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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 268
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Chapter 268 Nancy's eyes widened in anger. "Marcus Zimmer, don't forget that we worked together to build that company up from scratch. I still own shares in that company, and I won't allow you to give it to an outsider as simply as you please. It must be left to Matthew." Marcus stood, the expression on his face turning frosty and fierce. "I've already said that Matthew is doing well overseas, and I have given him adequate assets. I will also give you enough of what you want. Quinn is my wife, and she has the absolute right to inherit my company." Nancy seemed to go mad when she heard that. She grabbed Marcus and began hitting him. "You f*cking b *stard, the company doesn't belong to you alone! What right do you have to decide whom to give it to?! I'm not done with you yet!" Matthew, who had been quiet all this while, stood up and pulled his mother aside to persuade her to stop in a low voice.

Marcus glanced at his son and said, "Your mother is ill. Send her to the hospital." Matthew had a furious expression on his face as he glared at Marcus and said, "Karma will make you pay for this one day." "You ungrateful b*stard, you..." Matthew's words made Marcus shudder so violently in anger that he nearly lost his balance. He could not find the words to reply to his son with.

Quinn hurried forward to steady Marcus and gently pat him on the back as she soothed him. After a long while, he finally calmed down.

"I won't take the company, so please stop angering him. He's already old, and his health is deteriorating." Quinn looked at Nancy and Matthew as she resolutely spoke those few sentences to them before hurrying off to take care of Marcus again.

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Marcus was coughing violently. He held Quinn's hands tightly in his, refusing to let go.

Nancy stood nearby and glared frostily at them, a look of hatred and desperation in her eyes. Finally, she said slowly, "Son, takehome." Matthew helped his mother stand, but he continued glaring at Marcus and Quinn and did not move. I could tell he was trying to control himself.

"Matthew, are you going to disobey evennow?" Nancy raised her voice, and I could sense the tiredness in it. Finally, Matthew walked off with his mother, a frigid expression on his face.

The fiasco finally died down. As part of the Grant family, Theo and I had been in an awkward position throughout the entire kerfuffle.

I finally understood why Theo's uncle and aunt had not dared to say anything when his grandmother insisted on cutting ties with Quinn.

Theo's ancestors had a military background, and all the Grant children had been brought up strictly. It was not until his grandparents' tthat their family had switched to doing business, but their family still operated in a very rigid manner. Naturally, Quinn's marriage would have never been approved of.

Suddenly, I realized that Quinn's motives might not have been as pure as they initially seemed. There was such a huge age gap between them, yet she did not seem to fit the profile of a chronophile. Although the Grant family was very well-off, their family business was nothing when compared to the Zimmer family.

After Matthew left, Quinn called for the family doctor to conduct a checkup on Marcus. Another long while passed before Marcus finally felt slightly better and then fell asleep.

Quinn heaved a huge sigh and smiled a little sadly." Who would have thought you would see my worst side on your first visit here?" No one could have expected something like this to happen, so I smiled as I said, "We're all human. What matters most is that everyone's happy now!"

She glanced atin surprise but did not say anything. Regaining her o'm elegance and composure from she's before, she said, "We didn't get to have a good meal. I'll have Miss Zion prepare sdesserts for us." Theo had not said anything all this while, but now, he gazed at Quinn and asked in a low voice, "Are you so stubborn that you're going to continue down the path you've chosen no matter what it takes?"

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Quinn smiled bitterly and said, "To be honest, it's not that hard. Marcus has treatedwell throughout these dwell and years, and that's more than enough.

As for the other stuff, all I have to do is ignore it." Theo seemed to want to say something else, but I tugged on the corner of his shirt and shook my head slightly.

Relationships were one of the most complicated things to explain on earth. No one except the people in the relationship themselves were allowed to meddle with matters.

Upon noticing how tired Quinn looked, I stood and said goodbye.

Everyone was already feeling uncomfortable, which is why Quinn did not try to get us to stay longer. She walked us to the front door.

I was still thinking about Quinn when I got into the car and stared out the window, deep in thought. 1 Theo m started up the car and turned around to ask, "We didn't have much to eat during lunch. Is there anything you want? I'll take you there." X