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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 183
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Too Much to Bear, My Love Chapter 183

Elizabeth snapped back at him, “If you’re such a tough guy, you’d be shouting at them instead of me!”

At that point, Charlie was completely drained both physically and mentally.

Her unreasonable behavior and tantrums have exhausted him of his patience, and he could only let out a

sigh as he said, “We might as well get a divorce if you’re going to keep acting like this. I’ll make sure to

give you a fair share of my assets.”

Elizabeth was dumbfounded as she had thrown the tantrum under the assumption that Charlie would

never divorce her.

Charlie was a capable person at work, and a loving father when it came to his family. He showered his

wife and daughter with all the love and affection he could afford, which ended up spoiling Elizabeth a little

too much. The only reason she never threw a tantrum throughout those years was because no one in the

family had ever gone against her. As someone who always got her way with everything, the impact from

Cassie’s incident combined with that of Tiffany hitting her pushed her over the edge and revealed her

true nature.

“C-Charlie… W-What did you just say?”

Charlie closed his eyes and repeated himself slowly, “If you don’t stop this right now, we’ll get divorced,

and Cassie will stay with me.”

With tears in her eyes, Elizabeth began flailing wildly at him as she cried, “Have you no heart, Charlie? I

gave birth to our precious daughter and helped manage the household for over thirty years, and you

choose to divorce me now? Are you crazy?”

“That’s enough, Mrs. Yard!” Oscar stepped in and pulled her off Charlie, only to have Elizabeth turn

around and slap him across the face.

“Hey! How could you hit Oscar like that?” Olivia shouted at her as she examined his reddened cheek.

Elizabeth shot her a vicious glare. “Drop the act, Olivia! You’re the reason Charlie’s getting a divorce with

me, aren’t you? How shameless can you get, stealing my husband when you’re already married?”

The words had barely left her mouth when Charlie spun her around and slapped her so hard that it left

her stunned for a couple of seconds.

Charlie was already dragging her away by the time she came back to her senses. “Hey! Let me go,

Charlie! I’m not done here!”

“One more word out of you and I’ll divorce you on the spot!”’

That silenced her instantly, and the hallway fell silent once again as the two of them disappeared into the


“What the hell is wrong with these people?” Tiffany grumbled to herself as she watched them leave.

With Amelia’s fate still unknown, none of them were in the mood to care about what Elizabeth said.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The doors to the operating room were finally opened in the wee hours of the morning. A group of doctors

marched out together with Professor Schweitzberg, and they all had faint smiles on their faces.

Oscar was the first to rush forward. “Professor! How is my wife doing?”

“She’s recovering well. We’ll continue to monitor her for a day or two, but she should be fine with plenty

of rest. Still, keep in mind that the blood clot in her brain is really close to her nerves. She’s too weak for

a brain surgery at the moment, so it’ll have to wait till she’s healed up from her injuries,” Professor

Schweitzberg replied.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that.

The blood clot is a real pain and all, but her surviving the car accident is all that matters for now… As

long as she’s alive, there will still be hope…

One of the doctors couldn’t help but exclaim, “Professor Schweitzberg’s medical skills are truly

remarkable! We used to think we were the best in the field, but watching him at work made us realize we

were far from it! Looks like we’ve still got a lot of room for improvement!”

Oscar grabbed Professor Schweitzberg by the hand and said, “Thank you so much for coming over,

Professor! Why don’t you spend a couple more days here in Chanaea? I’ll be hosting a banquet to

express my gratitude!”

Professor Schweitzberg chuckled. “Remember how you once promised me you’d give me a famous

Chanaean painting as a gift? Well, I’d say this is a great opportunity for you to fulfill that promise of


Everyone burst into laughter upon hearing that.

“I had someone mail it to you as soon as I returned to the country back then, but you changed your

address, so the painting was returned in the end. As you’ve been roaming around a lot throughout the

years, I had no choice but to postpone its delivery,” Oscar said with a chuckle.

Professor Schweitzberg had a great sense of humor and made a witty reply, “Well, you can give it to me

now that I’m here! Also, I remember Chanaea having amazing lobster dishes. I’ll be staying here for a

week, so you know what to do!”

That resulted in another wave of laughter from the crowd.

“Haha… You can eat whatever you want, Professor!” Oscar said happily.

Professor Schweitzberg gave him a pat on the shoulder. “You should go see your wife, Oscar. I’ll have a

chat with Mr. Lancester.”

He then left with the group of doctors escorting him while James stayed behind with Oscar. “Hey, Oz!

You owe me a huge favor too, you know?” he said while giving Oscar a light punch on the shoulder.

Oscar punched him back as he said, “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you!”

The nurses transferred Amelia over to the intensive care unit, and only one person was allowed to visit

her at a time.

Oscar was the first to enter after putting on the isolation gown. He felt his heart ache when he saw all the

tubes attached to Amelia’s pale skin as she lay unconscious on the bed.

