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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 636
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hapter 636 Are You Worried You Might Fall In Love With Him

June stood up and chased after Cassie. Once he saw Cassie waiting for a taxi downstairs, he rushed

toward her and grabbed her arm. “Honey, I’m going to visit Mr. and Mrs. Yard now. Do you want to

come with me?”

Glaring at June, Cassie gritted her teeth and replied, “June, didn’t you say you’ve gotten tired of me?”

“When did I say so?”


After calming herself down, Cassie spread her arms and said, “I’m not going to argue with you.

Nonetheless, stop pestering me because it’s over between us. Do you get it? You do yours, and I’ll do

mine. Is that okay?”

Blinking his eyes, June feigned ignorance. “Honey, I’ve just realized that you’re not illiterate. However,

I’m a foreigner.” In other words, June said he didn’t understand her.

Cassie was irritated. After all, her level of literary knowledge was way below that foreigner.

“June, well done. However, I’m not interested in arguing with you. I’ve to get going now.” Cassie

stopped a taxi and got into it. Surprisingly, the thick-skinned June hopped in as well.

“Get out!” Cassie howled.

However, June ignored her and gently told the driver an address.

Cassie continued to make noise as they were on the way to her house. After a while, the driver couldn’t

help but advise, “Lady, I think your boyfriend is a good man, and you two look like a perfect match.

Since your boyfriend loves you so much, you shouldn’t be upset with him.”

Feeling even more irritated, Cassie shouted, “He’s not my boyfriend!”

However, the driver pursed his lips. Does she think I’m a fool? Only a boyfriend can tolerate her temper


Cassie wasn’t in the mood to read the driver’s mind. She stared at June and said, “What do you want?

In case you aren’t aware, my parents are furious upon knowing that you’ve come back. They are not

treating you like their son anymore. Hence, you should stop thinking about winning their heart.”

Unperturbed, June flashed her a smile and responded, “I called Mrs. Yard and explained everything.

Besides, I’ve delivered a pair of gifts to your house. Mrs. Yard has forgiven me. Anyway, I’m happy that

you care about me so much.”

Cassie decided to shut her eyes and ignored him. She thought it would be the same as hurting herself

if she continued throwing tantrums at the pervert.

Both of them eventually fell silent until they reached the Yard Manor.

Once the car stopped, Cassie took off her high heels and ran toward the manor. After paying the taxi

fare, June was shocked to see that she was running.

Nonetheless, June soon felt that Cassie was adorable at that moment.

After a while, he walked slowly into the Yard Manor.

Elizabeth wanted to scold Cassie when she saw Cassie running into the manor gracelessly. However,

Cassie had run upstairs at lightning speed before Elizabeth could say anything.

Feeling puzzled, Elizabeth murmured, “What’s going on with her? Why is she in such a rush?”

Elizabeth ignored Cassie and continued to read her book about fashion.

“Mrs. Yard.” June bowed courteously as soon as he came into the house.

“Oh, June, you’re here! Why didn’t you give me a call in advance? I could’ve asked the chef to prepare

your favorite dishes.” Elizabeth stood up in excitement.

June replied, “I love all kinds of food you prepare for me. Anyway, I came back with Cassie just now.

She ran into the house because she seemingly didn’t want to see me.”

Elizabeth frowned and said, “No wonder she seemed to be in a rush. June, please don’t mind her.

She’s throwing tantrums because you didn’t contact her after coming back. I mean, she cares about

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you but is just unwilling to admit it. Please don’t be mad at her.”

June chuckled and replied, “Mrs. Yard, I understand. I wouldn’t have come back if I were mad at her.”

Elizabeth was relieved upon hearing it. Moreover, the longer Elizabeth looked at June, the more she

felt satisfied with him. She thought June was way better than Oscar because he was filial, considerate,

and polite.

After asking the chef to prepare June’s favorite dishes, Elizabeth asked Cassie to come downstairs.

In the end, Cassie came down reluctantly and glared at June.

“Cassie, June rarely comes to Chanaea. How can you behave as such before him?” Elizabeth scolded.

June interrupted, “Mrs. Yard, it’s not Cassie’s fault. I know she’s upset because I came back without

telling her. Anyway, I’ve come to Chanaea to bring products produced by the Adertons into this country.

I’ve met the mayor before this, and he’s pleased to see that foreign entrepreneurs like me set foot in

Tayhaven. Besides, I’m planning to partner with a few companies. Yard Group is my first choice. As for

other companies, I’ll spend time looking for the most suitable ones.”

