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To Love You Again

Chapter 513 - Being a Man
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Chapter 513 - Being a Man




The glass which Lu Yin Ze was holding was swiped down by an unknown flying object.


The rich aroma of wine engulfed the room.

Lu Yin Ze looked blankly at his hands which was now only holding the broken lower stand of the chalice. He had already dragged his couch to the farthest corner, yet the damage still reached him.

He sighed.

Even if he got angry, there was no way he could vent it out towards the two fearsome men who were now on the way to having an all-out fight.

The room was already destroyed. The fragile furniture inside the lounge did not survive this violent fight. Even the strong walls were showing signs of damage.

His eyes swept back to the two men.

Just how long were they going to fight?

These guys, did they forget where they were now?

Lu Yin Ze wanted to go to the door, but he had to pass the two to leave the lounge.

Who knew if he would die as a casualty on the way?

So it was better to wait for them to finish their fight than risk it.

After watching for a long time and getting used to their speed, he could now see the pair's appearances. Their movements had become more visible as well and he could now follow the lightning fast exchanges.

He silently observed.

Guan Gao Huan already lost his right shoe and his pants were also a bit dirty. What was more, both sides of his face had a reddening bruise. They were clear handprints.

That's right. Linfeng slyly landed a hit, rather, a slap on each side of Guan Gao Huan's face.

Lu Yin Ze did not see how it happened, he just heard Guan Gao Huan curse loudly. When they paused while in deadlock, Guan Gao Huan already wore those two obvious marks on both of his cheeks.

On the other hand, Linfeng was still neat as ever. His only damage was the little cut on the cuff of his sleeve, his disheveled hair, and the beads of sweat that travelled from his forehead to the side of his chin.

Lu Yin Ze mused. In this fight, he could see this butler's ability better. Linfeng's strength was greater than Guan Gao Huan.

Because of Guan Gao Huan's disheveled appearance and those two red marks, Lu Yin Ze knew that Guan Gao Huan would not appear in the party for a while. If this was the case, then his purpose of holding him down here was achieved now.

This guy would no longer roguishly harass and stalk Xiong Zhi in the middle of the crowd.

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When the two finally took a pause again while staring down at each other, Linfeng still had not let go of Guan Gao Huan's hand.

Lu Yin Ze finally spoke.

"I think you two should stop now. Linfeng, you're the main lead of this dinner party. If you are nowhere to be seen among the crowd but is instead here with two men, fighting violently, and destroying an entire room… What will people think of you?"

Linfeng and Guan Gao Huan simultaneously looked at his direction.

Both of them appeared surprised.

Linfeng: "You are still here?"

Guan Gao Huan: "Why are you still here?"

Lu Yin Ze: ╬

These two pricks…

But then he calmed down.

Again, there was no use venting his anger on these two Super Saiyans.

"Of course I'm still here, you've been blocking the door all this time. Also, as you can see, this room is already mangled beyond recognition. Don't you think it's about time to stop and think how you'll make up an excuse?"

The two froze and finally realized the situation inside the room.

Linfeng and Guan Gao Huan: ... They actually destroyed the room to this point??

"That's why, gentlemen, please calm your violent sides down now, please."

Now that Lu Yin Ze had confirmed that the two men finally awakened from the maddening violence they showed earlier, he walked forward in relief and passed the two.

Standing by the door, he looked at them. "Or perhaps, you still want to stay here fighting all night? Well, I really don't care. Continue solving your longing for each other as you wish," he said and opened the door.

The sound of lively music and chattering entered the room. After taking a few steps away, he suddenly turned and poked his head into the doorway.

"By the away, Third Young Master Gao Huan, you have two obvious red marks on your face. People might think you had a… peach blossom dispute with two ladies."

He closed the door behind him and escaped quickly.


Linfeng was quietly washing his hands inside the men's restroom.

Earlier, after the silver bug had left the room, Linfeng gave a threatening glare at Guan Gao Huan before letting go of his wrist.

However, he still could not let go of Guan Gao Huan's remarks regarding Xiong Zhi.

"You're not allowed to call her by name. She's my girlfriend. You should stop your delusions. You are only disgusting her."

Guan Gao Huan who was massaging his wrist halted. His golden eyes swept up at Linfeng.

He stared and said slowly, "Perhaps, she is indeed yours in the time being, but it still doesn't change the fact that she is dating her butler. Even if you had freed your family, even if you had become a 'king', your status and birthright is too different from hers. You two will never fit each other."

