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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

Chapter 1277
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Chapter 1277 Lynette’s Imagination

We’re love rivals! Reed should learn everything about me as I had done! But… she didn’t do a single thing! This…

For a moment, Lynette was overcome with fury. She held significant regard toward her love rival, yet the latter

thought nothing of her! Who wouldn’t be livid if it happened to them?!

Sonia, on the other hand, thought the heavens had made the wrong decision to give someone like Lynette such an

adorable face when she saw the latter baring her fangs, ruining her adorable face. Such an adorable face should’ve

been on a sweet, gentle girl and not someone like Lynette.

Bored, Sonia quirked her lips and withdrew her gaze, wanting to leave. However, Lynette grabbed her arm in time,

preventing her from walking away. “You’re not going anywhere!”

Probably coming from jealousy, Lynette sank her nails into Sonia’s flesh when she grabbed Sonia, who winced and

frowned in pain.

Lynette, on the other hand, grinned victoriously in response.


Made livid, Sonia wrested her arm away out of annoyance, causing Lynette to take a couple of involuntary steps

back and fall on her bum from the momentum, stumping her.

Meanwhile, Sonia checked her wrist, never once giving two hoots about the young woman.

She instantly turned grim when she saw the few unmissable fingernail marks on her fair arm.

This woman sure plays dirty. The skin where Lynette had clawed turned purple. One could imagine the force the

young woman applied.

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Sonia, seething with rage, put her arm down and wanted to get back at Lynette. However, before she could do so,

the young woman got back up on her feet and glared daggers at Sonia. “How dare you shove me, Reed?!”

“Shove you?” The young woman’s ridiculousness made Sonia amused with rage. “I’m not as shameless as you to

blame-shift. Huh, look at you, calling me a villain for shoving you when I haven’t accused you of pinching me. What

a joke! You’ve fallen on your own, and yet you blame others for it.”

“I fell on my own?!” Lynette gibed. “Would I have fallen if you hadn’t yanked your arm away?! So, it’s still ultimately

your fault! This won’t end until you kneel and beg for my forgiveness!”

Kneel and beg for your forgiveness?! Sonia couldn’t help rolling her eyes. At what age does this woman think we

live in?! The middle ages?! Kneel and beg my grass! What a lunatic.

“So, what if I did pull my arm away? You sank your nails into my arm first. If you hadn’t done it, I wouldn’t have

pulled my arm away, and you wouldn’t have fallen. So, if anyone is at fault, it’ll be you. Have you ever heard that

empty vessels make the most noise? So, you should be the one to kneel and beg for my forgiveness.” Sonia lifted

her chin and took advantage of her height to look down at Lynette like she was looking at a clown.

The young girl, on the other hand, wasn’t only aggravated by her gaze but also her words. Empty vessels make the

most noise?! This woman is calling me ignorant! She looks down on me!

“How dare you call me out and even tell me to kneel and beg for your forgiveness?!” raged Lynette while pointing

maliciously at Sonia, looking so ferocious like she would eat the latter up.

To that, Sonia rolled her eyes exasperatedly. “How dare I not? What? You can attack me, but I can’t retaliate? Huh,

sorry to break it to you, but the world doesn’t work that way.”

“Take a look at yourself and take a look at me! You think you’re worthy of being compared to me?!” Lynette

screeched like she wanted the world to hear her.

Sonia quirked her lips, glowering at Lynette. “Why not? Are we not both human? Or are you some sort of monarch

that no one can criticize? Huh, jokes on you; you’re now but a daughter of an affluent family that’s about to be

washed up. In terms of status, you and I are not far off. In fact, if we’re to be serious about it, I am a chairman of a

company, while you are just someone from a rich family. In terms of status, I stand taller than you. So, tell me

who’s the unworthy one.”

Exasperated, Lynette stomped her feet with rage. “You… You…”

“What about me?” Sonia sneered disdainfully, biting back without mercy. “Look at you; you can’t even get your

words straight. Why don’t you go back to school and actually learn something before further humiliating yourself?”

Lynette was so livid that her eyes turned bloodshot.

Indeed, her upbringing disallowed her from even cussing, so what more retort others wittingly? Thus, not even two

of her could defeat Sonia in eloquence. So, she would naturally be made infuriated.

However, Lynette was strong-willed. Despite being beside with rage, she bounced back in two shakes, and she

maniacally chuckled while glowering at Sonia. “This is the real you, isn’t it? It must be tough to act docile in front of


“What?” Her words stumped Sonia. “Act docile?”

“Hmph, don’t play dumb with me. Don’t think for one second that I don’t know this sharp-tongued and vitriolic side

is the real you. But because you worry Toby won’t like it, you hide this side of yourself away from Toby and pretend

to be all gentle and sweet. You sure are a sly fox, Reed,” Lynette snarled.

The young woman’s words sounded so ridiculous to Sonia that a chuckle escaped her. “Are you sure it’s not just all

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in your head? When have I ever pretended to be gentle and sweet?”

At least she never behaved the way Lynette thought she would in front of Toby. She behaved however she wanted.

Thus, the young woman had certainly imagined it all herself.

“Still lying, are we, Reed?” Of course, Lynette wouldn’t believe a word Sonia said. The way she saw it was that Sonia

was merely making excuses. “I know full well just the kind of person you are, and so does Toby. So, it’s useless no

matter how you pretend. Given how you threatened Toby to get back with you, it’s doomed that he will never love

you.” Lynette raised her chin triumphantly, looking like she had unveiled what Sonia cared about most.

She had believed she would find Sonia hitting the roof after bursting her bubble, but she waited and waited… Yet,

she barely received a reaction from the latter. Instead, she found a hint of ridicule in Sonia’s gaze.

Ridicule? The expression on Lynette’s face froze. What is the meaning of this? How dare this woman ridicule me?!

Shouldn’t she be flipping out right now?! After all, I’ve called her out on what she cares about most! But how can

she look at me like I’m some joke instead of being angry? She must be mad!

While the young woman was reeling in bewilderment, Sonia’s voice traveled to her ears. “I’ve once heard that you

Lores believe the reason Toby only got back together with me is that I blackmailed him into it, and he had no choice

but to agree to it. So, I want to know now, just who in the world told you and your family this is how Toby and I got

back together?”

“As if we need anyone to tell us about it! Isn’t it obvious by itself?!” Lynette snorted. “Toby doesn’t love you at all. Do

you think no one knows what your six years of marriage to him were like?! Would he even treat you like that if he

loves you?! Whom he loves is Tina. You’re just a homewrecker who threatened Toby into marriage while Tina was in

a coma. Since he doesn’t love you, the only possibility that he would marry and even get back together with you is

that you have something on him and nothing else!”