He held her hand and caressed it gently as he whispered, “Oh, Amelia… I’m so glad you’re all right…

You know, you look really ugly with all these tubes on you… You’d better wake up soon so we can get

them off you, or I might stop liking you!”

A sudden surge of emotions hit him, and Oscar’s eyes reddened as he continued, “How could you be so

cruel, tormenting me like this? You wanted to hear me say I love you, right? Well, I’ll say it to you if you

wake up! I’m the CEO of Clinton Corporations and have tens of thousands of employees working for me,

so I can’t be telling an ugly woman that I love her! It has to be in a romantic restaurant, with you looking

all pretty in a fancy dress! I’ll even prepare a memorable surprise just for you!”

Oscar got so emotional by the end of his speech that he had to look up just to keep his tears from falling.

Even the toughest of men shed tears when pushed to the edge, and Oscar had been through an

emotional roller coaster throughout the past two days.

He gently rested his head against Amelia’s chest and began sobbing as he went on, “Honey, I promise I’ll

treat you really well when you wake up! You know I’m a man of my word, right? As long as you stop

giving me heart attacks like these, I’ll come home for dinner on time and help look after our baby boy! If

you wake up now, I’ll make you the queen of the house! I’ll listen to you like your slave, okay? Please

wake up, Honey… I need you…”

His tears began to fall, but there was still no response from Amelia whatsoever.

After spending about half an hour in the ICU, Oscar wiped his tears off and put on a poker face as he

stepped outside.

“Have you been crying?” Olivia asked when she saw him.

“No, what’s there to cry about? My woman is a lucky one, so she’ll probably wake up by tomorrow!”

Oscar replied in his toughest voice possible.

Olivia flashed him a slight smile as she said, “You can’t lie to your mother, silly. You can just admit that

you’re worried about your wife. I’m not going to laugh at you or anything!”

Oscar jammed his hands into his pockets. “Mom, I…I’m going to have a drink with James. He’s come all

the way here at this hour, so I have to show him some hospitality. I’ll leave Amelia to you, okay?”

Olivia smiled. “Go on, then. Your dad and I will organize a banquet to properly thank them when Amelia

gets better.”

Oscar nodded and was about to leave when Olivia called out to him again, “Oscar, don’t forget to have

the police expedite the search for the driver! We can’t let that person off the hook so easily!”

“I will, Mom! I’m a little busy right now, but I’ll be free to do that after two days. Don’t worry, I’ll take care

of it personally!” Oscar replied.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He then gave James a call and invited him to a nearby diner.

“Are you used to the food here?” Oscar asked while pointing at the diner.

“We ate here a few years ago, remember? Honestly, Chanaean food is pretty amazing. It smells great,

and it tastes heavenly… Heck, I picked up Chanaean because of it! Come on, let’s go get ourselves a

drink!” James replied.

With that, the two of them headed into the diner, attracting the eyes of everyone around them as they

walked past.

The owner of the diner was quick to step forward and ask, “Will it be a table for two? This way, please.

Hold on, I’ll get the table cleaned up for you!”

As she wiped the table, James winked at her and said, “Thanks, Ma’am!”

The owner nearly fainted on the spot.

Oscar rolled his eyes at James. “Anyway, we’ll have steak and some beers.”

The owner was still recovering from the shock and sounded a little woozy as she spoke. “S-Sure…

Coming right up, handsome!”

She then served up the beers and even made sure to advise them, “It’s recommended that you eat

something before drinking, okay? Drinking on an empty stomach is really bad for you!”

“You’re really beautiful, Ma’am,” James said in his native tongue.

The owner didn’t understand a word he said, but she was so flustered by his handsome appearance that

she ran off blushing anyway.

James chuckled. “Chanaean women are still as cute as ever, I see! Makes me wish I could have one as

a girlfriend!”

“And you are still flirting with any and every woman you come across regardless of age, I see. When will

you finally settle down?” Oscar said while pouring themselves two glasses of beer.

James downed his beer in one go. “That’s where you’re wrong, Oz! I’m what you Chanaeans call a

‘Casanova’! There are tons of women out there just waiting for my love, so why would I give up the whole

forest for a single tree? That’s not my style, you know?”

“I still think you should settle down, James. Is it really that fun to go out ‘hunting’ every night, and wake

up to different women in your bed the next morning?” Oscar said while sipping on his beer.

“Considering how rich and handsome you are, getting married at such a young age is a real waste of

your gifts, Oz! Still, I guess I should congratulate you on finding yourself a nice woman anyway. She’s got

fair skin, a nice figure, and she’s nice to everyone! She’s so much better than your first girlfriend!”

“You jealous?”

“Kind of, to be honest. I haven’t visited a nightclub since forever, so life has been rather dull for me. By

the way, I really like Chanaea, and I was thinking of settling down here. What do you think?” James
