body.

"Ha-ha, you are welcome. We are all brothers and sisters in the Sun Sect, aren't we?" Denali left the disciples behind with orders to keep cleaning up, and then she joined Austin for a walk.

From tto time, she stole a quick glance from beneath her lowered lashes at him. Her eyes seemed almost unable to focus on him, as her emotions ran wild.

As for Austin, of course he wouldn't refuse to be accompanied by such a pretty girl.

After an hour, Theon, Elder Xu, and Elder Xiao found Austin and informed him that all the matters concerning the Sun Sect had been dealt with and they could depart for the imperial capital city immediately.

Austin was pleased by this, as he was anxious about returning to the imperial capital city without further delays.

He was concerned about the war efforts, and was unsure if the city could withstand the coming siege. If the Mysterious Sky Empire were to succeed in their invasion, it would all be too late.

So Austin, along with the three, set off at once.

Denali stood watching Austin's figure fade into the distance with a great feeling of longing in her heart.

"Silly girl, stop dreaming. He has now becsuch a strong fighter. You are just not good enough for him." Suddenly, a voice interrupted her thoughts. Denali turned around and saw a woman dressed up as a nun walking up to her.

She was the only female among the six Elders of the Sun Sect.

"What are you talking about, master?" Denali denied in haste, her face turning crimson with shyness.

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"Stop pretending, Denali. | know you like him. Your little secrets won't pass by me." Elder Li held her close and stroked her hair lovingly.

"Master, he is so strong now. So powerful." After a pause, Denali sighed. She gave up arguing and acknowledged the Elder's words. She snuggled up to the motherly figure in despondency.

"Indeed. Austin is the most gifted young man I've ever seen. He definitely has a bright future. | can't even imagine how strong he will still become. And we will need that strength in days to come." Austin hurried along on his journey with Theon and the two Elders. Each of them was astride a dragon horse. The magnificent beasts were strong and nimble and carried them at great speeds, however...

Austin could have flown through the air if he had been alone. He could even have spread the Eagle Wings and arrived at the imperial capital city in a much shorter time.

But the three sect leaders had only reached the Mysterious Realm. They could only manage short flights and then only for small distances.

So Austin was forced to ride with them. Fortunately, the dragon horses were also swift and a pleasure to ride. They could travel thousands of miles a day without tiring.

Shortly after he had left Sun Mountain, Austin suddenly sneezed violently.

"How strange... | wonder who's talking about me?". . .

The imperial capital city of the Violet Orchid Empire towered above an endless plain, surrounded by tall walls and lofty guard towers.

Cast from black volcanic rock, the city wall was a monument of strength and endurance. It would remain eternal, as not even the forces of nature such as erosion could tarnish it.

Soldiers could be seen patrolling the walls at all hours of the day. Guards were stationed every five paces and every tenth pace there was a sentry on lookout duty. The city was indeed heavily guarded and fortified.

Archers crouched behind the bulwarks, armed with bow and arrow. They were ready to take aim at the enemies gathered outside the city.

Above the city wall, a dozen men with an imposing air about them, hovered in midair.

A man, dressed in ornate robes, levitating in the middle of this group, he was the emperor of the Violet Orchid Empire.

He was flanked on either side by the top fighters in the empire.

All eyes were focused outside of the wall while anxiety and worry ran rife. They could see armies appearing in the distance like the dark clouds of a gathering storm front. There were so many soldiers in the opposing forces that it resembled an endless tide of armor, like an undulating dragon with iron scales the army flowed onto the planes. It was easy to tell that the army was from the Mysterious Sky Empire from the huge billowing flags which they carried.

Of course, they were not overly concerned by the ordinary soldiers facing them. Rather they were surveying the enemy to evaluate their top fighters who were marching within the army. Ordinary soldiers were as nothing to an experienced cultivator.

In the PrMartial World, fighters were respectable. The strong fighters enjoyed the most privilege. Even royals had to bow to them. It was a hard-earned status, and meant that the fighter was not someone to trifle with.

Hence, the ordinary troops of the Violet Orchid Empire were not much of a match to the multitude of strong fighters who traveled with the invading army.