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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 499
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Chapter 499: Lost one

“That’s not a response an unworthy king would receive,” said Kul grinning excitedly. Orbs of black materialized above her head to spin as if a halo. Vesper, on the other hand, kept her hands tied in the front with a lowered gaze. Her friendliness changed into one closer to a servant.

As Kul commented, the crowd below was loud, ungodly so. The screams and cheers, the clear pronunciation of his name echoed till the balcony perched upon the straight tower.

“Sure brings me back,” he stepped away, the balcony reformed into a window courtesy of Kul. Her ability extended to matter materialization. She could shape the world per her will.

“King Haggard,” approached Vesper, “-the people and I have decided. You’re worthy, despite admitting the weakness, they accepted you. You don’t have to worry about social class, how people are treated, or money. Monsters are reserved by nature; they barely speak to one another. Those social enough live here, in the alternate domain of Totrya. The province of Hidros is locked from the care less’s curiosity. I’m sure the memories of ruling Arda and creating the Federation is tiresome. Don’t worry, in our case here, the populous don’t care, the only motive is getting strong. The more one gains levels, the better.”

“Thanks for the explanation,” said he gratefully, “-when I heard of being king, my mind flashed to the hassle.”

“It’s fine,” said Kul, “-how are you feeling?”

“Normal actually,” he scanned his arms, “-should I be worried about something?”


“No...” she turned to Vesper.

“The reaction tells otherwise,” the eyes narrowed.

“What she means is the aura and atmosphere of Totrya isn’t suitable for normal people.”

“Oh,” he smiled, “-I’m a nightwalker. I’ve only lost what was bestowed onto me by the gods. The death element and symbols of power. The blood of the first progenitor is what saved me in the first place. My eternal guardian has embedded herself in my soul, I feel her pulse, she kept me alive for so many years. Well, it’s not worth mentioning.”

“What’s the plan now?” inquired Kul.

“What is it you wish for?” asked Vesper.

“I want to be freed,” said he strongly. “-I appreciate the help in bringing back my memories. I seriously had no idea how to deal with... better not think about it. What’s the status of the dungeon, is my friend safe?”

“Lord Haggard,” fired Kul, “-I hope you don’t resent me for hurting the companions. The world out there doesn’t discriminate.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t care. Monsters are monsters, people are people, both have a goal, and both do what is needed to accomplish said goal. This abduction helped in resolving many questions.”

“Worry not,” said Vesper, “-before Kul takes you to Coria, I’d like for you to have this,” a small metallic dragon rested on her palm, “-please hold out your hand.”

“Ok?” a smile escaped at the adorably menacing creature. The silvery wings sprawled as it gave a yawn to crawl onto Igna’s palm and wrap its tail around the little finger. From awake, the beast gave into a slumber turning the eyes into jades. The shiny silver slept, and ring shrunk to match his size. “What’s this?” the fingers stretched for a better look.

“The signet ring of the King of monsters,” said she, “-that there is the ex-guardian of Scifer Rethem. It grants the user the ability to converse with monsters, understand their thoughts, and summon a few. By all means, the name should be, ‘demon-king’s ring,’ but our founder is a jester for he named it ‘-the Hobbit’.”

“Did he explain anything about the origin?”

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“No, when we asked, he’d simply laugh and say, LOTR.”

Time passed at a faster inside Coria. The adventuring party continued farther into the dungeon. Monsters were less frequent, Julius’s angels returned with good news. A short-cut to travel into the last level of Coria, an airshaft working as an elevator.

“We’re not going down there,” said Ila adamantly. A crawl of a space which gave onto the darkness. She gulped at the mere thought of the dangers.

“Don’t be scared now,” added Cole.

“Says the boy who’s shaking,” she added in jest. ᴛhis chapter is ᴜpdated by ɴo(v)elFɪre.net

“Leonard, why are you spaced out?” voiced the prince.

“Thinking about Igna,” said he, “-I’m worried. Where could he have gone?”

