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The Vampire Kings Slave Mate

Chapter 2
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When I woke, my eyes were heavy and swollen. The events of the night before came flooding back to

me. “No, Anya.” I whimpered clutching my knees to my chest. A loud bang startled me, pulling me from

my memories. I took in my surroundings, and noticed I had been locked in a small cage. There where

ten other small cages in the room, each filled with a human woman, more exotic than the last. I’d heard

enough about it to learn that I had landed in the slave trade. I was to be auctioned to a vampire. I would

be his walking blood bank. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I wish they would’ve killed me. I shook

that thought from my head. No, I’m glad the hunters left me alive. It would give me the chance to

extract my revenge for Anya. I would make them pay. I swear to you Anya, that I will avenge you. I

thought to myself as I continued to watch the women in the other cages.

The woman closest to me, had tanned olive skin, and her hair was pitch black and curly, she must’ve

felt me starring, because she looked up at me, her eyes a light golden brown. Her beauty was


“Nevaeh” she whispered pointing to herself. Her voice having a slight accent, that I couldn’t quite place.

“Mary,” I whispered back. “How long have you been here Neveah?”

“I got here maybe two months ago.” She whispered back. “This will be my first auction. They were

waiting for one more person.”

I took a deep breath, knowing I was the last person they were waiting for.

“Do you know any of the other girls?” I whispered back.

“Only Bethany.” She whispered, pointing to the girl on the other side. “This will be her second auction. If

she isn’t bid upon this time, the wolves will take her for themselves.”

I looked past Neveah over at Bethany. She was a small girl. She had long blonde hair, and pale ivory

skin. She looked meek and timid, but still as beautiful as Nevaeh, in her own unique way.

“Given to the wolves?” I asked.

“Yes,” Neveah grimaced. “Our captures have an insatiable appetite. The girls who aren’t chosen by the

vampires are offered to the Alpha Wolf. If the Alpha doesn’t want them, then they become the Slavers

Sex Slave. Once they become sex slaves, they don’t tend to last long. They day I arrived, one of the

girls became a sex slave. I heard her screaming all night long.” Her eyes teared up as she continued

with her story. “The next morning, they drug her corpse through the room, and laughed about how

pathetic human woman are, and how she couldn’t even satisfy their urges.” Nevaeh grimaced, disgust

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in her tone.

I began to panic, if Bethany with her long blond hair and small frame, hadn’t gotten picked by the

vampires, why would they chose me? I had unruly wavy red hair, and emerald green eyes, with freckles

that covered my entire body. While I wasn’t fat before we went on the run, I wasn’t skinny either. I could

tell by the way my dress fit me that I had lost some weight, but I knew I wasn’t as toned as Bethany.

From what I had learned of Vampires, they were perfect in every way. Their skin flawless, never a

imperfection in sight, their eyes mystical cerulean blue, that turned a sparkling red when they ate, their

scent irresistible. They were alluring which made them the perfect predator. Why would a Vampire take

interest in me, I felt my only glimmer fade away. I’d be given to my captures and made into a sex slave.

Hopefully I could take a few of them out before they killed me.

Another loud banging song, tore my attention from Nevaeh. I realized the sound that had awoken me

was the captures opening the cages. They pulled Bethany from her cage, and I realized the woman

behind her was freshly bathed, now wearing a skimpy bathing suit, leaving almost nothing to the

imagination. She could’ve been on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Bethany cried loudly, as they pulled

her away into the back room.

“Don’t worry,” Nevaeh whispered to me, “ Ive been told that they aren’t allowed to touch you. The

vampires wont buy a slave, that the wolves have ruined.”

I nodded my head, feeling a small amount of relief. Bethany was quickly returned. Her blond hair

freshly cleaned and brushed, now glistened under the light, she wore a black bikini that made her ivory

skin almost translucent, and her big blue eyes stick out. They tossed her back into them cage and

made their way over to Nevaeh’s cage, opening up her door, grabbing her arm, and dragging her out.

“Mmm” exhaled one of the shifters, pulling Nevaeh up against him, inhaling her scent. “Why aren’t you

a little beauty.” He whispered into her ear. I saw Nevaeh shiver with fear, as she tried to stay still. “You’ll

make us rich.” the wolf growled, his hand coming up and groping Nevaeh’s breast underneath her shirt.

Tears filled Nevaeh’s eyes as she stood still waiting for the capture to walk her back to the washroom.

“Diego.” growled the familiar voice of the Leader. “Hands off the merchandise. You know the vampires

love the exotic ones.”

“Yes Beta Daniels.” Diego responded, instantly letting go of Nevaeh.

“Come on sweet cheeks.” Diego grinned. “ I can’t wait to get you naked.”

