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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 1366
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Chapter 1366 Tommy Has a High Fever

"Get Sean to prepare the car. I'm sending Tommy to the hospital." Luke immediately made a decision.

The caretaker nodded hurriedly, turned around, and went to inform the driver.

Luke picked Tommy up and went downstairs.

Tommy opened his eyes groggily when he realized that he was in Luke's arms. "I feel horrible, Daddy," he said with

much difficulty.

Luke gently stroked his head and said, "I'm bringing you to the hospital."

Tommy nodded and closed his eyes again.

Luke brought Tommy into the car and gave Johann a call.

After Sean parked the car at the hospital, Tommy was immediately wheeled into the ward, and several doctors and

nurses immediately set to work. Tommy’s temperature had already reached 104 degrees. The doctors discussed

and agreed to Tommy's medication, then took a blood sample for analysis.

Johann watched the nurses hook Tommy up to an IV drip and take a blood sample. He asked Luke, "Why did Tommy

have a fever suddenly? Did he catch a cold?"

"No," the caretaker who came along said. "Master Tommy had a slight cough two days ago, but we gave him some

cough syrup, and he was fine. He suddenly had a fever earlier tonight."

Johann nodded and said, "Sis went through a lot when she was pregnant with him, so he naturally has a weaker

constitution than other kids. It's normal that he'll occasionally catch a fever. He'll be fine after some rest."

Luke thought that there must be something behind it. Otherwise, the other doctors would not have gotten Johann to

personally attend to Tommy.

"Do you remember the time when Bianca was hospitalized?" He suddenly said.

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Johann glanced at him, then at the child on the bed. "Are you suspecting that Bianca is involved somehow, and

that's why you brought the kid to the hospital?"

Whenever Luke's children were ill, Luke would usually call Johann to go over to Crawford Manor. Johann thought

that Luke was overreacting to Tommy's illness, but after Luke asked that question, he thought that Luke's worries

were justified.

Luke nodded. After knowing that the impostor Bianca was a minion of the Island of Despair, he tried to recall what

she had done, including the time when she was hospitalized for a month. Everything seemed to point to a bigger,

more nefarious plan.

"We'll talk after the blood test results are out. There isn't anything going on tonight, and I'll urge the lab technicians

to get it done as soon as possible." Johann could empathize with him.

Luke nodded.

Tommy’s blood test results were out some time after midnight. The report showed that everything was normal, and

Tommy's fever had subsided after taking some medication.

"It might be only a regular fever," Johann tried to comfort Luke.

It was already very late at night, and the caretaker and the driver had already gone back to Crawford Manor. Luke

sat on the chair next to Tommy's bed and touched the child's forehead with his hand. "How is the investigation in

the hospital?"

After returning from New York, Luke had been occupied with the hacking incident in T Corporation, and he did not

have time to follow up with Johann about the faulty DNA test from three years ago.

He took this opportunity to ask Johann about it.

Johann shook his head and sighed. "I've asked the hospital director about it, and he told me that the security

footage from three years ago had been erased. It'll be very difficult to investigate an incident from so long ago, and

all we have are the test records. We can't find anything useful from there."

The hospital management did not expect that the DNA test samples were swapped.

After all, not everyone could go into the laboratory. Even the hospital staff needed the appropriate access card to

go inside.

"What about the lab technicians who were on shift that night?" Luke asked.

"We haven't found the shift records of that night. You shouldn't put too much hope into that. Some of the lab

technicians have left over the years, and even if they knew who was on shift that night, they probably won't

remember what happened."

Luke knew that investigating the incident was practically impossible, but at least he knew that the Island of Despair

was behind it, and the real Bianca was still in their hands.

His phone began to ring, and he answered it immediately. Gale was on the other end of the call. "Boss, the woman

wants to meet you."

The impostor Bianca had kept her mouth shut over the past few days of interrogation. Finally, she said that she

wanted to meet Luke, and Gale and Rain were relieved to hearthat.

Tommy was still in the hospital, and Luke could not leave right now. He said, "I'll go over first thing in the morning."

"Okay," Gale replied and ended the call.

Johann could guess that the urgent call so late at night must be related to the impostor Bianca. He asked, "Are

there any developments?"

Luke put his phone away. "She wants to meet me."

Johann wanted to say something but stopped himself. He patted Luke's shoulder and said, "TH be in my office

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tonight. You can come and find me if you need someone to talk to."

Luke nodded and sat back down on the chair to look after Tommy.

The next morning, he got a caretaker from Crawford Manor to come over and take care of Tommy while he drove

the car to the mansion in the outskirts.

Gale and Rain had been waiting for him.

"You're here, Boss," Rain said with a smile on her face.

Thinking that the impostor Bianca was willing to speak to Luke, they would be able to find out more information

about the Island of Despair and rescue the real Bianca.

"Why did she suddenly change her mind?" Luke asked as he walked toward the living room.

"I don't know. Gale was interrogating her when she suddenly said that she wanted to meet you," Rain replied.

Luke went down the stairs and into the basement. When he opened the door, he was greeted by the pungent

stench of blood.

"Turn on the ventilation," Luke frowned and said.

"It's already on, Boss. It stinks a little here, but there's nothing we can do about it. You'll just have to get used to it,"

Rain said as she turned on the light. Luke saw the impostor Bianca lying on the bed, half-dead.

Luke felt revolted by the stench in the room, but he went inside anyway.

Bianca opened her eyes weakly. Her eyes flashed with hatred when she saw the man. Even though she was an

impostor, he should not have treated her like that. After all, she was his wife for three years!

She wanted to escape, but she could not. There was no way for her to die either.

"What do you want to tell me?" Luke said. He remained six feet away from her, and he showed no sympathy toward

the wounds on her body.

"If you've been keeping quiet all this while, you might as well remain quiet. The tattoo on your back has told us

everything we need to know. You'd better speak up if you don't want to suffer," Rain warned her.

Gale tugged Rain's hand, indicating that she should keep quiet.

Rain pouted. She hated the way that woman wasted everyone's time.