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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 652
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Chapter 652 Celebration Party

With Stephanie married, Amelia’s days became more peaceful. Work seemed to be going in the right

direction too; Shane had appointed her as the next director of the design department, and her

coworkers, who acknowledged her drawing abilities, congratulated her.

Everything seemed to be on track.

The woman herself felt more content too. Meanwhile, production for the film adaptation of the fantasy

that Oscar had helped Stephanie invest in was now complete, and many big names had attended

the press conference to announce the release of the film, which was set to be on the eighth of the

following month.

Due to its previously dispelled rumors and scandals as well as Oscar, Derrick, and Julian’s control over

the internet, the film had already gained much attention even before its release. In fact, just its trailer

and main theme song had managed to garner a large number of views and comments. It wasn’t long

until the videos gained over one billion clicks and millions of comments. Netizens were also highly

interested in the relationship between the primary and secondary male leads.

The film went on to record thirty million in sales on its first day of release, and the number doubled by

the next day. By the time it stopped airing in cinemas, it sold over three billion worth of tickets,

surpassing the film in second place by tens of millions and instantly becoming the dark horse of the

industry. It gained wide coverage in every mass media and received a nine point eight rating on IMDb.

There were some internet trolls who had tried to bring it down but to no avail.

After deducting the costs of investment and other expenses, Oscar and Julian made tons of money

from the film and were naturally pleased.

However, Tiffany was the happiest of them all. The author of the film was now sitting in Amelia’s

apartment with her legs crossed, placing Tony on her lap. “Your godmother’s film is a hit, Tony! I just

became the most popular author because people started looking up my after watching the movie,

and I sold millions of copies in just one month! I’m going to buy you lots of snacks! I’m a rich woman

now, you know?”

Amelia walked out of the kitchen with a plate of sliced fruits, shaking her head at the sight of Tiffany

laughing hysterically. “You’re going to scare Tony if you keep that up, Tiff.”

Tiffany’s legs couldn’t stop moving as she glanced at Amelia. “But I’m genuinely happy, Amelia! The

movie’s success really delivered a slap to the faces of those trolls who kept talking smack about it. Now

I’ve shown them that I never plagiarized anyone!”

Amelia understood how her best friend felt and was truly happy for her.

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She placed the fruits on the table and carried Tony over. “When is the celebration party?”

“Tonight. I came here precisely to invite you and Oscar to come. He was the biggest investor and the

reason this movie sold so well. I really need to thank him for that. All the credit goes to him,” remarked

Tiffany in a serious tone, which was very unlike her.

Amelia handed her an apple slice. “Have some fruit.”

Tiffany ranted on after munching on the apple, “You have no idea how happy I am to see the movie

breaking records, Babe. I even ran to the bridge just to scream my heart out! I said I’m not some lowly

author; I’m an author whose books people actually read, unlike what those trolls said about me. Based

on the movie’s reviews, many people think my this time isn’t just about fear. It managed to get

people to ponder the dark side of society, and that’s more than enough for me. That’s the biggest

compliment an author can get.”

Tiffany’s eyes reddened as she spoke.

She had gone through so much stress ever since filming began. Derrick had gone against many high-

level executives just to invest in this film, and it would likely have been over for him if the film hadn’t

sold well. At least now she could finally feel at ease.

The woman could now show the world that despite her mediocre background, she was worthy of a man

like Derrick and capable of being his best companion. She wasn’t just someone who merely wrote


“You’re happy now, huh?” Amelia grinned.

“Of course I am. I’m thrilled!” Tiffany raised her eyebrows. “You have to dress up for tonight. I want you

to stun the whole crowd and charm all those other condescending investors.”

Amelia crossed her arms upon hearing that. “Tiff, you’re the one who should dress up. Derrick’s the

producer of the movie, and he gave his all for it even when everyone in the industry was secretly

anticipating a total flop. Now that the movie’s a success, I’m sure he’ll gladly welcome you to face the

world together. He can finally chill out too.”

Amelia paused for a moment before continuing, “Come with me to get our hair done. I’m going to make

you the most beautiful woman in the room.”

Tiffany shrugged. “Don’t say that. I’ve never thought of enchanting everyone. I’m sure you’re capable of

that, but not me. I know my place. But still, it’s true that I’ll have to doll myself up.”

The two headed to Antonio’s salon.

The man was tall, elegant, and clad in white.

Tiffany pounded him lightly in the chest. “Antonio! You’re such a Prince Charming. It’s been three years

since we last met, but you’re still as handsome as ever.”

Antonio raised her hand and kissed the back of it, smiling. “And you’ve grown prettier since I last saw

you three years ago. I have the urge to make you even more glamorous now that I’m looking at you.”

