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Ultraman - Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 164: The Frightening Changes under the Blood Moon (11)
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Chapter 164 The Frightening Changes under the Blood Moon (11)

Was Du Yuan’s fighting skill lacking? Absolutely not. He had police background after all, he absolutely couldn’t be compared with ordinary people, not to mention having the buff from being a vampire.

However, it was Jiang Xue he was facing right now. She was the person that Jiang Qi thought was equal to Leo in his mind.

(TN : !!!∑(O□O) )

The wound in his mouth started to heal. He wobbly stood up. This was the body of the vampire after all, this kind of wound could be easily healed.

“Bastard! You…….”

Du Yuan became enraged. The long sharp teeth protruded from his mouth. His pupils also happened to change.


Seeing Du Yuan getting ready, Jiang Xue shook her head and softly spoke.


Du Yuan turned into shadow and pounced at Jiang Xue. Jiang Xue quickly dodged sideways, causing Du Yuan to pounced on empty air.


Du Yuan lifted his claws and grabbed toward Jiang Xue, but was kicked away by her kick. Another of his claw was also kicked away by another of Jiang Xue’s kick.

Jiang Xue quickly swung her hand and punched at Du Yuan’s stomach. Du Yuan held his stomach and moved back.

Jiang Xue followed and kicked at Du Yuan’s head, but unexpectedly, Du Yuan actually blocked it.

Du Yuan turned his hand over and caught Jiang Xue’s foot. He was about to throw Jiang Xue away when Jiang Xue’s body soared into the air and her another foot landed on Du Yuan’s head.

Being received a heavy hit on the head, Du Yuan subconsciously released Jiang Xue’s foot and his body almost fell down.

I won’t show mercy this time!

Jiang Xue’s eyes sharpened. She charged at Du Yuan’s chest.

Iron Mountain Lean——

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

(TN : (铁山靠). It is a move in Ba Ji Quan “Eight Extremes Fist” – Martial Art. Here’s the pic)

Du Yuan felt as if he was hit by a train. His body flew away.

Without waiting for Du Yuan to completely fly away, Jiang Xue seized Du Yuan’s hand and pulled him to his side. Du Yuan’s body was then dragged back.

Du Yuan wanted to struggle, but Jiang Xue’s hand was like a plier, he actually couldn’t break free.

Jiang Xue twisted Du Yuan’s hand. Her right leg stored up power, then kicked at Du Yuan’s bone joint.


With a crisp sound, Du Yuan’s arm twisted in an inconceivable angle.


Du Yuan cried out. Although vampire could heal wounds, but that didn’t mean they cannot feel pain.

Grabbing that hand, Jiang Xue punched out. With the sound of ripping through the air, she directly punched at Du Yuan’s ribcage.


Immediately, Jiang Xue flung Du Yuan to the ground. Du Yuan raised his another hand and swiped at Jiang Xue, but she caught it.

Seeing Jiang Xue’s expression, Du Yuan’s heart thumped. Jiang Xue grabbed that hand, while her another hand clenched and hit upon bone joint.



Du Yuan felt an unbearable pain. Although he was an vampire, he could still feel pain. And his healing power also wasn’t that strong. He would need about 2-3 hours to completely heal these injuries.

After breaking both of Du Yuan’s hands, Jiang Xue still seemed to think that wasn’t enough.

She kneed on Du Yuan’s chest. Even Jiang Xue could distinctly hear the sound of fracture come from Du Yuan’s chest.

Raising her fist, Jiang Xue smashed down on Du Yuan’s leg. Du Yuan endured the pain and lifted his left leg high, intending to kick Jiang Xue off him.

But, unexpectedly, Jiang Xue actually used this opportunity to grabbed that leg, then twisted it.


(TN : honestly, I don’t think even Jiang Qi ‘MC’ can perform any better than hers)

The scene was almost like Du Yuan handed her his leg to break it.


Du Yuan gasped coarsely and closed his eyes waiting for death. He currently didn’t have any strength left to resist. Aside from waiting for death, there was no any other means.

Who told him to come here testing her strength? He also absolutely never expected that Jiang Liu’s daughter was this……

(TN : me neither, bro)

Jiang Xue looked at the closing eyes Du Yuan, then stood up. She kicked at Du Yuan’s waist. Not only this kick kicked him away, it also broke his waist.

With this, within a short period of time, Du Yuan wouldn’t be able to stood up again.

“You’re not going to kill me?”

Du Yuan endured the pain and waited for a while, but he realized that nothing happened to him. He opened his eyes and saw Jiang Xue sitting before him. He couldn’t help but asked.

“That’s for the laws to decide.”

Jiang Xue lowered her head and clenched her fists, the blue veins bursting out. With her gentle character, even after Chen Lin’s death, she still didn’t display much of angry expression.

But for how much she want to revenge for Chen Lin in the end, only Jiang Xue knew clearly in her heart.

It was really too much! To not be able to kill him with her own hand.

Hearing her words, Du Yuan slowly closed his eyes.


Suddenly, the door was opened, Jiang Xue cautiously looked over, result in becoming stunned.


The one who entered was Jiang Liu. Seeing him safe and sound, Jiang Xue relaxed and asked : “Father, are you alright?”

“I’m fine.”

Jiang Liu waved his hand. Seeing Du Yuan’s bewilder eyes, he smiled and said : “You have many questions in your mind, right?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“You were clearly hypnotized by me, how——“

Du Yuan pointed at Jiang Liu with eyes filled with shock.

“Your information, Chen Lin told me about it before.”

Jiang Liu pushed his wheelchair and said to Du Yuan on the floor : “Doctorates in Psychology, capable of using hypnotism to solve many cases.”

“But did you know? The Psychology textbook that you had used was written by me.”

(TN : What a family)

Jiang Liu spoke, making Du Yuan’s heart tremble.

“I undoubtedly hypnotized you. There’s no mistake…….”

Du Yuan shook his head, not believe in Jiang Liu’s words.

“You are genius and really manage to hypnotized me.”

Jiang Liu’s words made Du Yuan to look at him. He smiled and said : “However your received answer was a fake.”

“What’s that mean?”

Hearing his words, Du Yuan looked at Jiang Liu in confused. Since he was hypnotized, why did he get a wrong answer?

“Because before I went to you, I had hypnotized myself first.”

With these words, Du Yuan’s brain snapped. If not because he was disabled by Jiang Xue, he would pounced at Jiang Liu.

“I tampered with the answers of the questions you might ask, then be intentionally hypnotized by you.”

“What you get are merely the faked truths.”

Jiang Liu looked at Du Yuan whose expression became dark, and slowly said : “The objective is for the current situation.”

“She is not Zero…….”

Du Yuan looked at Jiang Xue who was standing beside Jiang Liu, closed his eyes and suddenly smiled.


Du Yuan lied on the floor shaking his head, his expression was complicate.

“One wrong move, and the whole game is lost