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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 837
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Chapter 837

Eugene’s mind went blank, and he was unable to react.

It was not until Yvonne reminded Melanie about it that she turned away with Merry in her arms.

Merry had stopped crying. She leaned into Melanie's arms and rested her head on Melanie's shoulder as she

sniffled quietly.

Eugene had seen Merry clearly. She was an adorable child. Merry was fair and chubby, and she had Melanie's


It took Eugene a while to find his voice. His throat was tight, and he sounded hoarse. “Is this your baby,


Melanie's heart sank. She had been so busy trying to cajole Merry that she had totally forgotten about Eugene.

She paused for a moment with Merry in her hand before forcing herself to calm down. “Yes, she is.” “You...”

Eugene tried to say something, but nothing cout. He closed his eyes with a complicated look on his face.

It took him a while to finally ask in a hoarse voice, “Was your miscarriage a lie?”

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Melanie looked at him coldly. “Are you disappointed? I've said it many times, Eugene. This baby has nothing to

do with you. If you or any of the Scotts dare to hurt my daughter, I'll do everything in my power to make you pay

for it!”

She said this savagely. She had Merry now. Melanie would do everything she could to make those who hurt Merry

pay for it.


There were no emotions on Eugene's face, but he did not seem as distant as before. He looked flustered and in a


Eugene had no idea what to feel or what to do. All he could do was stare at Melanie and Merry.

For sreason, Eugene's heart started beating very fast when he saw Merry. His heart felt heavy when he saw

her cry.

He moved forward as he wanted to take a closer look at the child, but a hand cin his way.

Yvonne said grimly, “You're not welchere. All of you should leave.”

She looked at Melanie after that. Melanie went straight into the hospital ward. There was nothing much to


Yvonne closed the door. She asked Melanie after she saw everyone leave, “What should we do now?”

Melanie had not expected this to happen so suddenly. She said, “I'm taking Merry back to Nava.”

Even though this was not the best plan, she had to make do with it for now.

Chapter 837


Before they could leave, Merry suddenly cdown with a fever in the evening.

The doctor told them that it was caused by a minor infection to her wound, and Merry had to stay a night at the

hospital so that they could observe her situation. Melanie was forced to stay back.

Yvonne went out and cback with dinner. She felt even guiltier. “Merry wouldn't have had to suffer if it wasn’t

for me. I'm really sorry that | insisted on getting my item back when it wasn’t anything important at all.”

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“It's not your fault. No one expected Timothy Harmon to be there,” Melanie said. Merry had just fallen asleep

after being given an injection, and she spoke softly.

Yvonne looked upset at the mention of Timothy. She had just stepped outside to give her friend a call about him.

She found out that Timothy's family was rich and powerful. He often went around causing trouble.

He had appeared on the gossip pages several times, but his family always used their wealth to make his troubles

go away.

This time, it was the Quindlands who bailed him out.

Melanie was not surprised. She did not want to continue harping over this after finding out about Timothy's

mental issue.

If he decided to get revenge one day, it would be terrible if Merry got implicated.

She had to admit that she did not dare to anger Timothy.

Merry needed someone by her side. When Yvonne went off to buy snecessities for washing up, Xander

called her on the phone.

Melanie looked at the time. It was morning where Xander was.