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The Unbreakable Bond By Cornelia Darwin

Chapter 276
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Chapter 276

Seeing that Rosalind’s expression remained gloomy, Leonardo tightened his embrace.

“I have no interstion of digging into your secrets. I just can’t help but wonder what your life has been

like in the past five years. I just want to know if everything has been going well for you and how I can

take good care of you and prevent you from being harmed”

Held tight in the arms of Leonardo, Roslind experienced a sense of warmth flowing in her heart. Her

nose twitched, and her eyes were wet with tears.


Leonardo intended to say something bus stopped because he seemed to find it hard to disclose.

Rosalind frowned with a puzzle

“But what?” she asked.

With his arms on Rosalind’s shoulders, Leonardo gazed down into her bright eyes

He gathered the courage and continued, “I’m ashamed that I found out everything too late and left you

to deal with it on your own during the five years.

“I’m ashamed that I failed to help you to pass the toughest days.

“I’m ashamed that I wasn’t even by your side when you delivered birth to Yanna and Kevin”

When Thomas presented Leonardo with the endless documents of the past five years on Rosalind,

Leonardo suffered from every photo, page, and list of medicines.

Leonardo felt as though his heart was being sliced by a blint knife, and it hurt so much that be breathed

in agony.

He wished that he could endure the harm and pain on behalf of Rosalind, but he missed out on it all

wisle Rosalind bore the burden alone.

Rosalind listened quietly to Leonardo, who kept self-blarning.

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The just flickered in her mind like an old black-and-white film.

Although Rosalind faced various challenges in the past, she no longer perceived them as

insurmountable when recalling those days. After all, she had overcome those difficulties and moved on

What could be overcome was not suffering but an experience. Rosalind maintained the belief that she

would eventually emerge from the darkness and pain.

“Don’t blame yourself. After all, we had nothing to do with each other back then. Besides, I was not

exactly alone, either,”

said Rosalind.

During her darkest and most helpless period, Rosalind received good care from Lyle and Kyle.

They lud provided every possibile care for Rosalind like a family, helping with her trivial in life.

Lyle had even never spared his support and encouragement for Rosalind in her career. Without their

help, Rosalind wouldn’t become what she was now

Rosalind recalled the past in a daze, without noticing Leonardo’s darkened face when he heard her

words that “we had nothing to do with each other” and “I was not exactly alone.

His tone then suddenly became a liule cold.

“You weren’t alone! Who was there with you?”

Although Leugordo probably had guessed the person whose name he didn’t want to hear, he still

delivered the question to Rosalind and asked for an answer.

Rosalind raised her rybni, unaware of what Leonardo was angry about

“You’ve investigated it before, didn’t you? You know it’s Lyle who has been helping me all the time,

don’t you? If it weren’t for him, I would have left the world, let alone Yanna and Kevin

Indeed, if Lyle hadn’t saved Rosalind and Margery from the heavy rain, Rosalind would have died in

the frigkl rain that night.

Rosalind was in a low mood during her pregnancy, and Lyle had been accompanying her through that

dark period. Therefore, Rosalind was deeply appreciative of Lyle’s unwavering support and

companionship, which she derned worthy of being memorized for the rest of her life. However, she kept

these sentiments close to her heart and rarely voiced them aloud.

Leonardo’s deep eyes suddenly changed. He was indeed jealous of Lyle, who, in Leonardo’s opinion,

had occupied Rosalind’s


Chapter 276

five years of life and had even left an indelible mark on her heart

Although Leonardo had previously harbored ferlings of jealousy toward Lyle, he felt fortunate to learn

from Rosalind that she had received exceptional care and support from Lyle during the times when

Leonardo was unable to be there for her.

“I know he helped you a lot. I was just feeling jealous that he’s been there for you and the kids all these


“I’m still jealous now, but I’m grateful to him for taking care of my wife and children. Otherwise, I can’t

see you safe and sound.”

Leonardo tightened his grashing on Rosalind’s shoulders as if he wanted to hold her firmly in case she

might leave again. Rosalind was amused by Leonardo, as she didn’t expect this man to take his

jealousy for granted.

“Don’t cotton up to me. I am not your wife, but at most, your ex-wife. You and I are only dating now and

not legally bound yet,” said Rosalind.

“Our bond is eternal. You were, are, and will always be my wife. We even have two lovely children, so

it’s impossible for you to sever ties with me, replied Leonardo

After uttering those words, Leonando embraced Rosalind tightly and passionately kissed her lips which

were still swollen. With a look of attachment and worry, Leonando was apprehensive that Rosalind

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might suddenly vanish once more.

After receiving a passionate kiss from Leonardo, Rosalind was in a state of taze, completely

disregarding Leonardo’s previous words.

Ultimately, Rosalind was compelled by Leonardo to wear the conservative black dress, but the latter

still remained divatisfied

Because Rosalind still failed to lide her alluring curve and s*xy figure even in such a conservative


With a s*xy way hairstyle and the red lipstick specially applied to cover her swollen lips, Rosalind

appeared more captivating and seducing

When they arrived at the hotel where the banquet was held and got off. Leonardo’s face became even

more gloomy when catching the sight of countless men’s gaze befallen on Rosalind

“Mom, what takes you so long to get liere! I’ve been waiting for a long time”

As soon as Yana caught sight of Rosalind, she jumped from Jon*s’s back and hastened toward

Rosalind with her chubby legs and embraced Rosalinel’s long legs at once.

“Be careful,” said Rosalind

Rosalind tenderly caressed Yuma’s little head, with her eyes brimming with the glow of maternal


“Rosalind, why did you change your clothes? Has something happened to you?” asked Kyle.

Looking at Rosalind in the black dress, Kyle was touched by Rosalind’s maturity and dignity, although it

was not as stunning as the white dress she had worn before.

Kyle couldn’t stop her thoughts, “Why did Rosalind suddenly change her clothes? Did any accident

happen on the road?” But then she denied the guessing when seeing no injuries on Rosalind’s body.

Jonas and Damian also approached and examined Rosalind as if they shares the same inquiry as


“No, nothing happened. This one might be warmer.”