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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 792
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The emperor, engraved on the large golden seal, was magnificent.

The mere sight of it could force people to be on their knees and worship.

But Austin's spiritual sense was powerful enough to not be affected in the slightest.

Nevertheless, he noticed a peculiarity of that huge golden seal.

It was a divine weapon! It was a low-grade divine weapon, the slevel as the Purple Vital Stone he had obtained before.

Austin had bought a booklet about weapons in a spiritual weapon store on the street and learned the rudimentary of weapon refining.

"Con." After releasing the seal, Brent shouted and pointed at Austin, the sizeable golden seal dashed against him as a response.

Suddenly, beams of glaring golden lights burst out from the image engraved on the large golden seal as it flew over to Austin.

Austin was enveloped with an imposing feeling--one that was dominating and magisterial.

The imperious sensation flowed in the emperor, giving off a ruling sensibility--as if he was a divine ruler of the world.

"Awesome," Austin commended.

With a wave of his hand, the Purple Vital Stone sprang and enlarged in the air. In a split second, it turned into a gigantic mountain with dozens of meters in height and dashed against that massive golden seal.

At the stime, he stretched out his hand and unfastened his corpse nourishing bag. He then threw it to the stronghold of the Sky Sect.

One hundred corpse demons surged out of the bag.

A great mass of pitch-black corpse miasma spread out quickly and permeated into the air.

With their stinking smell, one hundred corpse demons began to besiege the Sky Sect disciples.

Each corpse demon was so fierce and warlike, enabling them to defeat mighty opponents.

Even the Sky Sect disciples who were at the premium stage of Imperial Realm were unable to withstand their attack.

After a dozen breaths, sdisciples died while the others got severely wounded. The blood spill was quick, and faint smell of blood penetrated the air, filling the entire area.

"What the hell are these zombies?" Brent couldn't help roaring as he saw what happened below. . . .

"Kill Austin first, those zombies are clearly under his control!" Lu was clear about the situation.

He raised his right fist, and the voice faded. It felt like endless ocean storms gathered in his fist with a towering rage and overwhelming power.

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Then the fist turned into a gigantic whale like it had jumped out of the ocean and lunged at Austin.

With the aid of ocean storms, the blowing wind was separated into parts.

Just when Lu was launching attack against Austin with his Sea-shaking Fist, the gncrept out of the void behind Lu and swept across him with his beast claws.

A beast claw formed by overwhelming beast soul energy dashed against Lu's head.

Instantly, the claw had penetrated into Lu's Soul Sea and attacked his spiritual soul.

Obviously caught off guard, Lu hurriedly urged his spiritual sense to defend his spiritual soul against the two beast claws.

The distraction which the gninitiated successfully reduced half the power of Lu's Sea-shaking Fist.

Austin was ecstatic to take advantage of the situation. With a physical force of seven hundred thousand pounds, he smashed the gigantic whale into pieces, breezily with just one punch.

The gnsaw Lu had withstood his beast claws. With the continuous waves of the gnome's two beast claws, another three to four beast claws formed by beast soul energy invaded Lu's Soul Sea.

Although his beast soul energy was no match for Austin's spiritual sense, the gnhad an inherent talent of using it to his advantage.

The gnknew when and when not to utilize his beast soul energy, much more how to maximize his power.

Even though it still had comparatively weaker beast soul energy, the gncould be considered as a formidable foe.

Meanwhile, in Lu's Soul Sea, his spiritual soul could only flee in panic as it faced several beast claws.

In a towering rage, he turned around and exercised his Sea-shaking Fist and launched an attack against the gnome.

The gnhad just reached the premium stage of Imperial Realm in his demonic power--evidently no match for Lu in head-on combat.

That, too, was intelligently recognized by the gnome. He was fully aware of the difference in their battle force.

So every time, he fled into the void when Lu's Sea-shaking Fist dashed towards his body and appeared in another position.

That way, Lu could not hurt him.

Lu, however, was pushed in a tight corner by the gnome's spiritual beast claws. . . .

Brent got a little surprised as he saw Austin take out a low-grade divine weapon to attack him head-on.

He had to admit that Austin had aces up in his sleeves.

It was sporadic to meet such young warriors who possessed powerful weapons.

After all, only masters who had reached beyond the Master Realm in cultivation base could possess invaluable divine weapons.

Warriors below Imperial Realm could scarcely own divine weapons, except for skey geniuses from large sects or families.