“I’m counting on you, then. I’ll be attending a party to celebrate the success of a movie my boyfriend

produced. I don’t want to embarrass him,” Tiffany said with a mischievous wink.

“Leave it to me. I’m going to transform you completely,” Antonio replied confidently.

“Thank you!”

The two women leaned back in their chairs. Antonio worked on Tiffany’s hair, whereas Amelia was

tended to by a female stylist whose skills were just as exceptional.

Both stylists finished at the same time three hours later. Tiffany’s hair had been cut short, its length

stopping at the ears. Antonio had also added some color to it to give her the impression of a strong

woman. Even so, her new look made her eyes soften, and despite her now-livelier appearance, she did

look more beautiful too.

Meanwhile, Amelia’s hair was now tied into a high bun, revealing her slender neck. The stylist had also

put some light makeup on her, causing every man and woman there to be unable to take their eyes off


Tiffany whistled at her. “You look gorgeous, Babe! I’d be instantly bewitched if I were a guy.”

Amelia peered at her friend and nodded approvingly. “You don’t look too bad yourself! Your facial

features stand out more thanks to your short hair. I see a hint of experience and playfulness in you, and

you also look much younger. Antonio’s hands are simply magic. He can make any woman beautiful.”

Tiffany agreed. “It wouldn’t cost this much to hire him if he weren’t this skillful, you know? His fees are

worth half the annual income of an average household.”

Antonio extended an arm toward Tiffany. “Come with me to get your clothes changed, pretty lady. Let’s

give you a change of makeup too. I believe it will suit your new hair better.”


Soon, Tiffany reemerged in a stunning black gown and medium-coverage makeup, looking absolutely

alluring with a slight hint of cheekiness.

Amelia couldn’t help but whistle at her too. “You look perfect, Tiff! Even I’m entranced!”

Tiffany spun around in front of a mirror, looking especially pleased with her look.

“Look at me, Antonio! Your hands really are magic. I’m going to give you a huge tip,” she exclaimed

with a laugh.

“That would be my honor.”

There was an unconcealable twinkle in both Derrick’s and Oscar’s eyes when they came to pick the

women up. Derrick was utterly stupefied, which was no surprise, given it was his first time seeing

Tiffany doll herself up like this.

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Tiffany’s cheeks burned as she saw the way he stared at her.

“Do I not look good, Derrick?” she asked, averting her gaze.

Hearing that, Derrick came to his senses and beamed. “You look beautiful. It’s like I’m seeing a

different side to you, but your versatility really draws me in.”

“What a sweet talker!” the woman grumbled although the smile on her face never left her. She was

obviously ecstatic.

Oscar walked toward Amelia, looking astonished too. “You look amazing too, Honey.”

Amelia grinned at him. “Why are you both here together, anyway?”

“We met at the entrance.”

Oscar raised his arm toward her, and she took it readily.

“Let’s go,” said the man.

The four of them headed to where the celebration party was being held.

The venue was a private clubhouse, where security was extremely tight and no one could enter without

an invitation. The clubhouse usually only hosted those who were worth at least a hundred million in the

first place, so the fact that the film crew could hold their party here was all thanks to Oscar, Derrick, and


As soon as Oscar and his companions arrived, the film crew crowded around him and greeted him.

Oscar took a glass of wine before rejecting the one offered to Amelia. “My wife can’t hold her liquor

well. She’s here to accompany me today, so I ask that you don’t offer her a toast just because I’m an

investor. You’ll be hearing from me if she gets drunk.”

The tension in the air reduced as a result of Oscar’s light-hearted comment.

The film had garnered its already-popular cast even more fame thanks to its success, and Julian had

recruited them to his company even if it meant having to pay to dissolve their contract with their

previous agencies.

Julian’s company was still new, but given that the Hayes family was well-established, he certainly didn’t

lack the funds. Thus, both the lead actor and actress were more than happy to join him.

“Good evening, Mr. Clinton and Mr. Hayes,” the two leading casts greeted as they walked over.

The lead actor was twenty-six-year-old Cody Rivers. He had a nice face and was one hundred and

eighty-eight centimeters tall. Looking like a model, the man exuded a unique presence while at the

same time appearing rather collected and dependable. Meanwhile, the lead actress was called Leona

Jacobs. Due to her resemblance to Angelina Jolie, many netizens referred to her as Leona Jolie. She,

too, was outstandingly charismatic and gracious, unlike some other female celebrities who would

behave flirtatiously with their investors.

Amelia peered at the two, having gained a good first impression of them. They didn’t seem frivolous at

the least.