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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 601
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Chapter 601: Empire’s Invasion [19]

A long time ago, on the ominous Iqeavian soil, a place where the sun rarely shines, a place where the buildings climb to heaven, and a place where night never mattered, Vlaiwia, the capital city of the Empire. Off by a few miles, atop a swerving hill, lays the temple of Dustina, the Goddess of Destiny, weaver of fate, and proprietor of future.

An ancient legend tells of her story, a young goddess bloomed from a miscolored bud. The guardians of the heavenly garden were stumped. Her identity unknown, and powers a mystery, until the great collapse. An event referred to as the ‘Attenuation’ in the scriptures of Hexna. Many gods were dethroned and exiled, the then supreme god, Kronos, marred the very fabric of fate. The prophecy of one’s own demise brought forth reckoning on unproportioned consequences. As the flow of time subtly altered, Dustina’s want for confirmation guided her astray. A voice called out, one of utmost purity and charm, a light in between the darkness. The heavenly garden, where her light never measured nor drew attention, was presented with a place where even a glimmer seemed as if the sun.

Thus, as the Attenuation gave way to conflict of which soon evolved into the war between Gods and Demons, the princes of hell brought over many gods – one of them, Dustina. Venerated as a being of utmost power, and acknowledged by the princes, her mind, body, soul, and powers, were laid at their feet.

As time progressed, the powers amplified till she rivaled the ability of Kronos. And so, after centuries, the supreme god was defeated, and Dustina was hailed as a harbinger of good fate. What came of it was a goddess who wished to serve her master.

The Hill of Giendo, resting place of Dustina’s corporal being and temple to the lady of Destiny. Before death, the master gave a certain order. Life spirited away, and the body turned to ash. A single figure stood at her side, cupping her pale hands till all ended. As a result, after death, the hill spawned an anomaly. Mana was abundant, fuller than anyplace on the planet. Beside it was another boon, one known to only the Imperial Family and the Church. Kyeno, the ancient symbols of summoning. Similar to how many gods were tempted by the princes, the temple served a similar purpose.

On the day the heir to Death’s presence vanished, the elders of the Dustina sect called forth a being from another world. A young man arose from the pits of blood and rotten flesh, countless sacrifices led to his awakening.

Kion Hurworth, a hero of another world. ‘A lady called out to me, her soft voice and angelic visage swallowed my sufferance and pain away. I awoke inside a church not knowing much of what happened. I remember jumping off a building, life was hard, until now. The church of Kreston called on me for help, they relied on me, and I soon realized, I bore the Mark of Dustina, the goddess who forever altered my destiny.’ For the years to come, the Empire trained and sent him on various campaigns, killing monsters, killing nobles, anything and everything. The better performances begot richest and fame, ‘-one crucial fact, I’m unbeatable, Destina’s boon is to never lose.’


To the present, the noise-filled room resounded per Lilith and Gophy’s argument. At some point, fatigue forced open a portal. Lilith tactlessly followed after, “-I need to rest,” said she.

“Fine, come along,” sighed Gophy.

“As if I’m listening to you,” snarled she first to leap inside.

“Goodbye, Igna,” waved Intherna, “-take care, I’ll be back soon.”

“Same here,” nodded Miira respectfully “-till thee call on us again.”

“I ought to leave,” yawned Adete, “-good job on bringing Lilith over, she’ll be a great asset.”

Tranquility and solitude befell the hall, “-Cousin-”

“-No need to worry,” interjected Igna, “-I don’t care for apologies, tis a small price for my cousin to experience love.”

“Softie,” mumbled Malley, “-never expected the emotionless killer to accept me so easily.”

“A quick reminder,” he glared, “-I did it for Julius’s sake. If the news ever reaches my ear that you cheated or broke his heart, then I promise,” she gulped, “-the curse of Akina will seem childish in comparison.”


“It’s fine,” smiled Julius, “-we’ll be alright.”