These words must have been Nevaeh’s breaking point, because the tears that had gathered in her

eyes had begun to fall freely, as she tried throwing herself back into her cage.

“No!” She screamed. “Please don’t let him take me back there.” She begged.

All the women turned to stare up towards Nevaeh’s cage to see what the commotion was about.

The leader, Beta Daniels had stepped out from the shadows, making his way towards Nevaeh’s cage.

“Step aside Diego.” Beta Daniels growled. “We don’t want her damaging herself.”

Diego stepped aside, as Beta Daniels grabbed Nevaeh around the waist, and picked her up like she

weighed nothing, walking her towards the washroom door. I slouched down to the bottom of my cage,

pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around me, feeling the terror of the unknown

beginning to build up inside me. I could still hear Nevaeh’s whimpers through the closed doors of the

washroom. My hand reached up to grab my necklace that my parents had given me for my 18th

birthday. It was a golden heart shaped locket and inside was a picture of my family that had been taken

right around my 17th birthday. We all looked so happy back then, so carefree, innocent to the terrors

that had existed in this world. It was shorty after this family picture, that the supernaturals came.

Apparently they had coexisted amongst us the entire time without our knowing, but something had

happened, that caused their relationship with us humans to be shattered, making them see us as the

prey we were. My family chose to stay ignorant to the happenings of the world, we lived in a small

village tucked away on the side of the mountain, whatever was happening In the world was far away

from us. If only that had been true. The hunters first came a week after my 18th birthday, the invaded

the village, but luckily my father had built a safety shelter that we were able to hide in, they came a

week later and ransacked the village again, Mom and Dad told me to take Anya and run. I was to meet

them at the Silver Lake, from there we would take a boat to the northern island, which had been

abandoned a century ago, my dad thought that we would be safe there.

I heard the washroom door open, pulling me from my thoughts. I clasped my locket shut, and took it off

my neck, hiding it in the corner of my cage, not wanting to risk it getting taken from me when they took

me back to the washroom.

A whimpering Nevaeh was thrown into her cage. They’d put her in a ruby red bikini, that enchanted her

skin tone and eye color. They’d done her hair up in one single braid, leaving some strands down to

frame her face.

“Are you okay?” I mouthed to Nevaeh, as the captures turned to lock her cage back up.

She nodded her head yes, but her eyes said something different.

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I heard the clinking of my cage door open, and I turned my attention from Nevaeh to look at the door.

“Ahh, my beautiful little fighter.” Beta Daniels smiled, grabbing my arm and pulling me out. “It’s a shame

your sister couldn’t make it.” He sneered.

I bit down on my tongue hardly as I felt the need to claw into his face. I needed to watch my temper,

soon I’d be free of these shifters… hopefully. I walked quietly towards the washroom, my heart

thudding loudly at the anticipation of what was to come. When the door opened and then closed quickly

again behind me, I was taken by surprise to see an elderly woman sitting by the tub, a scrub brush in


“Well hurry along dearie. We haven’t got all day. The auction is scheduled to begin shortly.”

I looked around and noticed, that we were the only ones in the room.

“Don’t try to bolt now dearie. I may be old, but I can still catch you, and it would be a shame if I had to

kill you.” She smiled, her eyes flashing gold.

I took a deep swallow, as I walked towards the tub. She was one of them. I’d never seen an elder up

close before.

“That’s it. Good girl,” she said coaxing me towards the tub, “arms up now.” I did as she requested. She

pulled my dress of over my head, and stripped me of my undergarments. “In the tub now dearie.”

I got into the tub, and let out a slight whimper at the heat. My olive skin, turning a bright red from the

heat, she took her brush and scrubbed every inch of my skin, every nook and cranny, every crevice.

Then she quickly shampooed and conditioned my hair simultaneously while combing out all the


“My my my.” She whispered quietly. “What a treasure, hidden underneath all that gunk.” She beckoned

for me to stand up, and I willingly listened.

Ready to get out of the steaming water. She handed me a emerald green string bikini. I put it on, and

noticed the the top barely covered my breasts, one wrong move and a boob would pop out for all to

see. The bottoms were no better, my underwear had left more to the imagination.

“Well if the vampires don’t like you dearie, I know the alpha will. Your body screams sex.”

I let out a shudder at the thought of the Alpha Wolf. I’d rather be bled dry by the vampires that forced to

have sex with a shifter.

“Henry.” The old woman hollered. “She’s ready to return to her cage.”

Beta Daniels walked back into the room. His eyes shining golden as he looked at me, his wolf let out an

involuntary growl. He grabbed a robe and threw it at me.

“Cover yourself.” He hissed. “I don’t need to kill all my men because of you.”

I gladly put it on, thankful for something to cover my body as he escorted me out back to my cage.