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Trapped in His Love Obsession novel

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62

The night is turning dark. It is getting late and drowning the earth’s inhabitants to enter into long dreams.

At Livia’s parent's house, the party has ended. One by one, the family said goodbye to go home. They seemed

very happy because they had the opportunity to greet the president of Alexander Group/ Looked at him from

such a distance, and breathing the sair, has beca pride that they can tell their colleagues.

Bob's birthday party this tis the most memorable party of his life. His status in front of a big family rose


Livia, who had been underestimated, could not escape. The guests warmly hugged her and said goodbye. Invite

her to play next tand promise to send a wedding gift to her. Livia smiled. Honestly, right now, she was in a

terrible mood. These people’s drastic changes after the arrival of Damian only show that she is not at all

precious without this man who was wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Thank you, Mr. Damian, for taking the tto cto our simple party.”

Damian just sat there, listening, and didn’t say anything. But he let Livia’'s father go on his talk. He himself was

more interested in the woman beside him,

Damian is playing with Livia’s hair. Interestingly, forcing the girl to turn and pay attention to him. Just focus on


He wants to kiss her so badly.

Damian's eyes focused on tracing the curve of Livia’s neck. ‘| want to kiss her. Damn it! What am | thinking


“Do you want to stay here?” he asked, stroking Livia’s hair gently.

“No!” Livia spontaneously shouted.

Because of her spontaneous reaction to rejection, Damian felt even happier. The point is he will do whatever

Livia doesn’t want to. And Livia regretted her reactive answer just now because she saw Damian’s lips smile


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“Why? | want to sleep in your room, the place where you slept before you married me.” Smile.

It didn’t matter that everyone was in the room except the half-stone man-Assistant Brown, they were already

shocked and panicked.

Now, the stepmother looks even more relaxed. Yes, she has a hidden plan. “I will prepare a guest room for you,

Master.” The mother, who had only looked down silently, spoke up. “Why? | want to sleep in my wife's old room.”

Still stick with the first choice.

Seeing the stepmother’s suspicious behavior, Damian was even more interested.

“Livia’s room has not been used for a long time, so it's a mess. I'll ask the maid to prepare the guest room. Livia,

it’s okay to sleep in the guest room. You can help mom change the bed sheet, so dad and Master Damian can

talk.” Mother has spoken pleadingly.

Livia should have been grinning by now, but she’s a really good girl, isn't she? Instead, she felt sorry for her


“What! What did you tell my wife? Changing bed sheets. It looks like you guys really don’t know your position,

huh?” Damian's anger peaked at the mother’s words.

“Baby, it's not like that.” Livia hugged Damian, who had spoken while shouting. “Mom just wantsto help

choose the right bedsheet for you. Isn't it?” Livia turned to her mother. Trying to save the woman.

She should be enjoying this as an arena for revenge. But no, she still thinks that family is the most important

thing above all.

“Yes, that’s right, Master.” Mother stammered. Damian just stared for a moment, then turned to Brown.

Brown sat on the sofa not far from where they were sitting.


The dexterous Assistant was alert and immediately approached when his nwas called.

“Yes, Young Master.” Brown is ready to wait for orders.

“Clean up the room. Livia and | will spend the night here.” Damian was deciding everything unilaterally, at the

sttelling Livia’s family not to do anything. Brown will prepare everything.

“Okay, Young Master.”

Brown nodded, then went out. Livia could hear him calling and having a long talk. After hearing such short order,

Livia could only guess what Assistant Brown was up to.

‘Did he really know what he had to do? Is he really that great? | just don’t understand what Mr. Damian wants."

Livia frowned.

A few moments later, Livia just realized that Brown was calling Mr. Matt and the servants to cto this house.

Look at what Mr. Matt brought, Livia was stunned. “Why don’t you bring a bed? Why don’t you all move Mr.

Damian's room here? How long do you think we want to stay?’ But she couldn't say a word.

“Do you wantto bring the bed too?” Brown asked Livia, who looked at him, annoyed. He knew his young lady

would definitely want to kick or stomp her feet by now.

“No!” Livia was growling, annoyed. “Gosh, If you're crazy, there must be a limit, right?” Livia comes closer and

speaks quietly so only Brown can hear.

“The bed in the guest room is also very comfortable. I'll take Mr. Mun to the guest room first, okay?” she already

said in a normal voice.

Damian even glanced at the mother.

“No, Livia, you just accompany Mr. Damian. Let mom take them to the guest room. Con, Sir, this way.”

Mom left, and Livia sat back down beside Damian.

David, who was sitting far away, just watched.

Lisa bit her finger worriedly, seeing all the sights throughout the event after Damian's arrival and now.

Sharp thorns feel like has been wrapped around the stepmother’s body firmly. The revenge would be more

inhumane than what she had done to Livia.

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Thinking about the things she did to Livia, she walks shaking.

She never thought that her stepdaughter would really get Mr. Damian's affection.

Incomparable regret showered her.

While waiting for Mr. Matt to prepare the room, the father’s conversation continued, thanking Damian for The

company and his son. He

glanced at Livia, giving a warm look in his eyes that Livia still felt odd. But the girl smiled sincerely at her

father’s words. Yes, maybe this longing for a very long time.

Damian just replied casually, not much different from when he was talking to other people all this time.

“I'm going to take a shower.” Damian woke up while looking at Livia. His words forcibly stopped Livia’s father

from speaking even though Bob had not finished his praises.

“Okay, I'll prepare.” Livia woke up following Damian, who had already walked in the direction Mr. Matt had left.

“Dad, excuse me.”

“Alright, go on. Mr. Damian must be tired. Go and serve him.” Livia’s father smiled very happily. Only God knows

the meaning behind that smile.

Livia looked once more at her father, hoping that warm smile would forever be on her, regardless of her

relationship with Damian later.

Livia took Damian’s arm to follow him. After the two disappeared, Bob gave orders to the maid to escort

Assistant Brown to his room. The man who had been silent all this tand didn’t know whether he was eating

or not. No one knows.

That's right. However, it feels like Assistant Brown has never been caught eating or drinking.

“Please rest, Assistant Brown. The maid will take you to your room.” Bob spoke politely, just as politely when he

spoke to Mr. Damian because he knows the man in front of him now is just as powerful in the Alexander Group.

Brown nodded his head, thanked him then walked over to follow the maid. He also felt tired and wanted to sleep,

he muttered.

Today seems like a troublesday for Livia. But, it seemed like this was the first tthe young master cared

about others. Not even in Helena’s family. Livia really managed to make Damian fall madly in love, and Brown

feels good. The day for sis over, but the long night may be just beginning for others.