Elizabeth gazed at June in admiration and commended, “June, you’re getting more and more

competent. Cassie will be blessed if she can marry you.”

However, Cassie sneered, “Mom, how can you believe everything he said? Who knows if he’s lying?”

Immediately, Elizabeth shot Cassie an annoyed look.

Unperturbed, June continued smiling and said, “If Mrs. Yard doesn’t believe me. Feel free to come with

me to visit my company, or I can show you the list of my properties. I’m sincere in making a name for

myself in Chanaea and marrying Cassie after that.”

Elizabeth heartily laughed after June made the promise. “I’m pleased to hear it. Cassie will eventually

know that you’re sincere.”

“I know.”

The next moment, Cassie sneered and rebutted, “What a pretentious man!”

Elizabeth shot daggers at Cassie and warned her, “Cassie, Mom will get angry if you keep talking like


Much to Elizabeth’s surprise, Cassie stood up and said defiantly, “Mom, I’m going to meet Oscar. Take

your time to chat with your favorite future son-in-law. As long as he isn’t afraid of getting cheated on,

everything will be fine.”

While Elizabeth was pissed off, Cassie ignored her and left.

“God, this girl… she’ll be the death of me! Why do I have a daughter who always makes me worry.”

Elizabeth felt like she was about to burst into a fit of rage.

June gently consoled her, “Mrs. Yard, Cassie is merely throwing tantrums at me. Please don’t take it to

heart. By the way, there is a gown among the gifts that I delivered yesterday. Have you tried it on?

Does it fit? I think it perfectly matches your elegance.”

At his words, Elizabeth was appeased.

“June, you’re very thoughtful. I tried the gown yesterday. It fits nicely. Even Charlie said it looks

beautiful. By the way, I’ll be relieved if Cassie marries you. However, she hasn’t given me any peace so

far. I don’t know what is on her mind.”

“Mrs. Yard, take it slowly. Before coming to Chanaea, I told my parents about the relationship between

Cassie and I. They were pleased and even asked me to bring Cassie to visit them someday. When the

time is right, I’ll bring her there and marry her,” June said.

Elizabeth could put her mind at ease after hearing June’s promise.

“June, how is your company doing now? Where is it located? Do you need Charlie’s help?”

“No worries. I’ve instructed my subordinate to manage the old office. The new office is located in front

of Yard Group. Besides, I’ve brought along elites from the Adertons, many of which are Chanaeans.

Anyway, I purposely choose to set up my new office in front of Yard Group. If Mr. Yard needs

assistance, I can be there right away,” June explained patiently.

Elizabeth replied with a smile, “June, that’s so kind of you.”

Later, June had lunch with Elizabeth and told her many interesting things about different countries. She

beamed with delight at his sense of humor from time to time.

Sighing, Elizabeth said, “June, I’ll surely ask you out if I’m twenty to thirty years younger.”

June laughed heartily and responded, “Mrs. Yard, we’ll be a family after I marry Cassie.”

Elizabeth nodded. “I know. I’m worried that my stubborn girl is willing to let go of a humorous and

competent man like you for Oscar. She might learn a lesson from the school of hard knocks only after

being hurt.”

June lowered his gaze to conceal the disappointment in his eyes. When he looked up, his eyes were

already filled with gentleness.

Meanwhile, Cassie didn’t look for Oscar but asked Jennifer to come out. Since Jennifer was still

working, she asked Cassie to come to her office instead.

Cassie drove straight to the Larson’s company. Perhaps because Jennifer had informed the

receptionists, they only asked for Cassie’s name and let her in.

Then, Cassie got into the elevator and went straight to Jennifer’s office.

In the office, Jennifer put down her pen and massaged her head. She felt a little dizzy after reading

documents throughout the afternoon. Seeing that Cassie was fuming, she asked patiently, “Now, who

made Ms. Yard angry?”

“He’s back.”

“Who is he?” Jennifer was perplexed and asked.


“Isn’t it a good thing? I mean, you always talked about him when he wasn’t here. Now that he has

returned, shouldn’t you be happy?”

“When did I talk about him?”

Jennifer didn’t dwell on it. She waved her hand and continued, “My dear Cassie, will his return trouble

you? Are you worried that you might fall in love with him?”

Cassie shot daggers at her and grumbled, “Jennifer, you said that on purpose, right? You know that I

hate him, yet why did you say that to annoy me?”

Jennifer shrugged and stood up. Then, she walked out of the office and asked her secretary to bring in

two cups of coffee and some dessert.

