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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle

Chapter 1113
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Chapter 1113

Chapter 1113 Ivana

"I had a nightmare last night! Dad, please accompanyto sleep." Tommy did not dare to tell Luke the real reason, so he pestered him.

Even if the woman in their hwho claimed to be their mother looked like their mother, Tommy refused to admit that she was his mother.

It was because he knew their mother was not like this.

Their mother must still be somewhere and could not chyet, but he was confident that she would be back eventually.

"Okay." Luke nodded and agreed. Even though he knew Tommy’s true intentions, he still went along with him.

Tommy smiled and winked at Lanie and Rainie. He was happy that he was able to protect his father's innocence once again.

Lanie and Rainie exchanged glances. They thought that their brother was nimble-witted!

After he sent the children to school, Luke drove to the hospital.

Johann had arranged a male psychologist for him. He sat on the sofa and told the doctor about his problems.

After listening to what Luke shared, the doctor got the general gist of things and asked, "Mr. Crawford, has this happened with other women?" "Except for my wife, I feel sick when I’m touched by other women," Luke answered truthfully.

He did not want to see Bianca aggrieved, but he was inexplicably resistant to her touch. Hence, he could not wait to recover and fulfill his duty as her husband.

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"In that case..." The doctor pondered on it for a while. Everyone in A City knew what had happened to Luke's wife. The doctor cautiously said, "Mr. Crawford, whatever comes next is helpful for your treatment. I hope you can look into your heart and answertruthfully so I can understand why you're feeling resistant against your wife."

"Okay." Luke nodded.

"Does what happened to her bother you?" the doctor worded his question vaguely.

Luke understood what he meant and pondered for a moment.

Did he think that Bianca was dirty because she had been touched by other men? It did not seem to be the case, so he shook his head and said, "What happened to my wife was not by her choice. I know she's not such a woman, so I don't mind."

The doctor frowned and saw how sincere Luke was when he answered his question. It did not seem like he was lying.

He said, "Okay. The resistance you feel every tyour wife makes this request, does it feel the same as when other women touch you?" "It's the same," Luke replied immediately. He had always felt this way since Bianca's return.

Even when Bianca leaned in his arms, he wanted to push her away.

The doctor was a little confused. It seemed to him that Luke was resisting Bianca purely because he was germaphobic, not because of what had happened to Bianca.

It was the sreason why he resisted the touch of other women.

"Mr. Crawford, I think that subconsciously, you don't think she's your wife because of her change in temperament. As such, you're resisting her," he explained.

Luke frowned in confusion. He did not mind what had happened to Bianca at all. It appeared he could not accept her because he felt that the person in front of him was not the Bianca he knew.

"What should I do?" Luke asked.

The doctor helplessly shook his head and said, "You have to make the breakthrough yourself. Taking medicine won't help you. The effects of counseling are limited too. The situation will only gradually improve if you truly accept your wife's changes."

Luke nodded and seemed to understand what it meant.

He found the root cause but did not feel relieved.

In the past two years, he seemed to have accepted Bianca's change in temperament but he still felt antipathy.

'What should I do to accept the changes in her?'

Luke was not sure how to approach the matter.

After he left the hospital, he immediately headed to T Corporation. When he arrived at the office, a notification sounded from his phone. It was a text from Bianca.

She was complaining about the servants gossiping about her and also Old Master Crawford throwing his temper at her early in the morning.

Luke did not reply immediately. He was perplexed, so he put his phone down.

Jason knocked on the door of his office. He walked in straight as the door was not closed. He said, "Boss, the pharmaceutical professors scheduled to be interviewed today are already waiting downstairs." "HI head down right away," Luke said. He glanced at the phone and decided not to reply to Bianca.

He would receive texts similar to that every day. Bianca was not satisfied with her life in Crawford Manor and would complain to him endlessly.

In the beginning, he was patient and did his best to calm her down. However, after so long, he was numb to it.

Luke felt that he should not react as such and be more considerate of Bianca. 'She lost her memory and must feel extra sensitive. Maybe that's why she has so many negative thoughts.'

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However, even with such a mindset, he still could not extend the understanding he had with her previously.

Luke put on his jacket, muted his phone, and put it in his pocket. Hethen went downstairs with Jason.

T Corporation had decided to enter the pharmaceutical industry. After completing the preliminary work, the first thing they did was recruit talents. The people they were interviewing today were important. They would serve as the future developers of the pharmaceutical company.

Jason passed the documents that had information of all the applicants to Luke.

Luke walked into the elevator and flipped through it at random. He thought that the professors would all be male, but he was stunned when he saw a female face.

When Jason saw him staring at the page, he explained, "She just returned from Russia. Although she looks young, her resis more interesting than the other professors'." "That doesn't mean she has a

rich experience. What our company wants is someone who sees and manages the big picture. At the stime, we need people who can develop drugs that are more effective than competitor products that are currently in the market." Luke closed the folder and ignored the surprise he felt.

He did not think about why he had such a weird feeling when he saw this woman's photo.

Luke and Jason walked into the conference room and conducted the interviews with several employees from Human Resources.

A pharmaceutical professor walked in, introduced themselves, and then introduced their new products and future R&D proposals. All the other candidates did the same.

They all boasted about themselves as though they were the best candidate.

Luke was a little bored with the endless rambling and self-promotion.

Anyone who had been in the pharmaceutical industry for a few years could say those sthings.

Jason put the last resin front of Luke and said in a soft voice, "Boss, this is the last one."

Luke looked down and saw Ivana, the only woman in the group of applicants.

"Let her in." He stared at the photo, his voice a little hoarse.