‘They really don’t remember the demon,’ thought Julius, ‘-why am I the only one. The only way is forward. Cousin, be well, I’m coming for you.’

“Ko,” he cut across the crowd, “-I’ll demonstrate using my angels,” the machine materialized, “-the shaft is an elevator. We can get to the others quickly.”

“I trust you,” said Ko, “-the guild leader need not waste his breath,” he slid to vanish into the shadows.

“Guess we ought to follow,” the narrow passage didn’t cause problem. Xenon’s team jumped with no question’s asked. Julius followed, leaving Ila, Cole, and Leonard.

“What are we going to do now?” asked she, “-jumping down seems like suicide.” Weird unsettling noises echoed about.

“How far are we already?” asked Cole.

“We went past level five. The area now is filled with undiscovered monsters above our strength,” staring the ground, “-I’m going,” he stomped, ‘-I’m coming.’ *Woosh*

“Egh, fine,” she followed.

“What is this place?” wondered Leonard dusting off his shoulder. A massive open space of blue and white. Spiky pillars acted as support, the ground appeared as ice, though, it didn’t feel cold to the touch. Armor pieces were scattered about, brownish dark matter was sprayed onto where the tools rested.

“There’s been a fight here,” said Tonza,”-the blood is old. I’d guess about two weeks or so. No bodies mean one thing,” they wandered about, “-monsters ate the unfortunate.”

“Rest in peace,” said Miya making Syhton’s gesture.

“Doesn’t look so good, now does it?”

‘T-that bracelet!’

“Hey, are you ok?” fired Julius, “-why did you fall to the ground so suddenly?”

“This bracelet,” said Leonard staring up, “-it belongs to Jen.” The heart sank, a hammer slammed across his throat. The mind blacked out, the face paled, the breathing irregular, and eyes bloodshot.

“Hold it together,” said Scarlet holding the back of his neck, “-breaking down here isn’t going to do good.” The harsher she became, the more distance grew the voices, memories of her smiling face, the times shared together, the love he harbored, the regret of not tagging along. He could only see her, and her only.

“Don’t get so worked up,” added Tonza following the trail, “-I think they’re still alive.” The dropped items and preserved blood were signs of them having ran away. Lowering weight and buying time; the armor was of four strong fighters. No sign of gear from those sent into the expedition. The only piece relating to them was the bracelet which had the lock broken.

“It must have snapped,” said Ko, “-come on, get up,” he gave a helping shoulder. The footsteps echoed out the great hall of ice and into the smaller paths. Everyone kept an eye out; Julius had a vague idea thanks to the angels.

“Look,” said Tonza, “-the trail stops here suddenly. There are no drag marks; no evidence.”

“A concealment spell,” said Miya, “-has their mage maintained this for that long?” two knocks, “-it’s strong, too strong.”

“Can you break it?” wondered Ko.

“Obviously,” a gentle tap of her staff and the whole thing cracked. The stench of rot exploded; there was something distinct about it. “-Smells like a body, a human body,” commented Scarlet.

“I’ll lead the way,” said Tonza, “-Ko, watch out backs.” The students followed silently; Julius kept at the outer ranks per request of the guild members in case of ambushes. The faint icy glow muddled into darkness, the more they walked, the stronger became the smell.

*Bestow onto me a light!* the golden rimmed staff blazed the entire hideout. On one side rested Beth and Misna, sleeping with clenched stomachs. Opposite them was Anna and Frost cuddling without clothes. Rena, Jen, and Lampard laid in the middle head facing the inviting ceiling.

“W-who are you?” asked Anna shrunk from hunger.

“My lady,” rushed Ila.

“Frost,” said Cole to his partner’s side.

“We’re just in time,” commented Ko.

“Yeah,” said Miya moving towards Jen. “-She’s suffering from the monster’s curse,” knelt at her side, “-Guild Leader, I need permission to operate on her right away.”