The secretary did her work efficiently. Soon, two cups of coffee were served.

“Ms. Larson, Ms. Yard, please enjoy.”

“You may leave now.”

The secretary nodded in response and left Jennifer’s office.

“Drink it. It will sober you up.” Jennifer raised her chin and said.

“Jennifer, what do you mean? Are you suggesting that I’m drunk?”

“Cassie, it seems that I’ve wasted my time training you. If you panicked because of June, how can you

tame Oscar, who is even more challenging? To be frank, I felt disappointed. I always thought you were

a diamond in the rough. Now, it turns out that you’re a helpless case.”

“What do you mean?”

“Whatever the words imply.”

After taking a deep to calm herself down, Cassie apologized, “I’m sorry. I was overly emotional.”

Jennifer nodded in response. “You’re not unsalvagable since you’re willing to apologize.”

Cassie rolled her eyes at Jennifer.

“Tell me, why are you afraid of June’s return?” Jennifer asked.

Cassie heaved a long sigh and said helplessly, “I don’t know. I feel that he’s a pervert. Besides, Oscar

and I can hardly be together as long as he’s here.”

“In that case, do you wish for him to disappear?”

Cassie fell silent.

“Have you fallen in love with him?”

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Immediately, Cassie shot daggers at Jennifer.

“Let’s pretend I never asked.” With that, Jennifer changed the subject of the conversation. “Anyway, are

you here just to blabber nonsense? I thought you would inform me about the progress between Oscar

and you.”

Cassie felt even more dejected.

“Oscar didn’t give a damn about me. I tried my best to seduce him with my charms. However, he didn’t

even look at me for a second. Are you sure your plans will work?”

Later, Jennifer took out a bottle and handed it over to Cassie.

Cassie took the bottle from her and asked in bewilderment, “What is this?”

“Whoever consumes this pill will forget the most important person in life. He will love you instead after

being hypnotized.”

“It sounds magical!”

Jennifer said coldly, “I pulled a few strings to get the pills from the professor who invented them. These

are his new product, and no one has tried them yet. Why don’t you experiment with the pills on Oscar?

If you succeed, he will fall in love with you. If you fail, I’m not sure what the side effects will be. You

have to decide whether to use them or not.”

Cassie tossed the bottle aside and scolded, “Are you crazy? How can you let someone eat the pills

without knowing their side effects? Who is going to bear the responsibility if something happens to


“Don’t you hate Oscar, given how he has ignored you?”

“I love him.”

“But you do hate him deep down for his heartlessness. If he’s dead, won’t you be happy?”

“I would not kill. Don’t con me to do your dirty work. I’m not that stupid.”

“Suit yourself. I pulled a few strings to get only one bottle of it. Use it if you wish to change Oscar’s

mind. Otherwise, pretend that you’ve never seen this bottle.”

While Cassie hesitated, Jennifer didn’t force her to take the pills. After a while, Jennifer said, “I’ve to

continue my work. Give it some thought. By the way, I think there is nothing wrong if you marry June.

After all, he is handsome and comes from a wealthy family. You two will be a perfect match.”

Once Jennifer finished, Cassie grabbed the bottle and put it into her bag. “I’ll consider it carefully.”

Jennifer’s lips curved into a smirk before she continued working.

After giving it some thought, Cassie asked, “Are you sure those who consume the pills will lose their


“Yes,” Jennifer answered confidently.

However, Jennifer deliberately didn’t make it clear. I can’t guarantee that those who consume the pills

will definitely lose their memory. Nonetheless, they will probably die.

I’ll have my revenge against Oscar if he is dead. If he’s not dead, I won’t lose anything. Since it won’t

be done by me, no one can trace it back to me.

“All right. I’ll trust you this time.” Cassie finally made up her mind. Cassie thought of getting someone to

investigate the chemical composition of the pills and using them only if they were proven safe.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t be so stupid to become Jennifer’s scapegoat.

After making the decision, Cassie said, “Let’s have lunch together.”

Jennifer nodded and suggested, “Sure. A Ferropenian restaurant has just opened for business in front

of my office. I think the food will be to your liking. Let’s try it out.”

“All right.”

They never mentioned the bottle of pills again as if they had come to a tacit agreement.

At noon, Jennifer brought Cassie to try the authentic Ferropenian meal downstairs. The atmosphere in

the restaurant was nearly perfect, yet they were distracted by their own thoughts.

“Is it good? Do you like it?” Jennifer asked.

“Not bad. The foie gras is scrumptious. Let’s come again next time.”
