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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle

Chapter 739
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Chapter 739

Chapter 739 Luke's Unquestionable Order

Bianca was on the road, driving. When she was waiting at the red light, she was thinking about what Bridget had said.

Bridget had asked, "Bianca, you've always been talented in design and you're extremely intelligent. Why would you ever settle to be an ordinary housewife?

"Didn't you use to dream of being the best architect in the world? You know how humans are. Once they get into a comfortable environment for a long time, it’s easy to fall into complacency. They’d still be okay if they had strong self-control and restraint. Otherwise, they would just be content with their lives and not do anything to better themselves.

"Bianca, I think that with the talent you have, whether it's your natural talent or what you've refined throughout the years, it’s more than enough for you to start your own company. You should give it a try because we should use our twhile we’re still young to work hard. Otherwise, we'd only regret it if we wait until we're too old."

The truth was, Bianca had never intended to be a housewife.

However, in the past few days when she was at htaking care of her grandpa, her kids, reading books during her free time, tending to her garden ... This was a relaxing and cozy life.

To be honest, she quite enjoyed such a life.

Her elders were in good health, her babies were smart and clever, and her husband doted on her.

Bianca even thought that it would be a good idea to live like that for the rest of her life.

Unknowingly, after living a comfortable life, she had indeed becsomewhat complacent without realizing it.

Bridget's words woke Bianca up and made her realize that she had fallen into such a terrible state of complacency.

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It was not that Bianca had not thought of starting her own company.

However, starting a company required operating capital, strong management, staff recruitment, and so on. She needed the human resources, the capital, and the enterprise assets. It was a laborious and tiring task. She did not have any other qualifications other than her design skills.

When she was the interim CEO of T Corporation, she had endless business duties, meetings, and errands every day, which made her incredibly busy and exhausted. However, when she saw the company's performance climbing upward under her leadership, there was also a touch of pride in Bianca's heart that words could not explain.

Bianca rolled down the window and looked at the endless crowd of people at the pedestrian crossing. She watched the groups of people coming from both sides of the road and suddenly remembered a song.

I've taken every hard step throughout the way, but I'm still going. I’m still going, regardless of the height.

'The sound of the wind in my ears is like a song of inspiration, tellingto try my best and take every step that I can take.

'I’ve traveled through countless rugged terrains, but I’m still going. That way, I can know how high I can go...'

Bianca thought of that and remembered that she was still in her prime.

Indeed, she should go all out and work harder while she was still young.

That way, she could have the ability and money to comfortably live in her later years.

After all, it was feasible to start a company.

Bianca decided to go back and discuss it with Luke. With his experience, she would ask him for advice on how to start a company.

Since Leia had been taken away by the police, Bianca knew that her parents must be busy with her matters.

That was why she decided to go back to Norman residence first.

Although she had never liked Leia, Bianca still called her mother to ask how Leia was doing since Bianca was her elder sister by name. "Mom, is Leia okay?"

Queenie sounded tired. "It’s nothing serious, Bea. Dad and I are a bit busy right now, so I can’t come over to meet you. Go ahead and take Tommy back to your place. When we're free after a couple of days, we'll pay you a visit at your place."

Bianca's heart tightened for a while and she suddenly had a bad feeling." Mom, did Leia actually touch that...”

At the other end of the phone, Queenie did not say anything for a long time.

Bianca even thought the call was cut off when her mother suddenly said," Don’t worry about her. Dad and I will take care of it, Bea. I have something to do, so I’ll hang up now." "Mom, Mom..."

Bianca wanted to say something else, but a beeping tone cfrom the phone. Queenie had already hung up on the other side.

She did not want to give up and tried to call her father, Jack. However, his phone was turned off, which worried Bianca even more.

In the end, she could not take it anymore and called Luke.

The phone rang for a few seconds before the call was answered. The man’s low and magnetic voice cthrough. "Darling?" "Luke, I..."

Before Bianca could finish her sentence, the red light turned green and there was an urgent and incredibly loud honk from behind.

Bianca immediately stepped on the gas to go forward when she suddenly saw an old man walking across the road even though it was a red light for pedestrians.

She was so shocked that she slammed the brakes and the tires rubbed against the tarmac, making a sharp sound.

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Due to the inertia, Bianca's entire body dived forward before she was pulled back into the seat by her seat belt.

The old man crossed the road unharmed but did not even show her a grateful smile.

Luke's ears were sharp and he heard the commotion. His anxious voice sounded. "Are you outside? What happened?"

The car behind her kept on honking and honking.

Bianca was lying on the steering wheel, seemingly not hearing the noise.

It was as if her body had been drained of all strength. After a short while, she finally cback to her senses and answered Luke, "I'm fine. My senior from college last taskedout for tea today and I almost hit someone with my car on the way back... Luckily, nothing happened. What a scare it was!"

Bianca heard snoise on the other end of the phone as if something had hit the table heavily.

She was in a daze and also seemed to hear an unbearable, muffled grunt.

After that sounded Luke's stern voice. "I'm glad you're okay. Where are you now? Sendyour location and I’ll get the driver to pick you up. No matter where you go in the future, you're not allowed to drive yourself. Just let the driver take you. Otherwise, don't even think about going out!”

His tone sounded as if there was no room for negotiation!

"I know. I’ll make sure to get a driver to drivewhen I go out in the future, but I'm almost hnow, so don't bother getting the driver to pickup. By the way, Leia was arrested by the police today on suspicion of drug use. Is this your doing? Is she really doing drugs?" Bianca knew that Luke was just looking out for her, so she did not take his words to heart. She just replied to him perfunctorily and changed the subject.

Luke gave a faint hum and did not explain too much. He only said, "Just focus on your driving for now and pay attention to the road. It’s not convenient forto tell you about it now, so I’ll explain to you when I get home. As for Leia’s drug use and possession, it’s real. The police have arrested her for investigation, so it isn’t a false accusation."

After hanging up the phone, Bianca was a bit perturbed.

Luke was the one responsible for exposing Leia's drug use.

If Leia was really taking drugs, Mom and Dad would be devastated if they found out the truth. Bianca thought to herself, 'So are they busy right now because they’re trying to find a way out for her?'

When Bianca guessed that it was a possibility, she could not help but feel even deeper resentment toward Leia.

Her parents had been honest and upright all their lives. No matter what they did, they were dignified and would never use their connections for anything. If they made an exception because of Leia, they would hate themselves forever, right?