Their statuses in life would never let them fit each other?

Linfeng found it familiar…

Right, he once thought of these as well, more than three years ago.

He chuckled.

Perhaps if he was still the Linfeng from two years ago, these words might still shake him. But he was nothing like that now.

Linfeng lazily straightened his suit.

"You are forgetting something, surname Guan. It's not the society nor her family who will choose whom she will end up with, and neither it is you. This decision only belongs to Xiong Zhi alone." He combed back his disheveled hair. "And she chose me, not you."

So back off, bug.

Golden eyes met inky black ones.

Guan Gao Huan was not blind, he could feel how strong the couple's ties were. It was neither near his master and his master's former wife's relationship.

It was a real bond that appeared like it would prevail over many difficulties.

Suddenly, a sense of jealousy and envy crept into his heart. Would he be able to find someone like that?

Guan Gao Huan chuckled and stomped down at the ridiculous thought.

How funny that he even thought of those creepy things. It might be due to the slap which made his ears rang that he was having these kind of thoughts. These thoughts must never be entertained.

He was not a person who had the liberty to get that kind of luxurious privilege, like 'love' and 'passion'.

His life was all about lies, schemes, and destruction.

Guan Gao Huan finally dropped the matter regarding Xiong Zhi.

However, his heart, mind, and pride still would not admit what Linfeng wanted him to do.

His heart somehow burned with something he could not describe.

"Just because you become a clown of a 'king', you became arrogant. Don't think ZD World is the only black horse among the white pawns."

Linfeng raised his brow, the light in his eyes fleetingly flashed.

"Oh? Do you meant to say that there are other projects which could rival ZD World?"

Guan Gao Huan was silent. He was really trying to convince himself to do what his master, no, his Father, had ordered him to do. But...

"Yes, one day it will climb up the ranks and kick you down." But his mouth could not stop what he was saying. His fists clenched.

Linfeng was silent. Then he smiled, a smile that was not like a smile.

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"Really? I look forward to seeing this other dark horse and see how far it can go. It will be too sad if ZD World only runs alone as a black horse among the white steeds, don't you think?"

Linfeng was clearly issuing a challenge.

Guan Gao Huan was silent once more.

If he answered differently…

He would be disobeying his master. And the consequences would be...

The lashes of his eyes lowered slightly

…However, if he did not take this challenge, he was not a man.

He… he really could not bear to succ.u.mb to this man. He was unwilling!

Besides, Guan Gao Huan was confident in his own abilities. Although ZD World had gotten ahead, but competitions were always favored by the business world. Those with monopoly was always secretly eyed by many wolves. If he played his cards right and put more efforts, he could surely make it.

He would crush Linfeng and his ZD World. He just needed time.

But his master...

After a few seconds of silence, Guan Guan Gao Huan opened his mouth.

"It's not as easy as making your opponent lose a shoe and then giving him slaps afterward. You better watch."

He turned to leave the room after accepting Linfeng's challenge.

The door closed, leaving Linfeng alone.

"…It turned out that the man has guts."

Then what were the signs of forbearance he noticed earlier?

Right after he spoke, the door opened.

Guan Gao Huan with two 'lovely' red marks on his cheek looked around the room. He went in and retrieved his lost shoe and shot a death glare at Linfeng, before leaving.

Linfeng: "..."

That glare was not manly at all.

With those red clouds that looked like an ancient lady's blush, coupled with his soft brown hair that was long like a girl, if not for his tall height and compact body, he would have looked a lot like a woman...

Linfeng shook his head and wanted to barf. He immediately erased the image in his mind.


A/n: Linfeng woke up Gao Huan's fighting spirit. Gao Huan is used to fighting regardless of the methods. But due to Linfeng, a butler, a lowly servant, who managed to overcome his fate and become outstanding as he was, Gao Huan gradually became more bitter. Thus, his hate on Linfeng grew.

Gao Huan was born in the poorest slums, had lowly birth which could not be any lower, and is tied to a fate created by his master, but he never overturned the tables to overcome his fate. He accepted it. However, now seeing Linfeng, which he could relate to himself, unknown to himself, his self-worth is unconsciously being challenged. He did not want to lose to a person who had the same original lowly status like him. So for the first time, he disobeyed his master, due to these feelings.

Now, would Gao Huan regret this decision of his? What do you think?