Moreover, owning divine weapons could be destructive to them.

Bang, bang, bang! After five or six times of violent crashes between that large golden seal and the Purple Vital Stone, Austin's stone lost ground and retreated one step after another.

One last head-on crash and the Purple Vital Stone flew backward and dropped at Austin's hands, turning the retreat into a rout.

Austin had to give a wry smile. He was aware that his vital energy cultivation base was still weak.

It was known that those divine weapons had to be controlled by pure vital energy to launch attacks.

Brent's vital energy cultivation base was far more superior to Austin's, so the latter's defeat was ensured.

However, as Austin was giving a wry smile, Brent was also frankly astonished.

He was a master at the medium stage of Master Realm, so it should have been easy for him to take down Austin.

Yet, it took him five to six crashes to finally manage to defeat the lad whose cultivation base was only at the premium stage of Sky Realm.

Under normal circumstances, it would only take Brent minimal effort to do so.

But the junior standing in front of him could survive a few strikes without complete being defeated. . . . .

'Well, since | am no match for him in vital energy, | have to take advantage of my physical body and spiritual sense, ' Austin was eager for fast results.

Urged by his mind, he immediately carried out the spiritual sense martial arts skill Demon-creating Skill.

In an instant, a spiritual demon with horrifying spiritual sense suppression roared and lunged at Brent's spiritual soul.

"Damn it. How could this lad's spiritual sense be so powerful?" Greatly frightened, Brent commanded his spiritual sense to withstand the attack.

At the stime, he urged his large golden seal to attack Austin, aiming to distract the latter's spiritual sense.

Austin poured vital energy into the Purple Vital Stone to dash against the large golden seal and struggled to block it successfully.

Then he raised his arms and kicked his legs to the ground with the physical strength of seven hundred thousand pounds, sending himself towards Brent.

Rampage flesh suppression split the space open and reached Brent in a split second.

A fist bolted on Brent's chest with high speed.

That was Austin's favorite attacking skill--simple yet severely brutal.

The rampaging physical strength of Austin made Brent paled in utter surprise and fear.

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Kept at bay by the spiritual demon in his Soul Sea, Brent was too late to dodge the attack.

With quick wits, surging vital energy gushed out and amassed on the surface of Brent's body--the only course of protection he immediately thought of.

In a split of a second, the agglomerated vital energy formed an ornate and exquisite vital energy armor.

Bang! Austin's fist pounded right on Brent's chest.

As a cultivator at the medium stage of Master Realm, Brent's vital energy armor was able to withstand the compelling and forcible attack of Austin.

Because of that, Brent was only sent two steps back.

"Austin, | never expected you to have so many aces up your sleeve.

But you could bring no harm toas | am a Master Realm warrior.

My cultivation base is much higher than yours," Brent roared.

"Oh? Really? Is that what you think? Letsee how many punches you can block!" A savage look glinted in Austin's eyes, desirous of testing his opponent's capability.

Suddenly, twenty Spiritual Sense Spears appeared simultaneously and attacked Brent's spiritual soul together with the spiritual demon.

This prompted Brent to allocate more attention in his Soul Sea.

At the stime, Austin's punches rained on the sposition of his chest constantly.

Bang bang bang bang! Brent took a backward step one after another because of the impact of the punches.

"Lad, how dare you!" Brent was helpless facing Austin's attacks both from inside and outside his body.

A deep feeling of grievance rose from the bottom of Brent's heart.

Ten punches, twenty punches, and thirty punches continuously landed on Brent's body.

One hundred punches! Austin had delivered a hundred punches on Brent's chest in just a short amount of time! Each punch contained the force of seven hundred thousand pounds! At the beginning of their combat, Brent still had the strength to growl as a response to the attacks.

But with the loss of his vital energy, several cracks began to form on the vital energy armor on the surface of his body.

Somehow, the armor could withstand the punches initially.

However, as more and more physical strength penetrated through the armor and its cracks, it had already affected Brent's flesh.

The light seemed to be gradually leaving Brent's eyes as blood began to seep out from his face.

Eventually, Austin landed his final blow.

Bang! Brent's whole body exploded with a thundering smack of force.

A master at the medium stage of Master Realm was beaten to death by Austin! With agile movement, Austin caught the large golden seal. His eyes kindled with joy as he placed a soft touch across the seal's surface.