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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 105
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Chapter: 105

After stalling for a while, Ariana finally went downstairs and hailed a taxi. She had no choice but to go

to the activity site Donna mentioned. @

It was not until Ariana arrived at the scene that she realized it was a new product launch for a fashion


The place was swarmed with fans crowding the door in the wind and snow, and Ariana could see why;

the spot was littered with various celebrities.

Ariana patted the snow off of her shoulders and gazed at the building. As soon as she squeezed past

the fans and entered the hall, she was met by a large personal photo of Brielle in the corner.

Judging from the photo, it seemed she was invited to be an image ambassador for the brand.

Although being an ambassador was not as significant as being a spokesperson, it was still a rare

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opportunity for Brielle, who had only just started her career in the entertainment industry.

After all, the other eight ambassadors for the brand were popular stars.

Ariana was about to mull over this more, but one of Brielle’s subordinates interrupted her thoughts by

calling her into the waiting area.

Ariana bit her lip. She was reluctant, but she knew she couldn’t just leave now. She guessed it must

have been Brielle who asked Donna to arrange this.

There were already many celebrities in the waiting area. Brielle monopolized a large area alone, and

there was also a special place for her things.

Some stars shared the same place, but all of them looked unsurprised to Brielle occupying a larger

area of her own. After all, Brielle had a strong background to support her and was a rising new star. It

was natural for a sponsor to treat someone like her better.

As soon as Brielle laid her eyes on Ariana, an onslaught of orders left her mouth. She ordered Ariana

to do various chores and even tossed her coat at her for her to carry.

Brielle had a few other assistants that could have helped out, but she didn’t ask any of them to do it.

Ariana didn’t want to quarrel with Brielle in public, so she obeyed Brielle’s ruthlessness and endured it

for the time being.

“This water is cold. Go get me another one.”

Brielle was slumped leisurely in a chair, dressed in a gorgeous dress and styled hair. She scrolled

through her phone with a bored expression, not even bothering to look up at Ariana, and continuously

bossed her around arrogantly.

Ariana had just poured her the glass of water three minutes ago.

But Brielle was insisting it was cold without even touching the glass, let alone taking a sip. Ariana

glared at her. Brielle was deliberately causing trouble.

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Ariana took a deep breath, resisting the urge to grab the glass and dump the water on Brielle’s face.

She quietly turned and changed the water for Brielle.

At this moment, a noise sounded from the door.

It was Bowman. He entered confidently. As the spokesperson for the region, he had a higher profile

than anyone else at present.

Brielle immediately stood up when she saw him and approached him with a gracious smile on her

pretty face.

When she saw this, Ariana suddenly understood that it must have been Bownan who helped Brielle get

the position of brand ambassador .

Soon the press conference began, and the crowd outside began bustling. The stars that were milling

around in the waiting room began preparing themselves and took off their heavy winter coats, revealing

their exquisite attire inside. They were all ready for the catwalk.