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The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 143
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Chapter 143

“Ugh, how do I have a headache?” I said, waking up to a killer headache.

‘Shit, what happened? I can’t remember anything.’ I thought, putting my hand on my head or trying to. For some reason, my right hand didn’t want to move.

“huh? Why is kayda spooning me.” I said a bit annoyed, only to realise I was actually sleeping on my back while Kaydas’ hands were around my waist with her head on my shoulder, blocking my right hand from moving.

‘Her sleeping face really is the cutest thing ever.’ I thought, taking my free hand to brush Kaydas hair out of her face.

“wait, what is this?” I said, seeing some kind of bight marks on her neck when I moved her hair.

Moving around a bit, I gently lifted Kaydas head up. In the process of lifting her up and moving. The bed covers we were under also went up, revealing Kaydas’ half-naked body.

“boobs, rawr,” I mumbled, lifting my head up and stopping my nose from bleeding.

‘now I know why her boos felt so good, but why is she half naked.’ I thought, confused.


“Mhh, kitsu, please stop moving. It hurts.” Kayda mumbled, making me freeze.

“... how am I hurting you?” I said worriedly, stopping all my movement.

“My body is sore, of course,” Kayda said, peeking at me with half-closed eyes.

“Wha-what did we do last night, rawr,” I said hesitantly.

“heh, you don’t remember?” Kayda said, looking up at me with a cheeky grin.

“... I might have forgotten what I did,” I said, scratching my head awkwardly.

“well, we went out drinking. You attacked me. We found a place to stay, and here we are.” Kayda explained briefly, leaving a lot to my imagination.

“I-I attacked you, rawr?” I stuttered, not knowing how to react.

“yes, you started it,” Kayda said, kissing my cheek.

‘That might have happened since I still have my clothes on, but it doesn’t. Then again, I could have used my storage skill again.’ I thought, trying to figure out what happened last night.

“hehe, don’t worry too much. It was my fault that this happened.” Kayda said, standing up and exposing her upper body again.

“How, rawr?” I muttered in embarrassment, even letting another embarrassed sound out.

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“We went to a bar, and I wanted to see if you could get drunk,” Kayda explained, picking up her shirt from the ground.

“Hmm, I thought it won’t be possible,” I said, looking away from her.

“I agree with you there, but as we can see-”

“and feel,” I added, putting both hands on my face in pain but mostly for embarrassment.

“It’s possible. Though I don’t think it’s a good idea to do that, haha.” Kayda said, laughing at me.

“why,” I asked, peeking through my fingers.

“Neck, boobs and everything that was exposed is full of fucken bite marks,” Kayda said, showing me her body full of red marks.

“... I can heal you?”

“Please do,” Kayda said, sitting back on the bed.

“here,” I said, biting my finger and pointing the bleeding finger at her.

“... what am I supposed to do with your bleeding finger,” Kayda said, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Just lick it. It will work, trust me,” I said impatiently.

“sigh, you have weird fetishes,” Kayda said, licking my finger slowly before putting it in her mouth, all the while looking at me cheekily.

“Hey, don’t do it like that, rawr,” I said, embarrassed, pulling my hand back.

“But you said I should,” Kayda said with a cheeky grin.

“Grr, don’t be like that, please I am going to pass out... or attack you again, rawr,” I said, looking away.

“fine, fine, I will stop,” Kayda said, lifting her hands in surrender. Standing up with the covers, she walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

“oh right, when does your mother get here,” Kayda asked just before entering the bathroom.

“I don’t know, maybe in a few hours. Oh right, what is the time even.” I said, climbing out of bed as well.

“knock knock, is the tenant awake.” Someone shouted outside the door. Someone both kayda and I knew very well.

“fuck.” We both muttered just in time to see the door explode inwards.

“Hey, hey, guess who is here.” Mom shouted, walking into the room aggressively.

“Mom, this isn’t our place. You can’t just destroy the property like that.” I said, annoyed, looking at the broken doorway.

“Hello, my daughter, how are you on this fine afternoon?” Mom said, smiling dangerously at me.

