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The Villain's Story

Chapter 553 [553] It's not just humans.
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[It's not just humans.]


What do you mean by that? Have the demon's waged an attack for the portal?


Getting spatial coordinates is hard even for them, so I understand why they are keen to get the portal.

[The Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs cto pay a visit.]



A period of utter silence, one greater than when I was informed of the duration of my sleep. One incomprehensibly larger than that... I couldn't even find words to think about, let alone speak.

Sir Oliver expected it, and thus continued, not caring about the state of my mind.

[Sare currently staying here at Shield, don't worry about the Elves, at most they will simply offer congratulations. Just don't piss them off, It's unlike them to start a fight first. They won't covet the resources of a single planet...but be aware of the Dwarves and Orcs, though. Try not to fight them or piss them off in any way.]

I was still silent, unable to mutter any more words. But thankfully, I was able to calm down.

"... Am I in a dream?"

I asked halfheartedly, it was meant to be a joke to calm myself down. It didn't work.

[No, unfortunately this is reality. Twilight isn't suffering as much due to humanity coming together to keep the portal ours. I don't know of the aftermath.

Just remember, stay low!]

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

With that, the call ended, and I put my communicator down, unwilling to call anyone else.


Taking a deep sigh, I laid down on my bed and decided to sleep. Sir Oliver toldto stay low, so I should probably stay inside.

However, I found it hard to stay asleep...

[SuprDragon of Ice Lanesha asks if something is disturbing you.]

Ah, perfect timing.

"Can you tellabout the other races? I assyou're aware of the situation."

Lanesha should be able to givesinformation at least, Unlike Sabrina, I haven't studied extensively about the other species. Lanesha must know of the situation right now, I have sother questions I want to ask her, but they will have to wait for now.

[SuprDragon of Ice Lanesha tells you not to worry about the Elves, reveal your status as a dragon, and they will serve you.]

Makes sense, Elves are the servants of dragons, I assthey won't be ill-mannered or anything like that. Besides, Elves are much, much more proficient in the spatial element. They probably have a dozen or more planets under them. They won't go after ours.

Orcs and Dwarves should have a few under them as well...but they are different from the elves. They express more greed. I really need to be careful with them...

[SuprDragon of Ice Lanesha suggests you stay away from the dwarves, they are cocky and arrogant, just like fire dragons. Orcs you don't need to worry about much.]




I sensed sprejudice in her voice when she mentioned the dwarves, especially with the 'fire dragon' part. She is the suprof the ice dragons...so there should exist a natural enmity among them.

I wonder how deep it is, nevertheless, I am just going to sleep.

I can't encounter those species if I'm in my room!


I laughed to myself, and closed my eyes. Only to be awakened by a loud sound.


Like that of an explosion, a heavy metallic door, or whatever remained of it, fell on my face and crushed my bed as I heard voices that didn't sound human.

"Human! We've cto challenge the strongest one here!"

"Who was the one that crafted this shit of a ring?!"

I removed the metallic door from my face and stood up, glaring at the intruders.

'Fucks sake.'

I cursed, my blood boiling.


The sight in front of Alan was quite peculiar. Three orcs, each taller than him by a head or two, with green skin covered in tattoos and tusks that protruded from their mouths, wearing what appeared to a leather-metallic armor. They all wielded menacing battleaxes. They appear to be at the peak of rank B, and there were also two dwarves.

The size of a teenager, and they defied the normal expectations of dwarves... Old men with big ass beards. They had luscious hair, but no facial hair at all. Like a peeled potato. One held a spatial ring in his hand, whilst the other a stone hammer.


It was strange, but the anger that was boiling inside him was going to make Alan do something he knew Oliver was going to beat the shit out of him for.

He restrained himself...but when he saw the lead orc walk into his room, into his fucking carpet with his dirty feet, leaving marks, his head was as red as a chili!

Furthermore, when the dwarves walked in with their muddy boots and worsening his carpet! The motherfuckers stepped onto his fucking sofas!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


"Human! I challenge you to rest in this abode!"

The lead orc said and waited for Alan to take out his weapon. He appeared to be the strongest of the three of them, and held his head high with confidence. However, it was commendable he didn't start the fight immediately and waited for Alan to respond.

"... You want to challengefor what?"

The orc happily responded.

"For the right of this abode! I want to stay here until the elders are done with their talks! You were the only one who was at their abode, it would be rude to take over one when there is no one to defend it!"


Alan sighed, sof his anger dissipated when he saw the orc was at least being respectful and kept his distance.


He braced his fists, and the orc brandished his axe. An orc from behind shouted.


The next moment, the young orc was sent flying outside the building, shattering the glass window outside Alan's dorm.



The two orcs shouted, and the dwarves had their eyes wide.

The other two orcs issued similar challenges with a wide smile on their faces...even as they met the sfate as the orc from before.

The dwarves, tiptoed outside the dorm room and tried to escape when they were grabbed by the neck and lifted in the air.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

"Unhand us filthy human! Do you know who we a-"

"Shut the fuck up and clean the mess you made with your boots! And what did you say about my rings?"

He threw them back inside, and basically beat them like dogs until they cleaned his room.