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“On another note, have you created a portal between Glenda, the first manor, and this manor?”

“Yes, I did,” he winked, “-tis all linked in the attic.”

“Excellent,” the chair screeched, “-the thought of being a third-wheel doesn’t particularly interest me. Malley and you can have this manor, I’ve got matters to see in town.”

“You sure?”

“On one condition,” an eyebrow rose.

“I got it,” he nodded, “-I’ll see you later tonight then.”

Handshakes led to Igna making for Glenda. Conveniently enough, the town itself had a place for the lord to reside, a large enough room built on the south-western wall. Frankly speaking, the room wasn’t much to be praised of – a watchtower repurposed for nobility, what much else would one expect. Nonetheless, the created portals are linked there.

‘Good, my items are here,’ a light-brown table held so, ‘-a panoramic view. Eyes on the whole town and then some.’ Toggled, ‘-éclair, are you there?’ No response came, ‘-now that’s weird. Isn’t he supposed to be my butler?’ Another few tries led to an annoyed ‘-STOP!’

“Someone’s feeling cranky,” a holographic display rested atop the phone, “-I’ve been gone for quite a long time. I need the information of what has happened since.”

“Information huh,” sighed the butler, “-I’ll tell you.”

He squinted, ‘-something’s wrong with éclair today.’

“After the forces captured Castle Eldo and the Airfield, the next operation was to catch the retreating forces off-guard. It should have been an easy victory; our army’s pincer formation should have won.”

“Then what, Nightwalkers are strong, we won, haven’t we?”

“Sadly not. The Onyx and Sabbath clan were beaten to a forced withdrawal. We didn’t lose any men... the first stage of the battle was ours until he showed up accompanied by the real Inquisitors. Four splits into two’s to battle both the northern and southern assault. Four against our combined army, do you realize the absurdity, they soundly beat the nightwalkers. Much destruction remained in its wake. In the end, the advance forces lost a third of their men as well as the death of Major General Alpath.”

“We won.”

“Wrong, the Church had yet to play their ace. I guess the conflict of information delayed their arrival. The moment those four entered the battlefield, it ended, we were beaten regardless of the vampire’s rank. The leader, Kion Hurworth’s a true hero, never once tried to slaughter our members. In him lays a dormant power, or so says a report. He fought off squad after squad with a sheathed sword, the inheritor of Dustina’s boon, an untouchable phenom of nature.”

‘The real depiction of a goddess’s will.’

“All and all, the Empire has beings with far greater power than Hidros does. They could wipe us out at any minute.”

“Chill will you. Think clearly, no matter how strong a person is, they’ll never be able to shoulder the burden of an entire empire. This Kion fellow sounds interesting. éclair, if I were to fight him right here and now, what’s the chances of victory.”

“Zero, null, nada.”

“Not even a slight percentage?”

“Strength doesn’t matter. The Boon of Dustina makes him impervious to damage. The fate bestowed onto him is to never lose.”

“Talk about being overpowered.”

“Same applies to you, Igna,” chuckled éclair, “-in any case, I’ve handled the political side of things. Our forces are stationed at Eldo and the airfield, the King has sent for a non-aggression pact.”

*Knock, knock,* orangish-white ears ambled, “-my lord Igna, might I enter?”

“You’re already in,” commented he, “-how goes it, Undre, is Glenda recovering?”

“Yes,” he bowed, “-my lord, the central guild has asked for thy presence.”

“Central guild,” off the shabby dark-oak chair, “-let’s go,” pistol holstered and sword strapped to the waist, ‘-time to work.’

“AY POPS,” a rocket-like silhouette slipped through the ajar door, “-don’t leave me behind,” he climbed up to sit atop the shoulders.

“Draconis, didn’t you leave with Lilith?”

“No, I don’t want to. It’s more fun to stay with pops. Come on,” the head hung upside down before Igna’s visage, “-pretty please.”