“How badly is she hurt?”

“Mortally, they smartly froze her arms. The only choice is to amputate the limb before it gets worse.” Pale to the point of a ghost, Jen’s breathing remained slow. Rena had her arms wrapped around Lampard, she didn’t let go, her face held the fear of a beast.

“Lady Beth,” voiced Julius, “-are you ok?”

“Help,” said she gathering her strength, “-you finally came?”

“Yes,” he gave a helping hand, “-just in time.”

“No,” refuted Misna, “-you can’t save us,” her legs closed, “-he’ll be here soon. He’s going to demand what is due for our survival, he’s coming.”

“Who are you talking about?” the aura shifted, Beth, Misna, Frost, and Anna’s body subconsciously tried to hide.

‘Something awful happened here,’ thought Julius. ‘-Frost and Anna are naked, I don’t suspect foul play from the two. Beth and Misna are strong, why are they acting so weirdly. They give the same reaction to the ladies we rescue in the underworld.’

“Who dares thread onto my hunting ground?” approached a darkened figure enshrouded in mystic and terror. With a large cape, white hair, and red eyes, he’d often lick his pale lips. “Are you humans so foolish to come to steal what I’ve taken under my protection?”

“Stay away,” voiced Tonza, “-we don’t want trouble.”

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“I know you don’t,” he laughed, “-however, the people there entrusted themselves to me willingly. I saved them from starvation, I gave them food and comfort. All for the small price of their body and blood. What’s wrong in that?”

“Stay away,” voiced Tonza, “-I’m saying this once. Another step and we’ll have a problem.”

“How quaint,” he laughed, “-please, there’s no need for such hostility. I saved them, do I really have to repeat myself?” a step and he dashed for Anna’s throat, “-this one here is particularly delicious,” the hands reached around her chest and towards her legs, “-she got undressed for my coming,” he licked her neck provokingly.

“MY LADY!” screamed Ila.

“Shut it,” a single glare had her onto the ground suffocating. “-I don’t wish to alarm anyone, I’m a vampire working for the demons. Turning side is very much entertaining.”

“Ko, Miya, Scarlet.”

“Don’t worry,” said the lady with her blade already reach for the vampire.

*Slash,* two well aim strike at his tendon freed the girl, whom, Tonza rushed in to save. Ko loaded the magazine with silver bullets and fired relentlessly.

“We need to go, like now,” voiced Julius.

“Yeah, yeah,” said Ko.

“We can’t,” cried Miya, “-we can’t leave them alone.”

“No choice,” said Beth, “-come on,” she pulled her arms and made for the exit. The event happened so fast the students reached the hall within seconds. The sad reality was, Lampard, Rena, and Jen had to be left behind. Leonard wanted to react... yet, the seed of terror embued by the nightwalker had broken the resolve. ‘-I’m running away,’ thought he staring Julius’s blond hair. ‘-I’m worthless...’

“Pathetic humans. Leaving the injured behind to save themselves. How very weak,” he hovered after them.


“Quick, we’re closing on the elevator.” The crowd lessened one by one.

“You!” exclaimed the nightwalker, “-how dare you run away with my prey!”

“GO GO,” screamed Cole, “-MOVE, ILA, COME ON!”

“No,” her pace slowed and soon found herself at the back.

“THIS IDIOT!” cried Cole for she turned and charged for the nightwalker.

“LEAVE HER,” said Julius, “-SCARLET, MIYA, GO, TAKE THEM!” he went after the rogue girl. The frozen images of the students as he went after Ila burnt into the heart.

“Very nice,” her punch gained velocity, “-yet, the pathetic attempt is useless,” a swipe threw her across the hall.

“Stop this fighting,” ordered Julius, “-are you not part of the Blood-King faction?”

“I was,” he laughed, “-I was. Then, the demons approached with a better offer. The ways of peace are so boring. Do you know how much, us, immortals, have to suffer?”

“How selfish.”