“afternoon!?” I exclaimed, surprised, looking outside.

“yes, my daughter, I have been waiting for 7 hours for you to return to the mansion. 7 fucken hours.” Mom shouted, walking closer to me.

“hehe, sorry, in my defence, it’s not my fault,” I said, smiling sheepishly and getting on my knees.

“oh, do tell me whose fault it is then.” Mom said, looking down at me dangerously.

“my girlfriend.” Said, pointing towards the bathroom door.

“oh, where is she. I haven’t seen her.” Mom said with a wide smile.

“she is in the bathroom.”

‘she isn’t in there!? she ditched me!” I yelled, internally depressed, not feeling or sharing Kaydas’ presence anymore.

“is she now.” Mom said, walking to the bathroom door. The moment she opened it, I bolted out of the window behind me onto the closest roof.

“This little shit!!” I heard mom yell, following behind me.

“Fuck you, kayda. I am going to get you back for this!!!” I yelp while running on top of the roofs of the city of anabald, running away from the most fearsome demon in the world. My mother.

[5 hours later]

[Stacy Pov]

‘This damn little shit she got strong.’ I thought, glancing back at kitsuna on the floor, seemingly passed out.

“so, what is your class?” I asked looking down at the fox.

“huh, you don’t know yet? I thought I message you about it?” Kitsuna said, lifting her head up and looking at me, confused.

“Would I ask if I knew?” I said, annoyed.


“Pochi, so what is it,” I said, looking at her and getting a cheeky grin making a tick mark appear on my forehead.

“Woah, Woah, I will tell you! Please don’t hit me again.” Kitsuna yelped, moving away from me.

“oh, will you now?” I said, cracking my knuckles.

“it’s weapon sage okay.”

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“Sage? Sage!? Why is the word sage in your class?” I yelled, getting more annoyed at her answer than not getting one.

“It’s probably because I create my own weapons and have 5 elements, mother!” Kitsuna yelled, dodging my fits.

“tsk, your right, dammit,” I muttered, glaring at kitsuna.

“can- can I stand up now?”

“I never said you can’t?” I said emotionless.

“... okay,” Kitsuna said, disappearing into red smoke.

‘this daughter of mine.’ I thought, looking to the left and seeing my daughter stand against the wall with her three tails tucked away behind her. Although she still had a lot of bruises on her because of our scuffle.

“you really are a monster,” I said, smiling at her proudly.

“hehe, thank you,” Kitsuna said, rubbing her head awkwardly.

“Now show me your upgrades? And hide those tails of yours.” I asked, pointing at her three tails before looking around us.

“don’t worry, they can’t see us,” Kitsuna said, appearing behind me and putting her arms around my shoulders.

‘she might be better than Apricot in illusions.’ I thought, marvelling at how hard it was to see through her illusions.

“right now, we are eating some biscuits right over there,” Kitsuna said, pointing towards the tree to our left.

“I see that some powerful skill you have there, kitsuna,” I said, seeing a small table with both kitsuna and me sitting at it eating biscuits as kitsuna said.


“This is just normal. Nothing to be surprised about.” Kitsuna said innocently.

“sigh, now what is this about having 5 elements?” I said, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Uh, I have my ice magic with devil fire and lightning. But now I have fox fire and fox lightning as well, but this was before my class, though.” Kitsuna explained creating a ball of each element in the air. Adding the last part in audible.

“So not only do you have 5 elements? But all of them are racial elements?” I said, putting my head in my hand, and sighing.

“Yeah, pretty much. I am overpowered, aren’t I?”

“that will be an understatement, kitsuna. That is a massive understatement. You are an absolute monster in human form.” I exclaimed, annoyed.

“I am a primordial, though.”

“that doesn’t change the fact that you have way too many elements,” I exclaimed, annoyed.

“Well, I have 2 lightning and 2 fires. So they are kind of the same.” Kitsuna said, shrugging.

“... Just move on from that before I strangle you,” I said, shaking my head at her.

“oh, okay.” Kitsuna said dumbly.