“Such a pain,” *smack,* “-don’t move too much.”


“My lord,” gulped Undre, “-who might this child be?” his voice echoed down the spiraling staircase.

“Good question,” paused Igna, a small opening allowed for slight visibility, “-I don’t-”

“I’m Draconis Haggard,” firmed he loudly, “-this here is my dad.”

“My lord, you have a child?”

“Seems like it,” exasperation dulled the already lifeless expression, “-let’s go on to the guild.” Ambling around town, checking on the traders, passersby and guards told one thing, the overall tenseness had disappeared. No longer were the demi-humans oppressed. Young Draconis brattled along the merchant street, entourage consisted of prattling housewives.

“Take a look, that’s the new Baron. Quite the charming stud, isn’t he?”

“Very much so, I heard he single-handedly defeated the ex-lord. Good riddance.”

“The town is so much livelier nowadays.”

A narrow alley gave onto the guild area, “-excuse us,” twins came in ambush, “-are you Kinless?” inquired they without reservations.

‘-Humans?’ he paused, “-yes, what’s the matter?”

“Great,” cheered one, “-we’re from the adventuring Academy,” added the other.

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“My names Ella,” from outfits to hairstyle, they were fully identical, a far cry from the Lymsey sisters.”

“Mines Ellie,” returned the other.

“Excuse us, young ladies,” interjected Undre, “-my lord here has business to attend to. We’re not disposed to partake in frivolous chatting, might this take place at another time?”

“Ok, rude,” said Ella, “-who in the hell even are you, mister?”

“Don’t interrupt us,” frowned Ellie, “-we’re here to meet the infamous Kinless.”

“No need to pop a blood vessel,” whispered Igna. Veins of ire bloated upon Undre’s forehead. The latter wasn’t much known for having a patient side. A warm hold of the shoulder calmed the grossly mingled gnarl.

“Ella, Ellie,” stepped forward, “-nice to meet you, how can this humble adventurer be of assistance?” This chapter is updated by N(o)vᴇl(F)ire.net

“Well,” they stared one another, “-it’s the central guild in Oxshield. They’ve asked for our assistance in helping the populous. We haven’t stepped out of Glenda, waiting on the Baron to make his appearance.”

“How many adventurers came, what was the quest order?”

“Let me think,” fingers to her chin, “-egh,” a distant stare, “-got it. A request from her majesty, Queen Gallienne. News of the uncalled invasion of Arda has reached social media,” quick to bring the phone, “-see. Alphia’s strongly against the unjust invasion. The Empire’s only avoiding the situation. The Federation’s too busy fighting off mercenary troops from the belligerent King Juvey.”

“Why would the adventurers get involved here. The reward is nothing, your tags read Tier-7 Sapphire. No matter, are the others here?”

“Yeah,” winked Ella, “-multiple guilds refused the offer. Seems like only members of the Adventuring Academy answered the request.”

“Yeah, yeah,” nodded Ellie, “-we should help people in need.”

“Good sentiments.” They arrived at the guild building. A crowd of familiar faces stood on inside. The guild assistants mounted up the counter with slumped shoulders; a doorway led to a tavern on the right side. Most regulars there ran amok with drinks and innuendos.

“Baron Igna,” said the assistant. Lowered heads of fatigue rose.

‘Why them?’ *clop, clop, clop,* “-Good afternoon Nassie. Where might I find the guild leader?”


“Upstairs, he’s in midst of conversation.”

“With Lady Haru I presume?”

Her face flashed in bafflement; “-how did you know?”

“I’m psychic.”

“For real?” she squinted.

“I’m joking,” he replied monotonously. ‘Never expected this turn of events. Why are they here, Frost, Group A, B, and C. Wait, that’s Lingling. I’m not looking forward to the reunion.’ The arrival of past friends bought cause for concern. How to deal with the situation, what to do, and what to say. Were they friends or not, no matter the answer – it felt awkward.